brilly brilly answered question about question
idk how unpopular it is but the search engine here is pretty much useless not only you can't use filters to help, it also gives you results that include the words you searched as part of another word? so like, if you're looking for the author of nana and you type 'ai', you're gonna get every single haikyuu doujin on this website bc haikyuu has 'ai'......

the art style is so pretty, and the story so far is lovely as well! a hidden gem of a story if there ever was one

the actual couple is nice and sweet but god the secondary characters in this are so much. like i know it used to be commonplace for the women in yaoi to all be complete assholes but in this one the issue aren't even love rivals, it's the coworker and the mom

i just love a revenge story where the protagonist is actually vengeful <3
"living well is the best revenge" but taken to the extreme, i support women's rights and women's wrongs as well

brilly brilly asked a question

personally i don't mind (as long as you don't remove the old versions) but it can get confusing when you're just scrolling and it suddenly jumps from chapter 80 back to 30 or something lol
also sometimes different groups use different names for characters/concepts which can get Really confusing, especially when some words are kept in the original language in one version but translated in another :?

i really like how balanced this series is?
this subgenre of idol regressor is one of my favorites, so i've read a lot of them lol
usually there's a system in place to help the MC gain the skills necessary (which i'm not complaining about, Debut or Die does this and it's easily one of my favorite webtoons) but Hyun instead uses the skills he gained in his past life and his knowledge of the entertainment business to navigate his quests, and i think that's very smart writing
it's also sweet how there's this through line of him figuring out what he was missing in his past life was human connection, and you see it both with the group and with the orphanage's director. it gives the narrative a lot of heart, imo

brilly brilly asked a question

like, i know plenty of people have already pointed out that 'shounen ai' as a category doesn't really exist in japan and is just code for p*dos to talk about their love for little boys
but here in The West a lot of people insist on using it as a distinct category from regular yaoi, and i Thought the premise for that was that so called shounen ai wouldn't have sex in it
how come there's stuff tagged as shonen ai And smut? like genuinely i want to know, is there a secret second made-up meaning of shounen ai i'm not aware of?

brilly brilly answered question about question
i guess the short answer is that both manga and stuff like western tv shows, movies, etc do that to appeal to their target audience of teens. like yeah it feels weird when you consider it from that perspective, but at the end of the day mangaka are making the stories for a specific audience bc it's their job. i used to hang out a lot in forums back......

this manga is so good i legit always get giddy when it updates
anw i appreciate that the author is taking their time to show how things are falling apart on the loser side. idk if you guys read that one about the villainess who has 24 hours to remove all the death flags (if you haven't and you want to check it out, cw for sexual assault of a secondary character in one chapter) but it was frustrating to me that a lot of the buildup felt like it lead nowhere? with remilia, you can see the consequences of her actions already piling up from the beginning, with people defecting to her side, piƱa colada not getting access to her cheats anymore, etc

i feel like this story is a bit of a waste of its premise tbh :/
the concept of a girl having to find the real male lead in a setting with several of them is pretty fun, but the actual plot being a stock standard "she's the gods' chosen one and the most special girl in the universe of the story" ends up detracting from that goal a bit too much imo
the art is really nice and it's a really good, high quality upload, but i do wish the story spent less time on the light of ruganet plot and more time on the 'too many male leads' aspect...

"i will never forget this humiliation" my brother in not-christ YOU were the one who went to pick a fight with The Only Swordmaster In The Empire

brilly brilly created a topic of Shadow Queen

i started reading this one just bc the art was pretty, but now i see it was axed orz
anw i got as far as chapter 7 but her dad is seriously stupid lol
'oh just accept this outsider's help, what's the worst that can happen?'
*the guy tries to make her a concubine*
'oh i know how to fix this! accept this other outsider's help, what's the worst that can happen?'
like my dude come on

brilly brilly created a topic of Debut or Die

the ads, the editing, the scandals, the sns posts.......
i feel like this author really Gets idol culture
anw rereading the whole series you can see from when they're introduced who will be in the final lineup, right?
i do wonder if that .47 means they'll include an extra member (possibly lee sejin a?) if the shareholders reach a certain requirement or something

bad translation, missing dialogue, blurred out cleavage and legs (???) and this is still rated 9.1/10 lmao
even if you find the story interesting, please get better standards. this upload feels like i'm trying to read a comic thru screenshots on google lens

like the other comments said, what about the clothing line? his musical career? why did it stop so abruptly?
also ngl when this aspiring singer-songwriter had to be TOLD by Some Guy that music can communicate your feelings i sighed out loud. boy you've been writing music for YEARS why did you need to be TOLD that

the translation got so bad halfway through that i was legit checking to see if i had skipped chapters or if some images hadn't loaded. rating this one incomprehensible/10

sometimes a family is you, your gaggle of rescues, and your professional torturer/chef

this is gonna be very negative so skip this comment if that's gonna bother you
referencing chapter 37

"i have to stop acting like a child so i'm going alone to meet someone who's tried to hurt me at least two confirmed times before instead of letting anyone who could keep me safe know about it" god i hate this fucking logic so much it's actually giving me a migraine
i was fine with the story up until that point, it wasn't perfect or anything but it was Fine, but that's just the most stupid thing a grown adult could have done in that situation
the whole thing with the cousin getting casually brushed off is infuriating but this ticked me off more bc i can ignore the side characters but i can't ignore the main one
and seeing that there's only a few chapters left and their relationship has not progressed at all it's like? author you could and Should have used this time to develop the MAIN COUPLE instead of making one act like he got a lobotomy in between chapters