agave March 29, 2018 3:20 pm

This story gets better and better! Guk-Hwa is Jang-Mi´s unicorn *happy tears* Now that we know about Jang-Mi´s past, I want to know Guk-Hwa´s too! And I hope they learn about each others pasts :3 :3

agave March 28, 2018 4:43 pm

I may be wrong, but I´m sure I´m not - seems like the author finished ch 37 a long time ago: (there are also some raw extras)
Part 1 :
Part 2:

I thought we could see what happened to Red in chapter 1, but I don´t think Luce is that cruel that she would torture a traumatised Red...

agave March 27, 2018 9:05 pm

I love this story so much, I love the characters, so I´m so heartbroken, because today the author posted on Twitter that the story is cancelled. Because of piece of shit lezhin another author had to cancel their story, I´m holding myself back not to cry! But there is still hope, when the authors contract with lezhin ends, she/he can continue the story.. question is: how long will that take? I feel like dying

agave March 27, 2018 8:42 pm

For pete´s sake.. someone tell that poor girl that she doesn´t have to endure sex.. it´s NOT rude to stop in the middle of it, to say "Hey, I don´t want anymore. I don´t feel good at it." It´s the only healthy thing to do.

agave March 27, 2018 3:15 pm

he has a girlfriend, then he goes and cheats on her.. actual trash

agave March 24, 2018 3:54 pm

Can yaoi-crazy disenchanted freaks here stop ShHIppiNnG Mr Hwang with that clearly low IQ´ed dude when he is already dating someone? He belongs to Ms Doh, so stop being so annoying and fuck off to your yaoi shit, crazy bastards (︶︿︶)=凸

    Anonymous March 24, 2018 4:21 pm

    Bruh, u don’t like yaoi? Its cool, But don’t fucking hate on others because of it, Young-Jun is a shy and minor character, and Well, i wouldnt blame people for shipping them considering that they KINDA woke up in the same bed and that Mr.hwang helps him out. Plus everyone needs help sometimes - don’t blame that on the IQ

    Anonymous March 24, 2018 4:25 pm

    Smh. Can u take your own advice? "stop being so annoying". Can u? U can hate yaoi for all you want and some people can ship characters for all they want.

    Anonymous March 24, 2018 4:49 pm

    I shall remind u that young-jun do contribute in hwang's relationship with ms doh. He's the one that show the design which hwang had take a liking and thoughts that it was ms. Doh's design. That 'low IQ dude' did act as a catalyst for hwang's relationship. So why not thanked him instead of dissing him?

    agave March 24, 2018 4:56 pm
    I shall remind u that young-jun do contribute in hwang's relationship with ms doh. He's the one that show the design which hwang had take a liking and thoughts that it was ms. Doh's design. That 'low IQ dude'... @Anonymous

    I´m actually angry at the fangirls for ignoring Ms Doh completely, because who is she? She is just(!!) a woman. Hwang can have that dude, is what they are obviously(!) thinking. I´m now aware that I projected my anger toward that naive character

    Anonymous March 24, 2018 5:03 pm
    I´m actually angry at the fangirls for ignoring Ms Doh completely, because who is she? She is just(!!) a woman. Hwang can have that dude, is what they are obviously(!) thinking. I´m now aware that I projected... agave

    I don't think fangirls are ignoring ms doh completely. Let them think what they want to think. Author decides what happens. And I'm thankful that u are admitting that u projected ur anger towards young-jun. So yeah, thanks.

    agave March 24, 2018 5:04 pm
    I shall remind u that young-jun do contribute in hwang's relationship with ms doh. He's the one that show the design which hwang had take a liking and thoughts that it was ms. Doh's design. That 'low IQ dude'... @Anonymous

    They are also constantly suspecting Ms Doh (why do you think is that?), some doubted that her work is hers, some say she was Taesoo´s ex. But when Ms Kim, a clearly responsible person, does not want to teach a young man, all those yaoi-crazy girls are like "That´s impossible! he didn´t harass her, he is cute, look at him!"
    They are so ready to blame a female. They don´t show the same (not even nearly) defense as they do for a male character.

