Sarutobi answered question about let's be positive
These are my two most disliked comments. One of them was about me feeling uncomfortable with a shota manga being categorized as "shounen ai" bc it literally had a kid in it. And another was me feeling uncomfortable with how the topic of s@ was handled in a bl.
Sarutobi created a topic of Plaything

I get that it's just a manwha and not real life, but some of y'all trying too hard to defend the incest storyline. Like just let people criticize incest and move on. It literally doesn't affect y'all at all. Incest is gross, period. Not saying that's the only takeaway from this manhwa, but still.

Sarutobi asked a question

Plz give me some yaoi/yuri with skraight up smut. I'm bored and it's late, ion need plot

Sarutobi created a topic of Love for Sale

Bruh, this couple is too wholesome. Like their conversation flows so comfortably, I literally can't imagine them having a relationship damaging misunderstanding. In conclusion, #goals.

Sarutobi asked a question

Ok, this is kinda specifc, but I'm looking for a yuri/smut/yaoi manwha where the smex is accidental. Like not non consenual, just ur run of the mill "omg I fell onto..." I have a manwha that kinda has that trope as a reference, but I'm uncomfy with the characters so I won't add it.

Sarutobi answered question about question
I'm sick of this discourse being brought to the most useless places. Like what will the opinions of teens on an illegal manga website rlly do for u? Atp use them if you want, or don't. End of the conversation.
Sarutobi answered question about question
Yeo, stop sharing things... like have y'all ever looked at the sh!t you post on an ILLEGAL manga website and felt shame in your heart?? Some things just don't need to be said, esp here.
Sarutobi created a topic of Full volume

I have a feeling the next chapter is going to be the "omg he saved me from being literally assulted, instead of taking a second to recover, I am going to immediately have s3x" trope...

Sarutobi answered question about question
Hashirama literally makes me want to cry. He is too f#cken cute, and his lil gloomy personality is too. He's hands down best character in Naruto, and if you don't agree, drop the addy so we can fight.
Sarutobi answered question about cry after an anime or manga
FR, ion even wanna watch boruto because of this. The thing is, even thought I literally despise Hinata's character, I lowkey get why they decided to have Naruto and Hinata get together. Because they had been building up the relationship from the beginning of the show. But Sakura and Sasuke had literally no reason to get married. Like realistically,......
Sarutobi created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

I'm sorry, but that "i'll be ur puppy but u be my doggy" sh!t had be DYING. Like what in the middle school relationship

Sarutobi answered question about question
F#cking finally lmao. That heaux would not EVER shut the f#ck up. Like I know it was probs a troll account, but still...
Sarutobi answered question about question
Cracker, mayo monkey, pink skin, raw chicken, snow bunny, neanderthal, cornstarch cruncher, karen, discharge donkey, colonizer, snow possum, yeast yedi, snow roach, flour sniffer, sour cream salamander, chalk child, seminal socerer, culture vulture, ranch rat, melanin deficient goblin, vanilla gorilla, casper, bleach bather, tounge crust, dandruff ......
Sarutobi created a topic of ENNEAD

So ur telling me, this heaux really sat back and watched her husband devestate egypt. Just cuz she was ashamed of herself..... B1TCH GET OVER URSELF

Btw I'm not saying that whatever Seth has done is entirely her fault. I don't think Seth did that sh1t because of what she did anyway.

Sarutobi created a topic of Form of Sympathy

Bruh Yuri lowkey funny as hell Like the way he can just say or do the meanest sh1t with a lil innocent face on is f3cken hilarious, idc. I just wish he would stop skressing my bae Jiri out

Sarutobi answered question about question
Any shotacon one... ion even have to explain myself on that one. Warehouse, because it was literally the most traumatizing shyte i've ever seen Obey me, bc it didn't even deserve to be called a "bl." Putting aside the literal psycho they tried to pass off as hot, the mc literally got with a girl at the end of the story so...
Sarutobi answered question about make a picrew
I'm crine at how inclusive this is
Sarutobi answered question about be a dumb bitch
Mayne I hate being in the same generation as weirdos like you. Talking 'bout some "gen z soft" when I'm assuming you are apart of gen z (if ur a millenial hating on literal teens ur weird). Listen, you might not like or agree with somethings that genz says or does. But the reality of the situation is that you don't f#cking know everybody... all u......
Sarutobi answered question about read wattpad bxb stories
No, tbh I just read them for entertainment purposes only. Everyone on this site fake
Sarutobi answered question about lmao
Nah cuz I hate when people have the mentality that "men are animals." Like no matter how many act up, that shouldn't be the standard... like men who act that way are sh!tty and I don't get why people are making this the norm