omg they’re all so pretty but the emperor bye marry me pls emperor ur so pretty i love u

pickle dj created a topic of A Guy Like You

bro what ur mad at him because he didn’t remember u BRO HE WAS 12 BYEEE I WOULD FORGET TOO

pickle dj created a topic of A Guy Like You

bro what jinha couldve jsut asked to be his friend dude got a magic stone to be extra for no reason

pickle dj created a topic of A Guy Like You

im on chapter 10 and bro what ur crazy bro

pickle dj created a topic of Yours to Claim

jooin end up with cain thanks

pickle dj created a topic of How to Snag an Alpha

omg i dropped this like a while ago and THEY GOT A WHOLE ASS KID? HELP WHAT

pickle dj created a topic of Love Jinx

nah cause who the hell is this boy’s love interest cause it got me fucked up bro and also haejoon super hot thanks

pickle dj created a topic of Your wish is my command

bro what this manhwa is weird

pickle dj created a topic of Shutline

never realized how short shin was compared to jake and now i kinda fw the buzzcut it’s lowkey nice

omg that sunbae dude who stole the scarf is so creepy i don’t wanna read this anymore cause of him i am so disgusted i cannot

pickle dj created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

omg ok so the other friends is HE (the small dude) BEING ABUSED BY HIS ROOMMATE (THE GUY WITH THE GLASSES) idk why cause that one chapter he looked super scared and his eyes looked like he was pleading for help

pickle dj created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

boy don’t be lying creepy ass whore

pickle dj created a topic of My Suha

not mr yoon that man is innocent leave that boy alone

pickle dj created a topic of Yours to Claim

omg yawhi shut the hell up no one cares weirdo and jooin holy crap bro he’s so mean and manipulative towards u why do u still like him cain deserves better

pickle dj created a topic of Yours to Claim

omg the hatred i have for yawhi he needs to shut up

pickle dj created a topic of Walk on Water

first of all chang i hate u fucking loser and i loved this

pickle dj created a topic of Walk on Water

im at the end of ch 31 BRO WHAT ED WHAT THE FUCK

pickle dj created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

boss ur hot but ur weird he don’t like u stop putting ur hands on him and rubbing him literally so gross

pickle dj created a topic of Starlight Scandal

evil grandma what’s ur problem