    Anonymous March 24, 2018 5:09 pm
    They are also constantly suspecting Ms Doh (why do you think is that?), some doubted that her work is hers, some say she was Taesoo´s ex. But when Ms Kim, a clearly responsible person, does not want to teach a... agave

    They are suspecting ms doh because author makes her mystery. There's not much information about her so people make their own speculation, be it bad or not. And i honestly think that JADE make this on purpose. And about ms kim. I can't say much about her. She's just like young-jun. Very little screen time and has not made much impact on the story.

    agave March 24, 2018 10:41 pm
    They are suspecting ms doh because author makes her mystery. There's not much information about her so people make their own speculation, be it bad or not. And i honestly think that JADE make this on purpose. ... @Anonymous

    There is mystery around Ms Kim too. She said to Sooha that she does not feel comfortable around youngjun. Why do you think is that so? She is clearly very hard working, why would someone like her just ignore a part of her job? There are many hints that youngjun is a sexual harasser.

    TreeChan March 25, 2018 1:15 am

    Look at this fucking special snowflake. Bitch get the FUCK out of here, you lifeless hoe, like WHO tf do YOU think you are??? Coming here and telling people what to do. If you're playing that game then bring it on. I'm telling you to SHUT the fuck up and I'm fr pissed at your ass (I bet you're living for this, you lifeless weeb) and not only because of the bullisht you're saying in this comment but also from all of the comments you're making like do you think you're that clever trying to act all intelligent and shit. Bitch who TF lied to you. Get off of the comment section because you're a fucking low life that's on her FUCKING period you fucking bitch. Ruining people's day... shit. Bitch don't EVEEER comment on this website AGAIN because you're irrelevant and just want attention since you never get it in real life. I'm telling you to fuck off and if you respond bitch... Don't start shit with me since I'm ending it here (you should thank god, fr). Don't try me hoe, don't try me.

    Anonymous March 25, 2018 1:42 am
    There is mystery around Ms Kim too. She said to Sooha that she does not feel comfortable around youngjun. Why do you think is that so? She is clearly very hard working, why would someone like her just ignore a ... agave

    U choose to think like that and thus, every little things that young-jun did are wrong in your eyes. Go ahead. Keep being a biased. Sure fun being one, right? I do sure am having fun seeing you making a fool out of yourself.

    Anonymous March 25, 2018 8:34 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! desgraciada

    Well friend considering all the toxic comments agave have been spreading i don’t think it is weird for some to start becomming a little more than pissed, accusing a character for some stupid bullshit like that is dumb as fuck. And i take it at heart knowing that the author made this manwha and the characters with time and energy. Idk WHERE exactly she got the thought of Joung-Jun being a harraser, But it rly is a fucking pain to go the comment section every time to read this manwha to see her comments and bullshit spreading, i am NOT suprised if people start becomming mad or using harsh words.

    TreeChan March 25, 2018 12:26 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! desgraciada

    Are you here? Hello? Earth to you dipshit. Read the fucking shit she's saying then try to defend that cunt like don't talk when you're not sure what's going on here or in your head. Better keep quiet since you're just looking dumb as fuck atm

    TreeChan March 25, 2018 2:41 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! desgraciada

    Omg I'm so hurt... That's all you could say to defend yourself? And you're here talking about levels... Bitch you're not a higher level than anybody here. And as I said before sit your ass down and shut it if you want to keep that "HIGH" level of yours and just letting you know, you should stop letting people step all over you.I think you're trying to be reasonable here but sadly that doesn't work in this world. You're fr not ready for the harsh world out there.. that's kind of upsetting.

    PS to me your response was just for attention and half assed so I didn't really give a fuck about it.. Was it there before? Also my attitude gives you life

    Anonymous March 25, 2018 2:56 pm
    Look at this fucking special snowflake. Bitch get the FUCK out of here, you lifeless hoe, like WHO tf do YOU think you are??? Coming here and telling people what to do. If you're playing that game then bring it... TreeChan

    And you are acting as another fucking hoe, here.

    Anonymous March 25, 2018 2:59 pm
    Omg I'm so hurt... That's all you could say to defend yourself? And you're here talking about levels... Bitch you're not a higher level than anybody here. And as I said before sit your ass down and shut it if y... TreeChan

    You are another fucking troll, calling other women cunts easily, when you probably are another "cunt" yourself, take your ass outta here. You are worse than the angry Agave

    LadyLight March 25, 2018 7:51 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! desgraciada

    I see the situation here degenerated quickly, so sorry for people being insulted without deserving any of those harsh words. (⊙…⊙ )

    TreeChan March 25, 2018 11:57 pm

    You know what's great... That I don't have the time to read all the bullshit you guys are saying and all I had to say is said like... Thanks for paying attention to me but sorry I don't have much time on my hands ATM to pay attention to you guys. It's sad how I actually got something better to do than fight here.. maybe you should try looking outside for once and stop picking fights. If I start a fight nobody shouldn't butt in since that just shows what a jobless person they are somehow.. thank you for your time and have a great life here fighting people. I love you all individually.

