Then suddenly the last few chapters felt so fast as if it was rushed, didn't feel like that to the other previous ones. The ending was also kinda disappointing, since i was expecting a lot based on the older chapters but i guess it's ok since it's a happy ending. I ending I'd want but I didn't expect him to get it so easily, I thout there'd be some spicy plot twist from the system lmfao
And here i thought this was finally getting an update lol
Found this during 2021 and last read was like 2022-ish and this shit still ain't done?? what even is the plot about again why is it this long...
Been a year since my last "been checking up for months, should i get a life" comment and there's still no updates, is this dropped?
I should've just stopped at chapter 10 and after i made my first comment here about the ML's eyebrows</3 WHY DID THE BONGCHOO HAVE TO DIE HUHU he was so cute that he started growing unto me then he gets killed next chapter. Great, just great
The guys eyebrows is pissing me off like it reminds me of another character and i did not like that character plus why is it like naturally bent or what im a couple chapters in lol its kinda funny but still annoys me by a lot
wanna pick this up but the only thing that motivates me to do so because i have nothing else to read but that motivation isn't really helping much for me to actually pick this up but I want to but i kinda don't want to man idk i don't really remember anything that was memorable in this one
Ok this made me fall inlove with reading system based manwhas im eating this shit up alright
trying to let this marinate for awhile, but just can't help myself to check out the latest chapters i hope the next time i check this out it has reacher 100+ chapters or something
man idk i visit this from time to time hoping for an update knowing damn well it has been discontinued
wow i used to be so hyped about this now it's just so-so
I'm dying to know is there really nothing more after this? I looked into webtoon but it's the same oml