I'm sorry wtf????? You're acting as if they were writing about actual people. You are talking as if they are agreeing to what is being depicted in those fictional works and wouldn't mind it being done IRL. People in the lgbt community are not an entirely different species. You are acting as if it is only in yaoi that they depict; non-con, dub-con, ......
Most of us acknowledge the fact that there are some people that don't differentiate between reality and fiction. But what solution do you put forward for this to stop happening? Those people will continue living their lives as they see fit regardless of what you have to say for the matter. What would you do to stop these people from fetishizing lgb......
I'm just gonna assume you're a troll that shouldn't be taken seriously bc you keep spouting random shit and then refusing to clarify what you're talking about. You can't just make vague statements like "~Don't be part of the bad fujos~" or "~Watch out for the fujos who do -something-~" & expect people to just go along with whatever you were trying ......
?? Pardon me because i couldn't really get what your point was, but what are you talking about? Rape? And what are fujos saying "It's just fiction" to? Gay porn? Yaoi? Wdym? ?????????????? ?????????? Sincerely, A confused person. Edit: Ok, here is my take on this whole situation. 1. Your second paragraph: "Because apparently they're the auth......
Every piece of fiction could have the potential to affect people in real life, both positively and negatively. It can be problematic but even so, I still believe that truly negative and malicious effects caused by people taking fiction too seriously are by far, on the minority side. You say this is problematic. Yes, it can be and people should be......
I read this carefully and all of the replies that complain that people aren't listening to what you're saying but really, what ARE you saying? What is it you want? "By no means am I saying you shouldn't read yaoi." Well, that's good because you don't get to tell anyone what they can and can't read. "But what I am saying is that ya'll need to st......
It’s probably the people who constantly point out problematic themes in BL or who constantly comment how gross or disgusting they find the BL. All of the manga & BL on this site are tagged for a reason. If you don’t like those kinds of themes, that’s fine, you don’t have to read them, but you’re dragging the vibe down when you constantly ......
PSA: Fujos saying "It's just fiction" and other assorted statements in rega...