So this is a big spoiler of the story if anyone wants to read it

You’ve been warned

They downplayed the goddess of light, she is a B I T C H

FL is the reincarnation of the goddess of lights best friend, who was a female wizard and loved the goddess like a sister. The female wizard was in love with the crown prince, who the ML is the reincarnation of. So their love literally travelled through the years.

NOW THE DUMB BITCH GODDESS was in love with the crown princes brother, who the black haired dick is the reincarnation of. He literally never loved the goddess but wanted her power and was using her AND THE GODDESS KNEW THAT. The black haired prince was in love with the female wizard and was pissed at the crown prince for having her love EVEN THOUGH he already had the goddess.

He decided to be like “oh goddess I love you so much but you aren’t human. Give me ALL your powers, and then you will be a human and we will live happily ever after” The goddess tells her wizard best friend that she’s gonna hand over ALL her powers to the black haired guy and the best friend was like WTF NO THATS A BAD IDEA why don’t you just give him some, then you can always return to being a goddess.

You know what the goddess responded with “YOU HATE THE FACT THAT IM IN LOVE AND WANT TO TAKE BLACK HAIRED GUY FROM ME” like bitch WHAT. So then she literally said the female wizard was a jealous bitch and ran away. But female wizard was a good friend and decided to go to black haired prince and be like “can you please not take all her powers it will hurt her” and he ran and told the goddess, and the goddess FLIPPED HER SHIT AGAIN cussing out the wizard friend about how terrible she is.

Case and point the goddess gives ALL HER POWERS to the black haired prince, and he locks her ass up in a prison cell and says “I never loved you I just wanted power so I could take over the kingdom” AND THE GODDESS IS STILL LIKE “but I love himmmmmm”. So while this is happening wizard friend and the crown prince are living happy and about to get married WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN a huge ass devastating plague starts killing basically the whole empire. The wizard and the crown prince try their hardest to stop it, but her light powers aren’t enough to fight the disease. They try to save people but the crown prince ends up dying from the disease and the wizard is heart broken.

Soon the plague is miraculously stopped by the new crown prince, the wizard finds out that the black haired prince used the goddess’s powers to make A PLAGUE so that he could kill off the crown prince and his people and then pretend to be the saviour. The wizard is like HOW CAN U DO THIS, and evil crown prince is like “I did this for you, now I have power, I have the throne, and your fiancé’s dead you will be my empress” and she’s like wtf what about the goddess and evil crown prince is like “that dumb bitch only had powers, she’s ugly compared to you, now she’s weak and stupid I’m just waiting for her to die”

Evil crown prince has been trying to kill off the goddess for years, he literally set her on fire, whipped her, stabbed her in the stomach, beat her, and the bitch literally wouldn’t die because even without powers she’s still had the body of a goddess. Unfortunately the wounds never heal so the goddess looks like some grotesque monster now. Wizard catches the New crown prince destroying any information of the old crown prince and making it seem like old crown prince was the reason behind the plague which is a fucking lie. So wizard woman casts a protection spell on the last tomb that the crown prince is trying to destroy so there is Atleast some evidence of the truth.

She then tries to find the light goddess, and she does and she looks terrible, and the light goddess is like give me your light power so I can return to the gods place. AND THE WIZARD DOES GIVE UP HER POWER BECAUSE SHE LOVES HER BEST FRIEND, even though this bitch literally caused the death of her fiancé.

The goddess runs away and evil crown prince finds the wizard and locks her up, he wants her to be his empress and she refuses. He marries as shit ton of wives, and the wives are mad they won’t be empress and beat up and torture the wizard for years and crown prince now EMPEROR let’s it happen thinking she will finally break and marry him. Wizard thinks the goddess got away, well nope the emperor hunted the bitch down and seal her in the demon door place lighting her on fire for all of eternity until someone with light magic gets her out. So that’s when the goddess curse started, the goddess used what she could too write where she is and what happened on the emperors oldest child’s skin. It wasn’t painful or anything but it literally showed that he started the plague. Well the bitch wrote it in an old language that no one but the emperor and the wizard remembered. So the emperor literally just killed off every kid that got the words on them. he went through eight kids and the 9th kids mom (he had like 16 kids) went to the wizard (who she had beaten up before) ans begged her to ask the emperor to not kill her kid. The witch decided to help cause she’s genuinly a nice person

That’s where she realizes what the words on the kid said, and told the emperor to stop killing his kids and just tell the truth. Which gave the emperor and idea to Curse the kids, he used all of the goddess power to rewrite the curse into what it is today so instead of saying his misdeeds it turned into some mumbo jumbo about him being great and the goddess cursing this child that sinned the world. Which is where all the pain came from, that’s why the children with the curse suffer now because the emperor made it a real curse, this killed the 9th child and the 10th child now got the nee curse and would suffer until death on a far away island.

