The random rape thrown in every few chapters and making the mc enjoy it? Goofy as hell lol. This IS just pretty smut with no storyline so i cant be angry but i just think its weird that consent is never something authors never think about when writing stuff like this. The manhwa lives up to the title, he really is the worst guy in the universe
TLDR: porn with no plot

the more i read this the more Jay seems like a weird guy, the consent feels dubious after a while of looking at it. Im just going to ignore it because i cannot analyse and reread 50+ chapters just to check if it really is sexual assault. Just cool it jay, when yoohan says no lay off...
Also Jay is so zesty i know he likes men but hes zesty in a different way i cant explain. Hes like the korean version of a lightskin iykwim he got that 'i want to have gay butt sex with you

Spoiler about jay:
He is actually a diagnosed psychopath, so his mother taught him emotions by making him watch movies and explained about those emotions to him. This is the reason why he is interested in movies and scripts and build a entertainment company and stuffs and all. I have to say his mom did a good job teaching him emotions and how to express them through the movies.

Jihwan is extremely manipulative, i think he might become emotionally abusive and while things like that are changable im pretty sure Sooyoung is going to suffer a lot. First things first, he needs to find a way to remove Gyujin out him his life and then he needs to get into therapy and not rely on Jihwan for emotional support. Sooyoung has gained PTSD/Rape Trauma Syndrome and needs to start healing as soon as possible before he developes a truama bond with Jihwan. This probably isnt going to happen but after he does that he either needs to get Jihwan into therapy so he can unlearn toxic/abusive behaviours or completely cut him out of his life. The sad reality is Sooyoung cant trust anybody because the two people he thought he knew are out to get him, Jihwan might devolve into a rapist as well but i hope not. Abusive behaviours can be unlearned but you cant go back from rape. Jihwan > Gyujin for now, we'll see if he also becomes a degenerate.

I’m abt to take this story off my list like I really loved it but this recent chapter & the comments made me think the opposite ion like that lil smirk and we all know where this is headed so I’m gonna save myself from reading smth disgusting again.. I genuinely don’t know why authors love doing this.

Jihwan gives a really bad vibe to me but Gyujin broke into Sooyoungs house and tried to butt rape him, like motherfucker you already raped him orally what the fuck is wrong with you I'll pick a manipulative weirdo over a bitch ass rapist any day. Yes sooyoung didnt treat you right but you treated him worse so hiw are you mad Gyujin? The biggest hypocrite ever
Heechan has devolved into atalking the gym teacher, he literally followed him to his own gym and approached him multiple times the teacher is about to loose his mind he looked so pissed off in ch 30