so...i didn't see a parents did.
They were on the highway one late afternoon..they had gone out to work and me and my siblings stayed at home. they were on their way home when they encountered traffic.Now,i don't remember exactly what they told me...but the thing is they saw a large "spaceship" with lights and everything just 2 reply
There is this insect in my room idk what it is but i hear it at night..and i kinda see a little dark mush on my walls..i fear it so i dont harm it..and ive been talking to it even though it can't hear at this point i aint doing anything till it dies...and give it a proper you could say it has helped me A LOT emotionally~ �...... 1 reply
though i wouldn't like defending anyone here
i still think the author went too far
what they are doing is seriously unacceptable.
and for the uploader...idk what to say but its not right either.
1 reply