Oxbaris January 18, 2025 9:48 pm

You don't have to read ALL the vampire chronicles. IWTV works well enough as a standalone book, even if Louis is a very biased narrator and later books explain and expand the story.

IWTV is a cornerstone of vampire litterature. Also those vampires are very very gay.

ALSO GO WATCH THE AMC TV SHOW. As adaptation goes it's amazingly done -is fantastic as its own story and as adaptation despite AND thanks to the changes.

Oxbaris December 24, 2024 5:22 pm

You are beautiful as the day I lost you (part 1 ended)

And whoever on the team ships MorMor...thank you. I'll gladly accept the crumbs in a obviously sheriarty story.

Oxbaris November 22, 2024 9:53 pm

the lover is the book equivalent of erik/the phantom and not of raoul, right? Because if it's the phantom i am not touching this with a 50 feet pole.

Oxbaris March 24, 2024 2:23 pm

Not the readhive one since it's behind a paywall.

I am really interested in this story.

Oxbaris March 15, 2024 11:29 am

I kept reading for the cute babies but the main story was...really not that great.
At leastt Hyung had character growth, which it was nice to read.

However the characters in the side stories were just better handled.

Oxbaris March 13, 2024 8:47 pm

I need to know if Nagi and Hairi meet again D:

Oxbaris January 12, 2024 12:43 pm

You bamboozled everyone in s1 with Subin ending with Jun (which let's be real is 99% why we love this story) and it was funny as hell.

Doing it AGAIN would be even funny. Especially when Subin and Jun's relationship is so riocky.

Oxbaris December 31, 2023 2:55 pm

Yo, where is the baby I was promised?!

Like, the story was really good, but the baby!!!! where it is!!!
Where is the family he always wanted T_T it's not enough to clearly imply they'll get it.

Oxbaris January 1, 2021 10:06 pm


I'm sobbing, the update took me so much by surprise that i wasn't emotionally prepared to see them reunite. What a good start to the year

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