Ok so heres some questions i need answered if you know please.
.who is the young master a distant relative,an adopted heir,biological son,or younger sibling who he lives with?
.who exactly is the white haired girl from the story bc in the rumour the duke made ,a white haired woman was the lady who "left" him, is she a lost child of his ,is she an adopted child who resembles his lover,or is she the annoying step sibling play it innocent type i hope not i want them(lottie and white haired. ) to get along as friends or siblings .
.could this be a time loop or travel back in time type of thing bc we dont know who wrote the story that has lottie in it was it her mom did her mom have magic that let her see the future or something,or was it just a story. Could it be a type of loop ig idk

I wont lie i cant Decide if i like kawaki bc when i read manga or watch anime when the story starts focusing a little more on someone thats not the mc it kinda bothers me,
anyways i feel like a time skip or training arc will come soon kinda like in the anime the first ep showed kawaki and boruto fighting and kawaki says hell send boruto where he sent naruto and with him saying "there's still ONE THING i can do" makes me feel like somethings coming up.

No offence to the people who do this but please stop with the shipping slight or not i mainly see people not that many but i know more do shipping ijin with black haired dude or 006 like pls stop this manhwa has no focus on romance rn and not every ship has to be gay

wym not every ship has to be gay. there just aren't any worth girls, so black haired guy it is. it is a bit ridiculous since there's no romance and it's focused on family but you can never get away from the shippers haha. i'm 100% sure if there were a girl with as much chemistry as he has with black haired guy, which there isn't honestly, then there would be people shipping him & said hypothetical girl
Bro the art is so good im simping for insects ,old men,side characters that showed up 1 time,giants,knights ,fucking shadows
I can relate to you rather than real human being, I've taken more liking to the shadows
Ah I wish we could've seen go gung hee in his prime fighting by sjw once.