pizzamarket July 13, 2021 7:05 am

im not even going to lie with y’all but this is all so frustrating thinking from the uploader pov. there’s no way it should even be an argument of whether it’s ethical or not to leak someone’s personal information over this. like, do you realize how insane y’all sound? this isn’t manga, this isn’t a game. the fact that the uploader face is going around Twitter and the author is asking for information about them in exchange for compensation is entirely ridiculous.

“put yourself in the authors shoes! of course theyd want to defend their artwork!”

sweetie… i stopped stepping in the authors shoes when I realize they worn a different size than me. from the moment they decided to block the uploader on social media and then decide to only show ONE part of the conversation, was when I realize those shoes are a bit too tight for me to wear. stop trying to win brownie points for the author when we are all on an illegal website to start with, and start realizing how wrong the author was for putting this person in potential danger.

    judekarda July 13, 2021 7:14 am

    totally understand your statement. just read about the whole issue and on the author’s twitter. she sounds sooo manipulative twisting stories and only showing one part of the convo?? of course she has the right to be mad, but threatening and doxing the uploader and the mention of ‘bounty’ like wtf.

pizzamarket April 26, 2021 10:55 pm

it’s definitely... different...

pizzamarket April 24, 2021 4:06 pm

wait... what was this chapter LMFAO

pizzamarket April 24, 2021 7:07 am

imma keep it real with y’all, for majority of this story i kept looking for their matching rings LMFAO and in the beginning, wasn’t the seme’s gold and the uke was silver???

    CoffeeJelly April 24, 2021 6:47 pm

    I dont think the seme had a ring in the beginning... I only saw the uke’s silver ring

    pizzamarket April 24, 2021 9:29 pm
    I dont think the seme had a ring in the beginning... I only saw the uke’s silver ring CoffeeJelly

    rem he had it on in the beginning when he brought it up, and then he mentioned that he had matching couple rings and so when the uke said he thrown it away, that’s when they found the uke’s ring in the trash?

    CoffeeJelly April 25, 2021 9:52 am
    rem he had it on in the beginning when he brought it up, and then he mentioned that he had matching couple rings and so when the uke said he thrown it away, that’s when they found the uke’s ring in the tras... pizzamarket

    Hmm i completely missed that scene then... do u remember what chapter it was introduced?

pizzamarket April 20, 2021 6:26 am

also, daiki only has one emotion:

pizzamarket April 20, 2021 6:25 am

wait wait wait is caly leaving??? wait they’re the best translator on here I literally read this looking forward to the memes and their commentary at the end.

pizzamarket April 17, 2021 3:56 pm

honestly i feel like this is the authors first story c there’s a lot of questions that should been answered. the plot for this story was good, but i don’t think it should’ve been condensed into >30 chapters because it feels like we went from 0-100. like, we didn’t get to question the relationship between the Professor and the wolf, the Professor and the bear, the sister and the brother, the father and the son(for both main characters). we didn’t even get to see what happened to pink hair(do we even know his name???), even though we saw his backstory. the bear that was with the professor snubbed the wolf, we didn’t get to see why. like, there’s so many loose ends that still needs tying in this story, which was very disappointing that it ended so abruptly.

    CarsonG April 29, 2021 8:08 am

    Your comment is everything! I also found it weird that the mom came and was like, "sorry about that trauma i caused, I'm going away for 10 years good bye!" Poor attempt of conflict resolution. badly wanted to see MC's dad, he only got a shadow of him. Was he abusive? Or just concerned? No one knows. I'm so sad about the pink haired dude. He was cute. He wasn't even malicious he was just sad and infatuated. He never hurt fox dude even if he wished bad things about him lol. Poor guy :(

pizzamarket April 5, 2021 12:50 pm

im glad we all mutually agree that tachi is trash LMFAOOO

    MK♡♡♡ April 5, 2021 2:25 pm

    Ngl he is tho ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮

pizzamarket February 8, 2021 1:40 pm

someone pls tell me, is this poly where everyone loves each equally or is this just “two + one” type of thing

pizzamarket February 8, 2021 1:39 pm

i have an idea of what’s been happening but my main thing is...

why aren’t we talking about how this man has an entire child growing in his womb and only the symptoms is being talked about LMFAO

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