toilet terrorist created a topic of S&M Pure Love

normal somnophilia where he purposely woke her up jesus christ give this mangaka an award

toilet terrorist created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Chan il is about to crash out CIRRUS LET HIM KNOW YOU GOT A MAN OR SUMN

toilet terrorist created a topic of Love in Orbit

ion like how sihwa is smirking bout it though

toilet terrorist answered question about question
My personal opinion...put them in their respective geriatric homes and jail cells then make me president
toilet terrorist created a topic of Groan

never knew they combined Drake and Leonardo DiCaprio and put the result into a BL someone give this author an award for one of the corniest BLs ive read this year

toilet terrorist answered question about question
I was always a mean kid, it definitely peaked when i was 14 (2019), if i went back in time I'd like to be a kinder person.

this is so good despite the main character being solo leveling type op shit genuinely is interesting

toilet terrorist answered question about question
"play hitting" but its like im in a fucking UFC fight with those strong ass fists of theirs and when i complain im a bitch or overreacting...LIKE WHY ARE YOU WHOOPING MY ASS AND TRYNNA SAY ITS A JOKE ??
toilet terrorist created a topic of Camping

Finally an actual switch couple but then they put in the unnecessarily dick sucking while hes asleep CAN WE STOP WITH THE SOMNOPHILIA EVERYTHING ABOUT TS WAS GOOD EXCEPT THAT  I feel like authors cant help but slip in sexual assault the fuck wrong with these artists man can yall let me be happy

toilet terrorist created a topic of Maria no Danzai

This dude thinks hes a anime main character or sumn

toilet terrorist followed a list
17 days
toilet terrorist followed a list
17 days
toilet terrorist answered question about your opinions
"a piece"? piece??? ONE PIECE!?!? THEEE ONE PIECE IS REAL!!!
toilet terrorist created a topic of Love in Orbit

im gonna choke his bum ass dad out

toilet terrorist created a topic of Milk and Cream

pretty cute but chapter 4 definitely weirded me out with that last scene (i mean does it count as SA if its a dream??) I love this authors work most of the time though and its dope as fuck how much theyve improved their artstyle you can really see it with their perspectives and lighting

I wish this was 1000 chapters longer