Then suddenly the last few chapters felt so fast as if it was rushed, didn't feel like that to the other previous ones. The ending was also kinda disappointing, since i was expecting a lot based on the older chapters but i guess it's ok since it's a happy ending. I ending I'd want but I didn't expect him to get it so easily, I thout there'd be some spicy plot twist from the system lmfao

Found this during 2021 and last read was like 2022-ish and this shit still ain't done?? what even is the plot about again why is it this long...

I stopped at around chapter 1.5k i think? The story was enjoyable so I read it but got busy with life so i didn't pick it up again plus the device where i had it bookmarked got busted. I checked rn it has around 1.7k chapters (chapters were varied in lengths some are long af and some were short esp. fillers)
What the fuck?
I gotta stop reading the recent chapters first before the first one cause i was shocked when I saw the comments about r'pe i was like what?? the 12 was so heartbreaking i never expected that there a more complex shi
Honestly couldn't finish reading chapter 1