Change 35 SPOILERS:
I'm at work, so I had to concentrate HARD to not cry and mess up my makeup with this chapter. Haha.
That said, so many moments ;_;
Byul loving on that plush. Doujin's mom-update book. Hyesung 's tv monitoring while suffering and idly writing math formulas ;_;.
Then the sudden heat happening at the end, (partially due to thinking about Doujin) . Grrrr, Heesoo, you better not do anything MORE to hurt my sweet baby Hyesung during t his!

....... The characterization for Hyun is all over the place :|

Not really! He is just the same as any other abusers. They all come off as a good boy in the start and as the relationship progresses they show their colours! It was bc of that, thet Shiwoo ghosted Hyun! You'll understand his chara better when the whole back story of their relationship is revealed! All in all, Hyun is the only bad guy! #-.-)
Very hot.
A part of me thought it would be pretty funny if after getting together after so many yezrs, they still couldn't ejaculate.