I absolutely despise MINJAE like y would u go into someone’s life if ur just going to use him like his inferiority complex was so bad that he believed him being with Jinwoo was going make his talentless self more talented Jinwoo was wrong for attempting to sa him even if he was drunk but damn this wouldn’t happened if MINJAE broke up with Jinwoo the right way and was honest instead of acting like a scared kitten every time Jinwoo got close to him making Jinwoo look like he was the DEVIL when it was MINJAE who was ghosting him and don’t even GET ME STARTED WITH THE BROTHER I’m happy my brother isn’t gay cuz what if I had backstabber like that as my family
I genuinely am getting tired of Trashy MLs can BL writers lock in and start making decent MLs idk if it’s bc I’m always more attracted to the bottom rather than the top but I get the ick every time I read a red flag manhwa like what’s the point of reading romance if the ML isn’t the full package like y would I want a ML that’s like the devil
I’m tired of omegaverse making omegas the oppress just because they can reproduce it’s giving how they treated women back in 1800s like acc wtf y do authors do that like if babies didn’t exist in omegaverse I would ever read them
but isnt that kind of... the whole point of omegaverse? there is no "oppressing of women" bcos in this universe they dont really care about a person's initial gender. i wont say that makes it better but one of the "charm" in omegaverse is that people in that universe doesnt care about your first gender bcos they solely focus on the secondary ones and that makes some readers comfortable in a way. at some point, its bringing men and women in an equal standing and suffers the same hardships that are hardly seem in the real world.
Isn’t omegaverse suppose to be abt ppl who have secondary genders I read omegaverse and I see omegas constantly getting oppress like I read one manhwa where the mc couldn’t a job bc he was a omega so he had to pretend he was beta I mean its rlly unfair cause how are they gonna buy medicine if they don’t have money as a woman I feel enraged bc they were born like that so they can’t really change who they are I feel like the plot of omegaverse should just only be abt being second genders instead of making a hierarchy the whole omega-beta-alpha thing is inspired by wolves but wolves don’t even have a hierarchy so y is the discrimination a thing
don't get me wrong but personally, the whole "discriminations against omegas" is, like i said, just to mirror what women suffers through in real life but with men. thats the point of it. A Man suffering like a Woman that appeals to some female audience as well bcos it shows equality somehow even thru fiction.
Tho. there are still omegaverses out there that doesnt have "oppressed omegas" trope. that kind of thing isnt the fine print. some manhwas/mangas have it completely opposite where omegas are valuable and alphas are discriminated/ignored. there are some that omegas and alphas are treated equally tho with only some discrimination with pregnancy or how they choose their partners which, again, mirrors what an actual woman is going through.
it depends on the world building, really. you, as a female, getting mad might also mean that the whole point is working because yes. you should be mad. but also, sometimes its really just a plot device. its still fiction.
If I don’t see my boy sooyoung being successful by the end of the series imma be so mad bc he worked so fucking hard but a MAN had to ruin it ughhhhhhh