are y’all actually saying that shit. This person who made it and the person who translated it are fucking disguising. I don’t kink shame, but this is pedophilia and it’s nasty. If you like little kids being raped then you should like a jail cell, i can’t believe this is actually on this website. There is a variety of kinky shit on this website, and some are a bit strange to me, but they aren’t this extent of utterly disguising garbage. I cannot tell you enough how nasty this is i’m so disgusted and by the people who dare defend this shit, what the actual fuck.

THANK YOU OMG all the people in this comment section actually scare me Erwin and Levi Is a decent ship and it’s legal But not only did they AGE DOWN THE CHARACTERS they incorporated rape,pedophilia and many other fucked up shit in this it’s honestly gross and quite terrifying and I’m not kink shaming in all honesty if you fetishize PEDOPHILIA you need help it’s not even a kink it’s straight up alarming
i read everything, how tf could i skip? i did not need to know you were wet and horny. that’s fucking gross. story was also mediocre as well:/
I Didn’t Mean To Like
ok, and i didn’t need to know. what, am i not allowed to not like the story and the translator describing how their nether regions are wet? seems normal to me haha xd
Omg, I’m So Sorry!! I Meant To Say Dislike, Because I Couldn’t Tell If I Liked Or Disliked, And I Messed Up My Spelling!! I’m So Sorry, Did I Like Or Dislike, By The Way? Sorry Again!!
oh no that’s completely fine^^ im alright even if you disagree but what i don’t like is when people don’t let me have an opinion, i just personally think it’s weird. sorry if i also came off as rude, you seem very nice but i tend to come off very aggressive^^’
Oh, No! It’s Alright, It’s Because Of My Spelling That It Made You Feel Like You Didn’t Have The Right To Have An Opinion!! ┗( T﹏T )┛