animeweirdo created a topic of Jinx

he’s so annoying I swear. He just wanted to do a nice thing for you. UGHHH dan please dims someone better and don’t waste ur time on some petty rude mf. He deserves better, anyways I know they end up together but like.. character development needs to happen now lol

I heard spoilers and I heard that nakyum dies near the end and seungho cries for the him, which is crazy since he has known as a man whk does not shed tears. IS THIS FKKIN TRUE?? if it is, I will not reread to finish. please someone tell me they actually get a happy ever after.

animeweirdo created a topic of Yours to Claim

better not be them working together in the company then they get back together or something depressing happens. then jooin goes abroad and then again meets Cain, then shit goes down. I swear. should’ve just ended the story last chapter. But I hope jooin and yahwi r endgame LOL

animeweirdo created a topic of BJ alex

Reread from 2020, I still love it sooo much. Not my first read. My first yaoi was SIGN. I am prob gonna reread that too.


When will this be updated

animeweirdo created a topic of Yours to Claim

I feel like it would be better for all of them to just move on and find someone better. I don’t think my heart can handle him choosing one over the other. I think I would’ve been more sad if he ends up with Cain rather than all of them going separate ways. It just hurt me to see how hard Yahwi as been trying for Jooin, esp with his backstory and how Jooin “fixed” him. Honestly, I’d be sad both ways, for Cain too. I also can’t Stan to see Jooin with Yahwi because Cain has such strong feelings, he brought the color back into his life. I HOPE THE AUTHOR DOES NOT DRAG THIS OUT ANYMORE. please leave it as it is.

animeweirdo asked a question

my fav yaoi is cherry blossoms after winter and trapping the foxy doctor, both very wholesome stories. Anything similar to a wholesome nice story and ending? I need to take my mind off of yours to claim ( ̄へ ̄)

animeweirdo like the answer
How come no one mentioned these annoying ass bitches
animeweirdo created a topic of Yours to Claim

from the very beginning, i knew this was a love triangle, excited to see what this story awaits. as the end comes i only ever regret reading this. the unbearable pain it’s causing me. the last few chapters only left me empty, and in tears. why did the author make this story so, painful? throughout the story, we saw yawhi constantly suppress his emotions, only giving back what he was taught. we never saw him cry. until that day, he lost the only thing that made him express his true self. fighting so hard to win back the love he once had, he failed to keep the only light in his life. seeing him cry made my heart shatter. i honestly cried a lot. after all the things yawhi has did to jooin, i still feel a sense of empathy for him. i was rooting for him. in this story, there is no good or bad person. everyone has their struggles and their all finding ways to live with them. in hopes, the author needs to just leave it as this. i don’t think my heart and mind can take another hopeful step, to only then turn into hell. if you’re reading this before starting the story, i tell you, be prepared for the water works because this is one of the most tragic stories i’ve read. it’s right in line with love or hate. you will never see me read another love triangle again.

this will always be my favorite thing i’ve ever read on this site. words can’t describe the comfort it brings me. i have reread this more than 8 times and i always come back to it. i have read countless of manhwas/yaois and this will always be my top one! this one’s a special place in my heart. ╥﹏╥

animeweirdo created a topic of Yours to Claim

bye i remember when this was barley on chapter 1

animeweirdo created a topic of Jinx

did anyone see the characters in the back from bj alex in the backgrounds of some pages? like the coffee place one and outside the drinking area. it seems like the author threw them in for us

animeweirdo created a topic of Pearl Boy

COMMETS!!!L? IVE BEEN WAITIMG SO LONG!! Whenever they get a happy thing it always gets ruined. Can’t the author let our mind rest


why does everyone have to hate like, if u don’t like it then don’t read it. you have no idea how hard it is to get things turned in in time, come up with the story plot, and coming up with new characters. literally, has mommy and daddy ever taught you, “if u don’t have anything nice don’t say it” just because it’s online doesn’t give u a reason to throw shade. yea positive criticism is okay but saying, “this sucked ass” “it’s SO BORING AND BASIC” “the characters ARE HORRIBLE” how do u think that makes the author feel?! ALL THE HARD WORK, LACK OF SLEEP, ETC... just don’t read it if u don’t like it, it’s rlly that simple. nobody is forcing you to read something u don’t want too. :/

animeweirdo created a topic of Pearl Boy

jail, i hate that son of a bitch. leave juha alone HOLY FUCK, he deserves SO MUCH BETTER. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK


i’m so very glad she’s taking a break, she deserves it <3!! also, i love this story and the art is so beyond beautiful, see u guys on the 27th of August !! :) beautiful BEAUTIFUL art and story.

animeweirdo created a topic of How to Snag an Alpha

peridot, he took the chance and got it. i would have done the same for a house lol

animeweirdo created a topic of My one and only cat

who the fuck- ur updates are amazing and take ur time, don’t listen they don’t deserve your time.


this art style is so beautiful i cant get over it >.< i kinda freaked when it showed there whole body’s nakyum looks kinda tall LMHGJ

animeweirdo created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

it’s over the end