    Pippyjo22 March 28, 2018 3:40 am

    After checking out your page , it is clear to me that you prefer yuri over yaoi. After reading some of your comments it is also clear that you are an extreme feminist. First of all everyone is entitled too their opinions, your opinion is no greater or lesser than mine. Secondly get over your self, people like you are the problem. Men are also sexually harassed by women and other men and vise versa. Stop acting like women are so suppressed! Not only that but this is just a manhwa! Idk why you have men and I respect your preferences but there is no need to harp on fictional characters, and a specific gender. You have truly spoiled this comment section.

    Anonymous March 28, 2018 6:58 pm
    After checking out your page , it is clear to me that you prefer yuri over yaoi. After reading some of your comments it is also clear that you are an extreme feminist. First of all everyone is entitled too thei... Pippyjo22

    Leave people be with their preferences, stop stirring the fire in here.

    Anonymous March 28, 2018 10:08 pm
    I´m actually angry at the fangirls for ignoring Ms Doh completely, because who is she? She is just(!!) a woman. Hwang can have that dude, is what they are obviously(!) thinking. I´m now aware that I projected... agave

    Ms Doh is a bitch in sheep’s clothing.

    Pippyjo22 March 29, 2018 4:05 am
    Leave people be with their preferences, stop stirring the fire in here. @Anonymous

    Did you not read my comment correctly?

    Dee-Chan March 30, 2018 9:55 pm
    After checking out your page , it is clear to me that you prefer yuri over yaoi. After reading some of your comments it is also clear that you are an extreme feminist. First of all everyone is entitled too thei... Pippyjo22

    I fully agree on this up to 9999% if not more lol
    Fucking preach
    Oh and don’t pay attention to the hater-anonymus people replying, it’s agave who has been logging out from her profile not to be seen lol
    The saltstick just wants to be heard, and chatted about. But does she rly enjoy being the center of hate..? Seems like it. The way she narrow-mindedly sticks like glue to her own *cringes* distasteful and obnoxious opinions without thinking twice is (excuse me) dumb as fuck. Logic speaks louder in anything of this, and SHE, i tell u, got none of it. And the way this have been affecting this comment section is a fucking shame smh, y make such ruckus of a Manwha? Her fucking reason for it wasn’t worth it either by bringing up a topic that doesnt even BELONG there to begin with. Innocent side characters being harrasers and then hating on yaoi ship and shippers... so stupid. Especially when the same author created a yaoi too and do obviously not have anything against same sex people coupling. Jesus.. yaoi and Yuri isnt even that different Lmfao
    So filled with hate and corruption it hurts.

    LadyLight March 31, 2018 2:27 am
    I fully agree on this up to 9999% if not more lolFucking preach Oh and don’t pay attention to the hater-anonymus people replying, it’s agave who has been logging out from her profile not to be seen lol The ... Dee-Chan

    Just to be honest, if you check my page you would see that I prefer yuri over yaoi too (I love Korean yuris, just to put it plainly). I don't see the need to bring in here constantly that argument that looked closed to me.

    Anonymous March 31, 2018 3:22 am
    Just to be honest, if you check my page you would see that I prefer yuri over yaoi too (I love Korean yuris, just to put it plainly). I don't see the need to bring in here constantly that argument that looked c... LadyLight

    Honestly, no one cares if you like yuri (I'm not saying in a mean way, sorry if I seem that way) After all, everyone has their own liking. What makes people angry is when that "person" start hating (not only on the character) and make an assumption of him to be a harasser simply because people are shipping him with hwang. If you respect people opinion, than others will do the same to you. That's all to that. Again, I'm not being mean or trying to argue with you. Sorry if I offense you in anyway.

