I for once find it beautiful, this kind of manga, its shows the "trashy" side of ppl and lets be honest there is not oerfect people in this world, you just have to choose not to act upon your dark thought, thats what differentiate us with the ppl like sensei
You mean the guy with lil goaty beard? I think he is Youhei's psychiatrist (or psychologist) friend who is into cross-dressing and was a memer of the bdsm vip club in previous chapter, also was really helpful to find Youhei
I love yapi logic cause everything will directed to having sex as problem solving, imagen how peaceful the world would be if all it takes to save humanity is by fucking or somthin
The dialog is almost like someone who never have normal conversation would talk, as a female homo sapien i can assure you bigger is not better if you dont know how to use it
I for once find it beautiful, this kind of manga, its shows the "trashy" side of ppl and lets be honest there is not oerfect people in this world, you just have to choose not to act upon your dark thought, thats what differentiate us with the ppl like sensei
Yeah, i like it too. Its refreshing to see how imperfect people are.