I actually hope this setting, with the secret of Yiyi's being grandson to the He's not disclosed and people mistaking him and Lingwei for a couple, will last long hahahaha
I want Jinyao to be jealous and realize his feelings for Yiyi and reflect on himself (so that he can settle the issue with that Wei Qianqian by kicking her ass)
I want that Mr. Yao to be jealous too since I'm curious about him. What he said about Qin Doggy and Jinyao was shady but Lingwei said he's a nice guy sooooo~

Now i'm quite sure Will likes Daath, and I hate everything he does in this chapter regardless of how he feels about Daath
But i'm even more pissed that Daath is hiding the incident from Juda. It's not something you should do after Juda and you have come to terms with each other and you know how much he cares about you

Why do I feel like the guy from the second chapter's not his husband but just some old fuck buddy? I mean the PE teacher even saved him from that guy (or maybe abusive relationship)
And at the end of chapter 3, he was crying so hard. So I was thinking his real husband had probably died...
But idk, this author's known for porn without much plot so haha
Is this great grandpa or grandpa
great grandpa
it's the grandpa, the great grandpa is in the mountain like a sage lol
lol they look too alike then. my mind can't quite understand how rourou's great great grandpa is still alive. someone needs to slip and divulge all these old men's ages