For me, it's those people that get so "triggered" when someone points weird sh!t out in their fave manwha. Like it could be someone commenting on the strong pedophiliatic themes, or like the several instances of r@pe. But these mf be like "ya'll wanna comment on everything
Stop itttt, I thought this was supposed to be taken down so the author didn't get mad. Watch me get my hopes up and try to read it right after they take it down
Something about this having the shounen ai tag just feels wrong... Like mans is in 5th grade, let's just call this a slice of life mate. Also y'alls inner pedo is showing in these comment, stop wishing for the boy to grow up just so he can get railed... It's f%cking weird.
Um, so is it dropped orrrrr? Cuz I've been waiting for chap 7 for YEARS
Yaoi/smut in general with praise kink pleaseeee
Wait... y'all saying Tae-seung in 29.... How TF did I get 23
Not another injury leave this crippled man ALONEEEE. Like watch Taesung give this man about 2.4 seconds to rest and then back to FWOP CITY