Becca created a topic of Jinx

Damn....the toxicity and absolute childishness...Mingwa has outdone herself this time

Becca created a topic of That Sexapparition

I think we all know....what the "sex apparition" actually is

Becca created a topic of Define The Relationship

I feel like I have blue balls and I don't even have balls.

Becca created a topic of Topsy-Turvy
Becca created a topic of Duke Richard's Haven
Becca created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Wow. What a death flag. Way to go Seth.

Becca created a topic of Ang Ang
Becca created a topic of High Clear
Becca created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

Thank God for communication!!
"And they lived happily ever after "

Every Tom, Dick and Harry be regressing these days

Becca created a topic of Can't Think Straight
Becca created a topic of Salty Lust

Hmm....that's not creepy or weird at all

He DOESN'T smoke but now he is.
I wonder why.

Becca created a topic of Smyrna & Capri
Becca created a topic of Jinx

This chapter was super hyped online but it's kind of a disappointment. I'm tired of these people treating doc Dan like ship. Jaekyung, heesung, they can all go to literal hell....except potato...potato can stay