I'm half way through this and it's making me anxious and very sad bcoz i feel he's not gonna end up with the photographer.. I still don't know how the author is gonna ruin their relationship and make him go back to a toxic one. Every interaction with his brother has bern draining for me
It’s seems like you’re just at the beginning for call him toxic ashitaka
Does he actually redeam himself later ?? So far he's been controlling and very manipulative... also feels like the person to monopolize people around him.
Does he actually redeam himself later ??So far he's been controlling and very manipulative...also feels like the person to monopolize people around him. Amy
You will understand that he don’t have to « redeem himself » He only do that with heasoo because he love him, and he is not manipulative
imo saying stuff like I know how this ends, you're gonna break up with him like everyone before and come back to me, is manipulative. Amy
Their relationship are like that, joowon is like thas because heasoo make him like that, if you just think that joowon is manipulative blah blah just stop reading it’s not for you
will i'm hoping the stroy will change my mind later that's why I'm still reading it it's definitely not for me i hate love triangles to begin with but so many people recommend this to me.
will i'm hoping the stroy will change my mind later that's why I'm still reading itit's definitely not for me i hate love triangles to begin with but so many people recommend this to me. Amy
You can find many comment who explain the character if you need it ! Specially joowon This story is not for everyone
You can read it now, there are notes at the end of each chapter to explain for characters you don’t know or what happen, the translators are very throughout :)!!
You can read it now, there are notes at the end of each chapter to explain for characters you don’t know or what happen, the translators are very throughout :)!! cobrakai1972
finally back to the main couple...