    Anonymous March 31, 2018 3:28 am
    Honestly, no one cares if you like yuri (I'm not saying in a mean way, sorry if I seem that way) After all, everyone has their own liking. What makes people angry is when that "person" start hating (not only on... @Anonymous


    Dee-Chan March 31, 2018 12:01 pm
    Just to be honest, if you check my page you would see that I prefer yuri over yaoi too (I love Korean yuris, just to put it plainly). I don't see the need to bring in here constantly that argument that looked c... LadyLight

    Im not sure if u took offense or Maybe i read this comment wrong... i don’t rly have anything against Yuri or yaoi either, i’ve Been pretty used to it for a long time back and i enjoy Reading them., Im just saying y hate on yaoi When u like Yuri, it isnt that different right? ^^’

    Dee-Chan March 31, 2018 12:04 pm
    Just to be honest, if you check my page you would see that I prefer yuri over yaoi too (I love Korean yuris, just to put it plainly). I don't see the need to bring in here constantly that argument that looked c... LadyLight

    But i didn’t rly focus myself into that When i was writing, that was’nt the point, sorry if u took the wrong way

    Dee-Chan March 31, 2018 12:04 pm
    Just to be honest, if you check my page you would see that I prefer yuri over yaoi too (I love Korean yuris, just to put it plainly). I don't see the need to bring in here constantly that argument that looked c... LadyLight

    Took IT the wrong way* Jesus

    Dee-Chan March 31, 2018 12:10 pm
    Just to be honest, if you check my page you would see that I prefer yuri over yaoi too (I love Korean yuris, just to put it plainly). I don't see the need to bring in here constantly that argument that looked c... LadyLight

    But just like anonymus said recently (the one before me) that was the deal.
    (Thank u whoever wrote that)

    LadyLight March 31, 2018 7:05 pm
    But just like anonymus said recently (the one before me) that was the deal. (Thank u whoever wrote that) Dee-Chan

    No problem^^

agave March 24, 2018 3:23 pm

why Ms Kim won´t teach the stupid Young-Jun, is that he may have sexually harassed her. As sexual harassment is about power and control, I don´t buy the shit "but he looks like a good man because he is awkward"
She is clearly a responsible person, so it´s really odd for her to ignore a newbie.

    agave March 24, 2018 4:00 pm

    Worldwide, 1 in 3 women is sexually harassed at the workplace.. 99,9% of the perpetrators are (of course) male. That´s why Taesoo´s past story is so unrealistic - don´t know about Korea, but in the rest of the world women are never believed when they speak up, and men never get to face punishment for their crimes. And as it´s very often the case, the victim faces consequences for speaking up.

    Dee-Chan March 24, 2018 4:15 pm
    Worldwide, 1 in 3 women is sexually harassed at the workplace.. 99,9% of the perpetrators are (of course) male. That´s why Taesoo´s past story is so unrealistic - don´t know about Korea, but in the rest of t... agave

    I don’t rly think they said ANYTHING about sexual harrasment in there, JADE (the author) made young-jun as a little side-character, nothing big, nothing less, it would be Nice if u did not make such big deal out of it with this manwha, Thanks.

    Anonymous March 24, 2018 4:17 pm
    I don’t rly think they said ANYTHING about sexual harrasment in there, JADE (the author) made young-jun as a little side-character, nothing big, nothing less, it would be Nice if u did not make such big deal... Dee-Chan

    Agree. I think op is just hating on that character simply because some people are shipping him with mr. Hwang

    Anonymous March 24, 2018 4:22 pm
    Agree. I think op is just hating on that character simply because some people are shipping him with mr. Hwang @Anonymous

    Lmao Whats her problem Anyways? I think Young-Juns pretty adorable, and i got a shock When i saw those eyes Lmao

    Anonymous March 24, 2018 4:27 pm
    Lmao Whats her problem Anyways? I think Young-Juns pretty adorable, and i got a shock When i saw those eyes Lmao @Anonymous

    Right. I was also shocked when i see his eyes. His expression is adorable

    Anonymous March 24, 2018 4:42 pm

    Your theory is ridiculous . There's no slightest hint about young-jun harassing ms kim.

    agave March 24, 2018 4:53 pm
    Your theory is ridiculous . There's no slightest hint about young-jun harassing ms kim. @Anonymous

    You kidding? Did you even read what I read? Did you even read what I wrote? Think objective.

