Bruh byul is an alpha right? But the difference in build between him and siwoo is so drastically different. Byul looks like an omega next to him
With this author I think they kinda did it on purpose too honestly.
Yeah idk what to feel about that
Yeah lol we can only appreciate the story
His BIG BOI friend is the odd one.
The author makes the bottoms rlly twinky
if you compare byul to other students and his friends that are not alphas, he's actually taller than them. It's just that the other Alpha is well.. more bulk and taller.
it's as if he shrinks when he is next to Siwoo. I think is shoulders are wider in some panels and narrower in others
i think so too!
What if instead of youngwon remembering everything, it was hohyun who remembers ヽ(`Д´)ノ
Bruh byul is an alpha right? But the difference in build between him and siwoo is so drastically different. Byul looks like an omega next to him
With this author I think they kinda did it on purpose too honestly.
Yeah idk what to feel about that
Yeah lol we can only appreciate the story
His BIG BOI friend is the odd one.
The author makes the bottoms rlly twinky
if you compare byul to other students and his friends that are not alphas, he's actually taller than them. It's just that the other Alpha is well.. more bulk and taller.
it's as if he shrinks when he is next to Siwoo. I think is shoulders are wider in some panels and narrower in others
i think so too!