Am I the only one who is interested to read Haesoo's and Mincheol's past? I'm not glorifying Mincheol nor hope that they'll get back together. These backstories are what makes this story feel so real. I mean, it really explains why Haesoo was so hang up with Mincheol. It's not just because he was her husband but because they were each other's halves. Like, literal more than half of their life, they were with each other. They experienced the worst together, the sweet things, the bad things, etc. And I like how these flashbacks furl my anger towards Mincheol.
The only question I have is "Why Mincheol? You literally had everything you need and you can ge t everything you want if you just continued to be the Mincheol Na Haesoo loved"

Someone please give me rawss

u can read the raws here :)
He's abandoning someone who has abandonment issues...
Yep way to fuck him up moreā¦