whahahhah i love how tempered he is
waitt. .. what
Jaekyung is a pain in the assss !!!! i dont like him, i feel pity for Kim Dan. he felt traumatized .. son of a b
Oh shut up! Dan doesn't need your pity. So, go shove it up your ass!!
nye nye nye. go cry bout it.... dont you see Kim Dan's got serious trauma issues bcs of that jerkk.. his such a black Flaggg !!!! A BLACK FLAGG
Yes, I can see he's a BLACK FLAG. And what's the problem with that??
so glad that I can see u everywhere not just here lol STAY STRONG UPON ALL THE HYPOCRITE APES!!!!!! ALL HAIL MY LORD~~
dangggg... cant wait for the next xhapter. is taht a dreammm or Jaekyung justtt appeared out of nowhere???
Lucky me found this Manhwa ,
Njirrr.. plss don't put that incest too farr .. i don't like the wayyy Lil Broo usinggg the hypnotizm against other peopleeee....
Bener anjg, gak rela bgt si Junghwi kena. LIKEEEE HE'S SO PURE, DONT INVOLVE HIM BJROTTTT
Sumpahh Darii awal gw g suka bgt ama adeknyaa, obses gilaa ke Juhwi .... Bayangin Lo punya adek tiri kek gituuu. Gw ogahhh anjritttt. Siyalannnn..
Padahal w sempet empati sama dia. BUTT IMMA TAKE MY WORD BACK
Kak, boleh minta raw nya ndak? Link buat baca raw nya, aku penasarannnnn
Can you guys recommend the similar story like this Manhwa...
painter of the night
the tyrant's reign
Not historical but “passion”
steel under silk, palace of bardo, taming the tiger
Geolson's Past (modern with historical flashbacks) Toxin
Aw. Thank u guyss. Gotta add those MANHWA to my LISTTTTT
Does man could peee from his hard dxck ? Thought it was impossible ...
Oh shh. Now i hv to wait one more week.. but dude.. ITS hurt when you cut his nipples like that
Pls. I hope woo Yeon doesnt becone a pick me this time.
whahahhah i love how tempered he is