Jinivia created a topic of Into The Thrill

not even seo haeyeong from non zero sum can scare me as much as this ml does. props to the artist for making even emotionless eyes look threatening. i was never impressed by character arts that show very little emotions before

Jinivia created a topic of Bluelock

i read someone say this and it was on point so im just gonna point this out here. imagine two cars racing towards the same finishing line. the same engine power, the same lvl of skill from the drivers, same speed and basically the same in every aspect. and then suddenly theres this huge pothole in front of them. the car thats able to swerve to the side to avoid it and get back on track quicker is bound to win the race. that car is isagi and the rest are the other car. thats the power of adaptability and thats what isagis abilities center around. its the core concept of his whole character. hes not just some typical mc who gradually improves his physical abilities or learn flashy new tricks and thats what different abt him. its not everyday u see this concept since many actually downplay the importance of adapting

Jinivia created a topic of PASSION

its official. xinlu has my whole heart now

Jinivia created a topic of Night Song

get a man who desperately says "im yours" instead of "youre mine"

Jinivia created a topic of Secret Relationship

okay crap this is gonna be hella long but i just dont know why daons hated so much. true even i did too to the point of dropping it after 40 something chapters but i picked it up again recently. its a good thing i did cos ive just read some of their past explained and the most hateful character is jaemin and only him. its a well established fact that sunghyeons a really sweet and overall just a very good person. as for soohyun i disliked him so much but then hes also this sweet but misunderstood person that got tangled in jaemins twisted games along with daon. and as for daon, well this is gonna be long.

lets imagine ourselves in his shoes. lets say youre from a very poor and fvcked up family where youre basically the breadwinner and have like 3 younger siblings and 2 grown ups to feed and youre still just a highschooler. youre barely scraping by and im not even talking abt the physical strain its gonna have on you. the amount of mental stress thats gonna affect u is unsettling. then insert this attractive thoughtful and kind person (jaemin) who treats u so well (tutoring u for free, helping u out during difficult times and was just always there for u while also knowing all the problems ur having) ur bound to fall for that person, also feeling so grateful for everything hes done but at the same time just assumed how theyre a social level above you making u hide ur feelings for them cos u didnt want to lose either ur crush, benefactor or simply just a fri cos hes all of them to u.

then insert this another attractive guy (soohyun) whos also rlly good to u but unlike the 1st guy he actually makes advancements towards u, constantly being flirty and smooth. making u forget the burdens and problems life throws ur way and just makes u feel good in general. ur feelings r gonna waver for him cos hes not giving up even after u told him u liked someone else. but then these 2 people suddenly told u they were dating AFTER YOU introduced them to each other. ur now supposed to let go of ur lingering feelings for the 1st person and ur confusing but developing feelings for the 2nd one. ofc ur gonna feel betrayed but then again u cant blame them cos they owe u nth and in fact its the opposite cos theyre the ones who r always helping YOU. and then even after they told u they were dating each other theyre not leaving u alone either. theyre everywhere in ur life treating u in the same confusing ways they always did and u cant develop feelings for either of them cos then, youd be betraying both of them which u cant cos by then, they mean a lot to u. also dont forget how ur constantly juggling ur college and family life while trying to earn enough money for ur household.

this goes on for a decade (yes a decade) and then insert another person (sunghyeon) who is, unlike the other two, very straightforward with his feelings. never confusing you nor burdening u but is always patient and understanding and is just very very sweet to u. hes a breath of fresh air from ur harsh life and whatever complicated rs youve been having with the 1st two guys and then when ur starting to develop feelings for this person the other two acts all threatened and then start vomiting their pushed down feelings for u. u cant just let go of over a decade long lingering attachment however toxic they may be cos u feel like u owe them (especially jaemin) for everything u have when in fact u dont actually owe them anything at the same time or can u? (this is the rlly confusing part)

this is how daons life is and im not talking trash abt any of ur opinions regarding daon. i just wanted to lay this down in writing cos i feel overwhelmed when i put myself in his shoes. hes frustrating as hell, yes, but i just think hes not as bad as ppl r claiming him to be. unlike other mcs, the struggle daons going through isnt physical but emotional. and soohyun, god i feel so bad for him. he just made a stupid choice and took the advice of a very cunning person and ends up losing the one person hes been genuinely yearning for for a very long time.

Jinivia created a topic of Green Apple Paradise

may this kind of love & college life find me

Jinivia created a topic of Backlight

woonie is so effing adorable

Jinivia created a topic of The Fox Club

im just worried abt onyu my sweet sweet girl

Jinivia created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

this, punch drunk love and sugar trap are how misunderstanding tropes should be written. its high tier comedy gold

Jinivia created a topic of PASSION

you guys are gon be surprised by how xinlu looks this season. trust me

Jinivia created a topic of Eighteen's Bed

i absolutely love this chapter bcos it shows how crazy both yohan and jun are. ppl overlook juns craziness bcos yohan stole the scene with the fight but not everyone can think of preserving a tooth during batshit bloody scruffle. this shows how jun is just equally as crazy as yohan. i stan a couple where one pulled out his own tooth and the other just grabs it to save it without making a big deal out of it.
as a novel reader their relationship is undeniably complex and i highly highly rec it cos jun is my absolute fav mc. he is so intelligent and manipulative and is one of the strong headed mcs ive ever seen. and as much of a red flag yohan is jun is on the same lvl if not even higher. they match each others freaks so well that this kind of relationship i dont mind EVEN if its gonna be toxic as hell

Jinivia created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

thats our girl. rooting for u and all the girls out there who are taken for granted like haesoo. pathetic shits dont deserve ur tears nor ur fear of love

Jinivia created a topic of Jinx

may the chasing arc last the whole year

Jinivia created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

Mincheol is a waste of panels. Istg my smile turned upside down. Instead of mincheol walking in on hae soo and taeha or finding out about their rs right now, I wish his whole life just burns in flames. I want his rs with this girl to go into ruins and his life to become the lowest of lows so that he knows that he’s been the problem all along. Only then I hope he happens upon the then happy haesoo and taeha who r enjoying life Tgt so much. Let him see the life he could’ve granted himself AND haesoo had he not been the pathetic man he had been

i remember when this manhwa was my therapy. now its making me need therapy

Jinivia created a topic of Dreadful Night

so the ONE person u trusted was actually the one who came up with the idea of using u for their own gains. doha even had the audacity to ask bada what hed do if he completed the game. as if he didnt know bada would always be stuck in the game while they escaped. correct me if i understood things wrong

Jinivia created a topic of Eighteen's Bed

reading the novel and god the tension between the two is thick as hell. theyre both so manipulative and cunning its refreshing in a way. i also see the artist changed some scenes from the novel and made the tension more palpable but i think its ok if they didnt change it cos theyre gonna have the most toe curling chemistry which i think is bcos theyre both pretty sharp witted and sly. ofc this is all cos this just fits my type and this story wont be it for those who want that simple non exhausting kind of love cos this is gonna be lost in the cloud 2.0

Jinivia created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Gosh even the witch in the story is wholesome. It’s adorable how Rapunzel’s two strands of hair flopped down when the boy was crying. And Ho is one of the best rizz masters I’ve seen in bl