NoubsiBaby's feed

if you can't stomach pilgyun calling nanmu "dad" then just drop this manhwa? instead of coming here in the comments to complain how it "disgusts you", just dont read? nobody is forcing you to read it. and this is a fictional work, stop preaching about morality and ethics here. and if you lack reading comprehension, they're not biologically or legally related. i like to think pilgyun's addressing nanmu as his father out of his respect and love for him. he grew up without a father and saw solace in nanmu. but pilgyun never really saw nanmu as his father. rather, pilgyun desires nanmu as his lover. i can understand why you would stop reading it if it's not your cup of tea. but pls stop whining and forcing yourself to read. because some of us enjoy this series and just wants to read positive comments here. thanks.