Did Yura hyung struggle with his sexual attraction to Jinsung when he was a minor? That must be so hard to go through especially when you know its disgusting to feel that way towards a kid 6 years younger than you. No wonder he ended up with a personality disorder, he was struggling so badly trying to fix himself and mold his image into Jinsungs ideal hyung that he didn't think to get help. Poor guy.

I see, thank you it seems like i was confused but please dont spread misinformation about DID "DID is one of several dissociative disorders. People of any age, ethnicity, gender, and social background can develop DID, but the most significant risk factor is physical, emotional, or sexual abuse during childhood". It CAN form at any point in your life its just more common during childhood.
Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321462#:~:text=DID%20is%20one%20of%20several,or%20sexual%20abuse%20during%20childhood.

I saw a theory that Hikaru was not raped when he was 11 because he's actually a reincarnater. What bullshit logic lol. The manga shows that your mental maturity is influence by the age of the body youre reincarnated in. Aqua is a prime example, if hikaru wasnt raped then is Aqua a pedophile for liking Kana? Of course not homeboy's brain influences his maturity which is why we sometimes see him acting like an actual highschooler. Even if Hikaru is a reincarnator he was still raped, a 20+ yro woman agreeing to sleep with an 11 yro is statutory rape (if he was willing if not then jusg normal rape). No wonder that bitch's husband killed her and then himself, he probably found out she raped a little boy. He did society a fuckin favour, only a real motherfucker would do this shit

Lol, I was actually wondering how the movie was going to be able to portray Hikaru in a negative light since he was only 11-13 years old when everything happened so theyre just blaming a prepubescent boy for getting raped by people older than him. Realistically the reaction would be similar to yours rather than defending Ai.

Lol sorry for being confusing, but Im talking about the general public reception, not the actual real life story. If a movie portrayed a woman cheating on her husband with an 11 year old old, but said the 11 year old boy was the one in the wrong, AND he was also a mass murderer, people would probably not react very well to it. Aqua also doesn't have any actual evidence as far as I know, so it would also just seem like a personal attack instead of based on fact. I understand that Hikaru is an asshole and the antagonist, I just thought that the movie would be seen as defamation instead of being well acclaimed in a real life scenario.
I guess I wasnt being clear so sorry for that, Im not saying he's in the right for muder, I'm talking about how the movie would be received.
How is this yaoi if sangwoo doesnt like men, its just rape between a serial killer kidnapper and his victim Still, one of the best psychological horror manhwa's i read.
Ur so annoying shut up
exactly what i was thinking
It's a good as a psychology/thriller manhwa but horror... i dont think so..
Nah cus you ARE deranged if u think this is some romantic shit
It isn't supposed to be a BL at all but you already know fujoshis saw two man having intercourse and made it well known around that.