Sarutobi July 8, 2021 6:37 am

I get that it's just a manwha and not real life, but some of y'all trying too hard to defend the incest storyline. Like just let people criticize incest and move on. It literally doesn't affect y'all at all. Incest is gross, period. Not saying that's the only takeaway from this manhwa, but still.

Sarutobi July 4, 2021 6:31 am

Bruh, this couple is too wholesome. Like their conversation flows so comfortably, I literally can't imagine them having a relationship damaging misunderstanding. In conclusion, #goals.

Sarutobi May 30, 2021 2:10 am

I have a feeling the next chapter is going to be the "omg he saved me from being literally assulted, instead of taking a second to recover, I am going to immediately have s3x" trope...

    starflea May 30, 2021 2:47 am

    lmao yess

    Kazenami May 30, 2021 3:43 am

    Ikr but it better be like that because I feel like they won't move unless something like this happen

    misaki May 30, 2021 7:32 am

    I agree but I hope it doesn't happen! If they make this strong, buff boi the damsel in distress just to move the plot imma be so mad lol.

    starflea May 30, 2021 8:07 am
    I agree but I hope it doesn't happen! If they make this strong, buff boi the damsel in distress just to move the plot imma be so mad lol. misaki

    ohh trueee he looks strong enough to save himself

    Kazenami May 31, 2021 11:23 am
    I agree but I hope it doesn't happen! If they make this strong, buff boi the damsel in distress just to move the plot imma be so mad lol. misaki

    Oh you're right! Hahahahshdh It will be more fun if he settle it himself

Sarutobi May 15, 2021 3:28 am

I'm sorry, but that "i'll be ur puppy but u be my doggy" sh!t had be DYING. Like what in the middle school relationship

    Winn May 15, 2021 3:50 am


    yeppo_ May 16, 2021 4:17 am


Sarutobi May 15, 2021 2:57 am

So ur telling me, this heaux really sat back and watched her husband devestate egypt. Just cuz she was ashamed of herself..... B1TCH GET OVER URSELF

Btw I'm not saying that whatever Seth has done is entirely her fault. I don't think Seth did that sh1t because of what she did anyway.

    Jayjay May 15, 2021 3:10 am

    You're not wrong, because at least by what the story's stated so far, the reason Seth went crazy is explained in chapter 35, and the reason he destroyed the souls of SOME of the humans he killed was said (in chapter 39 and others) to be that he did it to make himself a cursed weapon capable of harming even an undead god like Osiris (he was preparing for the possibility that they'd meet again).

Sarutobi April 21, 2021 4:41 am

Bruh Yuri lowkey funny as hell Like the way he can just say or do the meanest sh1t with a lil innocent face on is f3cken hilarious, idc. I just wish he would stop skressing my bae Jiri out

Sarutobi April 17, 2021 6:25 am

Ayo when this coming backkkk

Sarutobi April 17, 2021 6:22 am

Mayne.... why'd he have to get physical like that Like i get that ch0king can be a k!nk, but I feel like a couple things weren't clarified enough in terms of consent. Now people gon have a valid reason to hate on my baby Taesung

    fujoshiya April 17, 2021 6:32 am

    Lol same.

    gasha26 April 17, 2021 10:27 am

    thereā€™s plenty of reasons to hate taesung lol...

    Sarutobi April 18, 2021 7:32 am
    thereā€™s plenty of reasons to hate taesung lol... gasha26

    Listen... Maybe... but now it's like outwardly valid

Sarutobi April 13, 2021 4:32 am

So... they not going to address how he literally just got s#xually assulted... Like wtf I feel like all the characters are just glazing over that. No offense but DROPPED. Not only do I dislike the author casually just bringing up r@pe then moving on, I can't take another love triangle

    Fuggy April 13, 2021 6:48 am

    Iā€™m dropping it too but for different reasons. Things are moving so fast, and the author never heard of ā€œshow DONT tellā€ so much exposition in one chapter! We went from him being extremely antsy and supposedly straight to him going to a sex store without an explanation until a chapter was so rushed and it JUST STARTED. Dropped.

