souzi's experience ( All 0 )

souzi's answer ( All 6 )

I would love to join in if it is still open! My name is @sozia_aggel   reply
10 04,2020
about penpals
Hi I am 20 and I have wattpad too!!! I would love to talk to you and share some stories! Anyways my line id is sozia98!   1 reply
07 07,2018
about penpals
souzi 06 07,2018
Ooh could I join too?? My ID is sozia98!   reply
06 07,2018
about penpals
It would be really cool if you could add me!! My ID is sozia98   reply
03 07,2018
about penpals
souzi 03 07,2018
I would really like to be added if it was possible and I am not too late My ID is sozia98   reply
03 07,2018

souzi's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did block a user in mangago

FYI pookie, C is getting a PI and looking into legal options since you both live in the same country. He has all your fbs, instas, mggo accs

2 hours
did genshin impact

I want to main all characters though by end of story we'll have more than 200 characters and Beidou x Ningguang and Jeht x Lumine are canon

4 hours
did feel empty

weirdo creep alertttttt

14 hours