    Anonymous March 24, 2018 4:58 pm
    You kidding? Did you even read what I read? Did you even read what I wrote? Think objective. agave

    Yeah I read what you wrote and it was we call "bullshit"

    Anonymous March 24, 2018 5:13 pm
    Yeah I read what you wrote and it was we call "bullshit" @Anonymous

    Put double on that bullshit

    agave March 24, 2018 10:30 pm
    Yeah I read what you wrote and it was we call "bullshit" @Anonymous

    If you paid attention to the story, Ms Kim told Sooha "I don´t feel comfortable around Joung-J" what do you think does that mean? Why is she feeling that way? She is clearly working hard, and attached to her job. Think objectively.

    agave March 24, 2018 10:31 pm
    Yeah I read what you wrote and it was we call "bullshit" @Anonymous

    If you paid attention to the story, Ms Kim told Sooha "I don´t feel comfortable around Joung-J" what do you think does that mean? Why is she feeling that way? She is clearly working hard, and attached to her job.
    Then you come and fucking say "NoO HiNt"
    Think objectively. At least try it.

    Anonymous March 24, 2018 11:43 pm
    If you paid attention to the story, Ms Kim told Sooha "I don´t feel comfortable around Joung-J" what do you think does that mean? Why is she feeling that way? She is clearly working hard, and attached to her j... agave

    ”I don’t feel comfortable around Joung-J” can also be a sentence she tries to tell instead of saying ”he is too annoying, i’ve already been handling him too much, u take him” or ”I can’t communicate with him or don’t have the same chemistry with him”
    Now my dear, salted, pinapple, WHERE did u see the harraser in his character, would u REALLY do so much But to THINK that the author enjoy making a HARRASING SIDE CHARACTER IN THE BACKGROUND OF THE STORY!? What the fuck is going on inside of that skull - this isnt some messed up manwha with plottwists of people being harrased or raped in secret, if anything i loved this manwha for being ANYTHING But sexual (beside showing a bit skin - as in Taesoo’s body lol) or having some fucked up twist. If u want that i could happily arrange introduce u to the Hentai section my friend. If not, then take ur Thoughts with an Adult or someone who can discuss this with u on ur level, Cus the only thing u Sadly will be getting on here will be hate if u Keep going like u do now.

    Anonymous March 25, 2018 1:47 am
    ”I don’t feel comfortable around Joung-J” can also be a sentence she tries to tell instead of saying ”he is too annoying, i’ve already been handling him too much, u take him” or ”I can’t communi... @Anonymous

    Op is just hating on a character simply because some people are shipping him with hwang. Let her be salty and sour since she wants the hate.

    Anonymous March 25, 2018 8:42 am
    Op is just hating on a character simply because some people are shipping him with hwang. Let her be salty and sour since she wants the hate. @Anonymous

    Lmao sure, lets see for How long this sour shit can Keep this up, if i Aint the one smacking her face with logic at the end of the day, Someone else will FOR SURE.

agave March 24, 2018 12:41 pm

I can´t wait!! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

agave March 23, 2018 5:10 pm

that countless millions of girls and women are treated like Sita.. they are considered as "impure" when having their period, can´t go to school for a whole week, because f.e.: on their period they are not allowed to cross a "holy" bridge, they can´t touch food, they are shamed for something as clean and natural as period.
Period is an act of cleaning, an act of life and being reborn, it´s the embodiment of nature. No girl and no woman should ever be made to feel ashamed for period, it´s the reason every single one of us exists.

    avocadofortae December 23, 2020 11:04 am

    as a Nepalese sadly i had no idea about kumaris until last year, there’s many rebuttals to your claims as well, but superstitions against woman being impure during period is indeed true, and it’s followed in almost every hindu household ( not related to religion ) including mines i lie lol we’re not allowed to go to praying, and we can’t touch stuff in kitchen it maybe be way worse in the countries, i heard they’re usually exiled and forced to live in horrible sheds alone ://

agave March 22, 2018 7:42 pm

D.I.D. doesn´t happen because a person wants to be someone else or like someone else.. it happens because a person (usually a child) can´t take pain anymore, so the brain does something to protect itself; it creates another personality.

    38ren April 7, 2018 12:26 am

    Yea that's what I thought too, but in a way wasn't she in pain because she was afraid to admit her feelings or her sexuality?