With using all the goddesses magic to change the curse it caused a backlash that hurt the wizards arleady fucked up body and sent her to her death bed. The emperor was all “I love you don’t die” and the wizard took off her necklace and asked the emperor to give it to her family. This is because the necklace could be used to open the door to the goddess to save her, but the emperor didn’t know that and actually gave it to the family which is why for years the decendents with light magic tried to free the goddess but the door got shut by the emperors descendants

NOW WE KNOW WHO THE FEMALE LEAD IS, and how the goddess and the evil emperor FUCKED HER OVER. FL literally finally finds the goddess after remembering her past life, and the goddess is all chained up and burning. She frees her and the goddess actually GOT MAD AT FL “why did you take so long to free me, you were supposed to rescue me, you aren’t my friend, you took to long” and FL just apologizes EVEN THOUGH ITS NOT HER FAULT. The goddess is all “this is because you fell in love with crown prince again hun, always leaving me for him” which is our silver haired ML. And the goddess then says “well we are going to kill the crown prince and his family to get revenge for me” and FL is like NO THE FUCK THEY DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO YOU “and the goddess is like, if you don’t help me I’ll kill you” and FL is like “kill me then just don’t hurt ML”

You know what the goddess does, SHE FUCKING KILLS HER. LITERALLT ATTACKED HER WITH MAGIC THAT LEAVES HER ON THE BRINK OF DEATH. Then the dumb bitch goddess is like “oh no I almost killed my friend” and decided to SWITCH BODIES with the dying FL because that’s the only way to keep FLs body alive after the attack. Now FL is stuck in this ugly ass, scarred up, burnt up, mutilated body of the goddess and is finally casted outside of the demon doors which disappeared since the goddess is free.

Oh and LIKE 3-6 (can’t remember how many) YEARS HAVE PASSED AND OUR RABBIT CROWN PRINCE IS 18. Female lead has been missing for years. Her body gets found by where the demon doors used to be, but she’s in the goddess’s fucked up body so no one recognizes her, she also can’t fucking talk either because the goddess screamed so much in pain for 500 years that her vocal cords are shut. So ML is very nice to FL in new body, even though everyone even her closest maids and friends treat her with disgust cause she’s ugly. She gets called a monster and genuinly suffers, the goddess comes to her and is like you’ll never be loved in that ugly body so kill the crown prince and I’ll give you your body back or you’ll die in 30 days. FL is like I don’t care if I die I’m not killing the crown prince. FL and ML get close despite how she looks cause their love transcends looks, and the ML is quickly realizing this is his love. The goddess gets pissed cause their love is real and not the fake love her had with evil emperor

So you know what BITCH GODDESS does, SHE COMES DOWN IN FL BODY AHHHHHHH. She pretends to be her and tries to steal the crown prince from the actual FL. Thankfully, the ML is not an idiot and didn’t believe the goddess for A SECOND he literally hated her. She tried to seduce him so much and he was just disgusted, and it made him realize the real FL was the scarred girl. The goddess has been working with black haired guy (evil emperors reincarnation) in order to basically repeat history. But ML confront the goddess and asks “if he died today would she finally forgive him causes he’s genuinly sorry for what she went through, and wants to end her suffering” dumbass goddess FINALLY realizes that FL AND ML are not the fucking problem, she and evil emperor CAUSED THIS WHOLE FUCKING MESS. She literally had so much hatred for the FL in both lives FOR NO REASON. So she gives him a potion that will return the FL body to the real one and makes him promise to take care of the FL or she will curse him again.

So FL who was dying because of the state of the goddess body gets the potion ans is put back into her healthy beautiful body and crown prince and her run to tell the emperor and the emperor is so happy. They all hug and it’s super nice, and the maids apologize to her for treating her bad while she was “ugly” but the ML KICKS THEM THE FUCK OUT. Anyone that was mean to her when she was ugly got thrown in jail or fired, it was hilarious. All these whores saying “we love the crown prince more than you” got called the fuck out by the crown prince cause he had THE RECEIPTS that they called him hideous when he had the curse

And then their life goes back to normal and that’s all I remember
2021-04-23 17:36 marked
God this manga is such a masterpiece like the characters, story, art, it's all so perfect
2021-03-08 07:28 marked
Idk for 100% surtainty, but I heard that this is not a promo (fully) and Will get more Chapters on 2021. If anyone knows for sure I would like to know when. All my info is second hand so
2021-01-17 16:33 marked

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