ok guys hear me out. the guy who was carrying the espresso machine kinda----
holly molly i mean LOOK AT THAT ARM???
apparently, it's hear me out season cuz so many people are doing hear me out cakes. so what's your hear me out? it can be more than one (do add pictures if you can)
apparently, it's hear me out season cuz so many people are doing hear me out cakes. so what's your hear me out? it can be more than one (do add pictures if you can)
There are couples who have so much chemistry you can't deny that they belong together, but there are some that just seem forced. I want y'all to mention some of these couples that would've just been better off as friends. for me, i think, haon and rigon from bad friend, their friendship dynamics seemed to work great and the romance kinda came out ......
There was this one animes-to-lovers manga I read, I don't exactly remember the plot, other than the fact that it was gay and super powers were involved... however, I remember they had to work together to save this girl who cried gemstones- and also that the two dudes were in a locker together at some point. Thought about it recently, want to reread......
in case you guys aren't sad enough ALAN'S LAST SKETCH WHERE HE DREW HAYDEN OK SO HAYDEN NEVER GO TO SEE IT??? what if i kms??