Ribura August 14, 2018 1:19 pm

You know.... I kinda don't like the two mc's very much. They both seem like very tiring-to-deal-with people.

    VikyHikari August 14, 2018 3:01 pm

    Right? I wouldn't be their friend

Ribura August 10, 2018 11:44 pm

:scared now: 0_0;;;;;;;;;;;

Ribura August 5, 2018 6:43 pm

Chanwoo scares me a little bit, but I'm happy for him XD .

Ribura August 5, 2018 6:29 pm

You know, even if the rumor WAS true, dont' see why the rando classmates gotta be all jerky and judgemental about it. He's in his twenties, he can do what he wants ya pricks*.

*the other students I mean, not you dear comment reader ;) .

Ribura August 3, 2018 9:22 pm

:sobbing ensues:

Ribura July 30, 2018 2:13 pm

Chap 32 spoilers




My emotions went back and forth this chapter!

I was laughing when Hyesung was pulling out dojins hair, and Doujin looked wonderfully tussled. But then Hye being scared and sad was... scary.

and now that he's run off, I'm afraid he's gonna hurt himself :( .

Hyesung' s natural instincts tend to be "RUN AWAY" when bad things happrn. But I hope he is found soon ;_; .

    roar July 30, 2018 2:32 pm

    I'm so afraid too!
    Will there really has to be a break?
    I need to know what happens next. T____T;;;

Ribura July 26, 2018 6:27 pm

I really wish BL authors would quit feeling the need to add a "no homo" line to their stories so much of the time. throws me out of the story.

"It's okay to be gay! " or bi, or whatever!

    Klementiini July 26, 2018 10:52 pm

    While I don't love that line and it is used way too often in BL, I feel like it can still be meaningful and something to identify with for some people. Labels like "straight", "gay" or "bi" are so strict. Maybe people who think like this are "bi with a strong preference towards opposite gender", so they have basically considered themselves straight for most of their lives and a label like "gay" doesn't really match their identity, nor even just "bi". In this case Senpai doesn't like Shibamoto because he's a man (that is, because he's a gay guy who only could like other men), he likes Shibamoto because he's a cute person (and not just shallow, physical cute as an object, but his wholebeing, including his personality).

    Not everything needs a label. Sometimes we like people because of who they are, not because they match our sexual preferences. We define our own experiences. If a guy once loved a woman, truly and honestly loved her, but has since then realized that he is sexually attracted to men and he is not interested in women anymore and that he is, in fact, gay, it's no one else's business to tell him that that one woman makes him bi. Liking one man doesn't automatically make you gay.

    All that said, luckily openly gay and bi characters are fairly common in yaoi manga already, and they are becoming even more so. I hope the trend continues. Some characters expressing this sort of confusion (and it can be confusion, people don't always speak in absolute truths) is actually somewhat realistic.

    Sorry for the rant! I was just already thinking about this because of an online conversation I read today about someone feeling uncomfortable because people around them were convinced that this person was gay, while the person had started to wonder if they're actually asexual. Most people told them that the label is unnecessary and that they should define their sexuality however they felt was most comfortable and accurate in their own experience.

Ribura July 23, 2018 6:30 pm

KR and EN versions are simu-released now! Woooo o/ !!

Also, good gods the two MC's are cute .

Ribura July 21, 2018 8:44 pm

The art and uh, "plot" are both pretty horrible but....eh, it's basically just straight up porn and I'm kinda diggin' it now xD.

Ribura July 18, 2018 1:16 pm

Aw. I like the bro in this side story world.

Sister is REMARKABLY stupid no matter what works she's in though, huh? ^^;;

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