WestlandDevil's experience ( All 0 )

WestlandDevil's answer ( All 1 )

AGE: 34 GENDER/SEX: Woman SEXUALITY: Hetrosexual COUNTRY:Norway FIRST YAOI:Gakuen Heaven FAV YAOI GENRE: Depends on my mood. FAV YAOI: So many but Loveprize, Katekyo,Fushidara na Hanatsu,19 Days,Honey Spiral Boys, Royal Servant, Purpurea Noxa, No Way, and Caste Heaven. WORST YAOI: Killing Stalking WHEN DID YOU START READING YAOI?: 4 years ago. WHA......   reply
28 04,2018

WestlandDevil's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do not getting over someone

Im too ace for this

10 hours
did being queer

I’m pan and have know for a long time. And I have a big problem with falling in love with my best friends.

11 hours
did being queer

im so queer coded my longest crush (very on and off rn) was on my bestfriend. she honestly did me so dirty tho. still love her tho.

11 hours