hikari created a topic of Gig of the Day

bang saya tahu kete abang tinted, tapi kalau abang buka lampu tu, tinted la segelapnya pun saya boleh nampak bang

hikari created a topic of 1 to 10

male authors writing bl never disappoints u

hikari created a topic of One Summer Day

remind me again what the shackles are for

hikari created a topic of PASSION

apa babi boleh tak straight to the point. geram aku.

hikari created a topic of Double Trap

damn the ass placement really be a bussy

hikari created a topic of One Summer Day

thise two brothers arent related to our mc right?

hikari created a topic of Shota Oni

it’s a given that the mangaka has a lolicon. i mean look at the other comics from the same mangaka

hikari created a topic of Rainbow City

eee takut la zombie2 ni, tapi gberanikan diri jugak la baca(´°ω°`)

hikari created a topic of Jinx

padan muka hang, tudia la belagak sangat.

hikari created a topic of Waterside Night

HHAHAHA euiyoung ni dia percaya cikgu dia tu pasal


hikari created a topic of PASSION

abang ni propa ahhh cakap je lebih nak bunuh konon. last2 buat puppy face

hikari created a topic of Red Mansion
hikari created a topic of Profundis

LMAOOOO not him calling chan hyung. i know it’s nit pick me but like that drawing looks like a pick me moment if dialogues werent there.

hikari created a topic of 1 to 10

he dont seem like a bad guy. guchi guchi guchi. meow meow MEORGH

hikari created a topic of Gig of the Day

the plot came too early ╥﹏╥ like i wanted it to be cute for a while

bro akumakira already made a great translation wtf. i thiught it was official translation.

hikari created a topic of The Emperor Is Pregnant

seriously he left his child for an unborn child and has to go through seven reincarnations to get back to heaven???