    KimJungYang August 11, 2018 1:25 am
    Yea that's what I thought too, but in a way wasn't she in pain because she was afraid to admit her feelings or her sexuality? 38ren

    I think it could've been both that's making her like that

    trinityanne October 15, 2018 6:37 pm
    Yea that's what I thought too, but in a way wasn't she in pain because she was afraid to admit her feelings or her sexuality? 38ren

    combine her confusion with the fact that the girl she liked ended up causing her a ton of trauma developing a split personality comes as no real shock at all

    kim July 21, 2019 6:26 pm

    Social situations in HS are more hurtful than any physical pain

    trinityanne July 22, 2019 7:05 pm
    Social situations in HS are more hurtful than any physical pain kim

    that statement is far far to true

    kim July 22, 2019 8:56 pm
    that statement is far far to true trinityanne

    I think alot of older folk forget that in HS other kids don't have to touch you for you to wish you were dead the smallest things can seem monumentous!

    kim July 22, 2019 9:28 pm
    Yea that's what I thought too, but in a way wasn't she in pain because she was afraid to admit her feelings or her sexuality? 38ren

    Well HS kids today seldom get physical its normally social bullying by hatful taunts
    or cyber bullying that can get real serious driving some kids to suicide!

    trinityanne July 22, 2019 11:46 pm
    Well HS kids today seldom get physical its normally social bullying by hatful taunts or cyber bullying that can get real serious driving some kids to suicide! kim

    i still remember high school and it was not a good time in my life at all period

    kim July 23, 2019 4:34 am
    i still remember high school and it was not a good time in my life at all period trinityanne

    That should never of happen to you im sorry I don't have problems with the girls at my school but Im not ignorant to whats happening around me either.

    trinityanne July 24, 2019 4:07 am
    That should never of happen to you im sorry I don't have problems with the girls at my school but Im not ignorant to whats happening around me either. kim

    first off i am male my daughter and i created this account together when she was still living with me here in the US she is now living back in japan with my grandsons and her wife i just keep using the account we created together so that 1 i could learn a bit more about what interested my daughter and 2 so that my daughter could try and come out to me which i did not get until she moved back to japan 5 years ago and met her now wife and i outed her in a manner that left my daughter redder than i have ever seen her in her life

    kim July 24, 2019 4:23 am
    first off i am male my daughter and i created this account together when she was still living with me here in the US she is now living back in japan with my grandsons and her wife i just keep using the account ... trinityanne

    ahaha.. My dad did the same to me back in JHS he said you don't have to hide from me just be careful kids can be cruel. I go to an all girls school in manhattan Im sure things would've been different if I went to a mixed gender school.

    trinityanne July 24, 2019 11:19 am
    ahaha.. My dad did the same to me back in JHS he said you don't have to hide from me just be careful kids can be cruel. I go to an all girls school in manhattan Im sure things would've been different if I went ... kim

    i can see that my younger daughter is 100% always open about the fact that she is a lesbian however my older daughter due to where she lives has had some problems like for instance her wife has had issues picking up my grandson's from school a couple of times before my daughter's grandfather who owns the school put his foot down honestly i think it really depends on where you live the more open and friendly area's like canada and the west coast of the us are some of the best area's in the world if you are gay trans or anything else that is within the LGBTQ+ . keep in mind how i outed my older daughter was she and i were talking on the computer and her now wife walked into camera view and gently caressed my daughters arm shoulder and her right breast as we are talking and all i asked her was how her girlfriend tastes lol

    kim July 24, 2019 4:43 pm
    i can see that my younger daughter is 100% always open about the fact that she is a lesbian however my older daughter due to where she lives has had some problems like for instance her wife has had issues picki... trinityanne

    Thats true like NYC has one of the largest gay-lesbian communities adoption n marriage is legal too. But we still have along way to go as far as unwarranted hate so like my dad says always be aware of those around you. I found that its not the ones who are openly against same sex relations but the ones who smile n act friendly that slip pass your guard. I'm just lucky to have been born in this era an be surrounded by family an friends that support me. So theres nothing special you have to do for your girls just treat your daughters normally like any other girl thats my advise it lets the know theirs nothing wrong with them their just like everyone else.

    trinityanne July 24, 2019 7:43 pm
    Thats true like NYC has one of the largest gay-lesbian communities adoption n marriage is legal too. But we still have along way to go as far as unwarranted hate so like my dad says always be aware of those aro... kim

    i do treat them normally and i have and will do anything they ask if somebody is causing them trouble because that is my job as a father to protect

    kim July 24, 2019 9:06 pm
    i do treat them normally and i have and will do anything they ask if somebody is causing them trouble because that is my job as a father to protect trinityanne

    I have no doubt your daughters are the same as me a Daddy's Girl.LOL

    trinityanne July 26, 2019 6:11 pm
    I have no doubt your daughters are the same as me a Daddy's Girl.LOL kim

    yes and no my older daughter yes very much so we talk pretty much daily my younger daughter however almost never contacts me unless she has some design issues then and only then does she call or message me more often than not though it is a an email or a message

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