Ribura November 7, 2018 10:39 pm

Master: *refuses to let MC see his family, but briefly helps with the dishes.*I


    Leviathan November 8, 2018 9:00 am


    tunacat November 8, 2018 6:52 pm

    YES!!!! Scrolling the comment section to find someone like you who thought the same thing

Ribura November 5, 2018 2:52 pm

ch 41 spoilers
*bursts into room*


Doujin: 0_o


Doujin: I....wait, what?

Byul: oh cool, my bunny came back.

ANyways, yeah, I laughed. It was a very Hyesung way of doing things. Lol

EDIT- Oh yeah, and I think Hyesung bonded/ fell in love when he saw Doujin in the park being loving towards Byul. Just my two cents there.

Ribura November 1, 2018 11:26 pm

I feel like, by the end of this, the situation is going to be reversed and Bum is going to seriously try to murderinjure Sangwoo.

Ribura November 1, 2018 10:10 am

That's gonna be quite the mess to clean up at the end there. Hahaha

Ribura October 29, 2018 1:57 pm

Change 40 thoughts:,



Oh Hye, you stupid, no-self-esteem, kid :( .

Ribura October 22, 2018 1:53 pm

Me, after reading chapter 39-





(Side note, I bet he is still in the apt somewhere and that the chapter ending is a fakeout. But, y'know, still. XD.)

    Yeya October 22, 2018 1:56 pm

    Better he’s breastfeeding byul ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Wanime October 22, 2018 1:56 pm

    I think he's with the baby

    Wanime October 22, 2018 2:42 pm

    Even better.

    xxminixkittyx October 22, 2018 3:20 pm
    Better he’s breastfeeding byul ლ(´ڡ`ლ) Yeya

    I hope so, nartively it wouldn't make sense if Frago made him leave again! I mean we dedicated a good 10 chapters of him being seprated from the Dojin and the Byul and what good would that do. The scene at the end defintely is fake out; it makes better sense if we would run to the baby's side.

Ribura October 18, 2018 2:09 pm

I find this story kinda a slog to read because no one seems to really... Like each other all that much.

I mean, they'll give lofty speeches about "love" , but it seems kinda hollow. Like they just like the concept of "love" and possesion.

I'm not sure if this intentional on the part of the author or not.

    valvia October 20, 2018 10:38 pm

    I think you feel like that because everything is ambiguous at this point.

    The older brother seems to be depicted as obsessed with Haru from the bit we've seen so far and the little brother's perspective, we still didn't get the whole story from his point of view or the content of the letter, so we'll see about him. His words about being an alpha for the purpose of protecting and loving him the most at the end of chap 4 were forward about his sentiments, but the vibe of the chapter was strange...

    The younger brother seems to genuinely love Haru, but became indecisive because other factors like his sense of inferiority towards his older brother and the way the older brother showed a provocative attitude about Haru's preference toward him. I feel like his attitude during his brother's absence was unknowingly punishing Haru for only seeing and caring more about his brother; he has room for improvement as the story goes on though. If he starts to be true to his feelings and treats Haru better, he can still become main male lead.

    Haru seems to have been more attracted to the older brother from the start, as he was the one to protect him and give him a sense of security. However, during the long absence he seems to have developed feelings for younger brother. The fact that younger brother prioritized his fiance seems to have hurt him deeply. But the reason I am not sure about which one he really loves is ; although he showed preference for the older brother from the start and seems to still like him, he reacted very strongly to hearing about the younger brother not caring about him, and he only took off the collar after believing it, rather than for the older brother.
    I think he is unclear about his feelings for both, but since the older is being more outwardly loving and gives him a sense of security and if being his number one, he is choosing him right now.
    So it could still change later depending on the attitude of both brothers, if the younger fights for his love and wether or not the older is really in love with him.

    The uncertainty about who is the real male lead makes it interesting as it can go both ways, but I do feel like it can also end badly, or at least with him walking from both of them.

Ribura October 15, 2018 3:47 pm

Chap 38 spoilers!

Fargo on Twitter said Doujin's thinks of Heesoo like a little brother, and you can really see it here. Heesoo got off lucky, but I enjoyed it.

Hee and Hye have always looked kinda similar (Hee looks similar to Hye's old design in fact), so it was fun seeing them being lectured together. ....and even more fun seeing Hee getting dragged off XD.

In Hyesung's side - even though he's scared about dealing with Byul, I'm happy for him and his kid. Don't run off again Hyesung! You gotta fight that urge!

...also, being so near his kid.... He's gonna start lactating soon aint he ,^^;;;?

Ribura October 8, 2018 2:20 pm

Chapter 37 spoilers.
Like, I'm glad that Heesoo is finally being a little nicer but.... STILL lying? C'mon Heesoo, you're going to get found out and you're making the inevitable worse and worse for yourself. ya dummy.

Anyways, it was established in the extras that Hyesung can't hide his pheromones at all, so Doujin's is gonna notice SUPER quick that mommy is there. Hee hee :D .

Ribura October 1, 2018 5:44 pm

Spoilers oct 1st chapter-

I’m glad Heesoo finally got a reality check, and I'm also glad he's not a monster.

I've always had a bit of fondness for the idiot, but his actions the last two chapter really had me scared and kinda hating him.

Now you know how bad it is Heesoo. Now you know Hyesung is just a scared kid, a human being, just like you. So how ya gonna fix this Heesoo? Because you fucked up, bad, so you gotta try and fix it!

I look forward to seeing what happens :) .

Also, Hee said "no one is looking for you" to Hyesung, but I think he meant, "no one is looking for you to hurt you." He forgot To say Doujin is actually looking, but in a good way.

So, Hye still doesn't know that Doujin cares for him ;;;.

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