    BlueBird April 13, 2021 10:36 am

    You do realise that this is based in South Korea right. I'm sure their social norms are much different from what you'd expect. They barely address rape when it happens to a woman. If this is a depiction of their reality then it CERTAINLY won't address rape for men. Always remember where the place is set in. But you do you.

    ayaffect April 13, 2021 2:38 pm

    How are they glazing over that when it's the main subject of this story? All of the main character's problems are rooted in that. Its literally about him coping with trauma.

    tea_tae_uwu April 14, 2021 1:09 am

    Um the whole point of those chapters was the MC dealing with his trauma of getting raped. Did we read the same thing?!?! Or can you NOT comprehend the context? The way heā€™s being hyper sexually is DUE to his trauma and his way of coping. The issues with the ā€œpacingā€ may be due to the fact that thereā€™s a timeskip and black flash that you might have not notice.

    Sarutobi April 14, 2021 3:56 am

    Listen, y'all in my comments acting like it's weird for me to drop a story with r@pe... Lemme do what I want, RESPECTFULLY

    Sarutobi April 14, 2021 3:59 am
    How are they glazing over that when it's the main subject of this story? All of the main character's problems are rooted in that. Its literally about him coping with trauma. ayaffect

    First of all I only read the first chapter so idk maybs ur right. But I never said the author was glazing over it, I said the CHARACTERS were.... Like the wife was like "aw... alright." The blue haired guy was like "that's crazy.... anyways do you remember me bestie?" Everyone was just acting weird so I dropped it, lol.

    Sarutobi April 14, 2021 4:03 am
    You do realise that this is based in South Korea right. I'm sure their social norms are much different from what you'd expect. They barely address rape when it happens to a woman. If this is a depiction of thei... BlueBird

    Um, just because it's a social norm doesn't mean it's chill... Like I'm not bashing Korea or whatever, I'm just expressing how I feel about this manwha. Whether it's based in Korea or not, what happened in it was weird to me. As you said, imma do me

    Sarutobi April 14, 2021 4:06 am
    Um the whole point of those chapters was the MC dealing with his trauma of getting raped. Did we read the same thing?!?! Or can you NOT comprehend the context? The way heā€™s being hyper sexually is DUE to his ... tea_tae_uwu

    Did I mention I dropped it??? I literally read the first and maybe second chapter so sorry I don't know the whole plot, lol. All I saw was someone getting s#xually assulted, and then all the people around him lowkey acting like it wasn't that bad... Idk, this plot just doesn't seem worth it for the first traumatizing chapters. But this is in only my opinion so you do whatever you like.

    Sarutobi April 14, 2021 4:08 am
    Iā€™m dropping it too but for different reasons. Things are moving so fast, and the author never heard of ā€œshow DONT tellā€ so much exposition in one chapter! We went from him being extremely antsy and suppo... Fuggy

    FR. Like especially when dealing with a really dicey subject like SA, the readers need some time to process...

    ayaffect April 14, 2021 8:45 am
    First of all I only read the first chapter so idk maybs ur right. But I never said the author was glazing over it, I said the CHARACTERS were.... Like the wife was like "aw... alright." The blue haired guy was ... Sarutobi

    You have every right to drop it but saying that "casually just bringing up r@pe then moving on" is really just not factual - its perfectly ubderstandable to drop it but the reason you provided is just not true and can also deceive other potentional readers. There is nothing casual about this part of the story and there is no moving On. Its not really fair to say that after reading only one chapter. Btw small spoiler but the cop actually didnt know what happened and he apologized for being so chatty later.

    Sarutobi April 17, 2021 6:16 am
    You have every right to drop it but saying that "casually just bringing up r@pe then moving on" is really just not factual - its perfectly ubderstandable to drop it but the reason you provided is just not true ... ayaffect


Sarutobi April 5, 2021 4:31 am

Harada you do too much

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