Tyra the turtle's experience ( All 15 )

do I have a fetish for glasses...? no definitely not...   1 reply
04 05,2021
(To congratulate myself on 100 followers and say thanks to everyone I wrote a poem) Ahem, Oh I never thought even imagined I’d hit this number, At this point in my life all I do is slumber, I just want to say thank you I know I’m annoying But somehow you guys find me funny... I like destroying. (Y’all this was the only thing that rymed with a......   4 reply
13 01,2021
How to save photos on your phone without screenshotting them -How to save photos on mangago answers. Hold photo and press the add to to photos button, yes you can do this in incognito or private mode. This will directly add to your camera roll, but this might only apply to iPhone users. So if you don’t have an iPhone you can try doing this, Idk ......   1 reply
12 01,2021
Ok so if you didn’t know already, the author of library 1 has a tik tok acc and also has his own webtoon. https://m.webtoons.com/en/challenge/an-open-friend/list?title_no=554438 And I went to the patreon and he sounds so sincere awwww.   3 reply
07 01,2021
You better choose one of these for your pfp ^look you can literally edit any words cuz of the blank speech bubble maybe something like, “I wanna see you pee.” Cuz that’s hot   3 reply
01 01,2021

Tyra the turtle's answer ( All 756 )

about question
I like love triangles   reply
09 08,2023
Damn I don’t even have friends let alone a best one...   1 reply
28 06,2021
Idkw but he just gives off the vibe that he purposely chose the clear case to show off his red phone   reply
14 06,2021
about question
Is it wrong to get done by a girl? https://www.mangago.me/read-manga/is_it_wrong_to_get_done_by_a_girl/ Positively yours https://www.mangago.me/read-manga/positively_yours/ Totem Realm https://www.mangago.me/read-manga/totem_realm/ The evil ladies hero (isekai) https://www.mangago.me/read-manga/the_evil_lady_s_hero/ Devil’s romance https://www......   reply
14 06,2021
about question
Personally I think it’s stupid self proclaiming yourself as a Fujo or fudan. Like are you proud of reading yaoi or sumn?   2 reply
14 06,2021

Tyra the turtle's question ( All 60 )

Hello, hi, welcome. Um since my antisocial ass would like to become less antisocial and possibly get more firends... would anyone like to join my server. We talk ab a lot of stuff there like art, writing, anime, bl, gl, fish, weird ass looking moths, etc... so if you would like to join... https://discord.gg/57JU26wa
(We also welcome different languages, and have homework help, and an advise and venting channel. In case you need to get something off your chest )
20 04,2021
TURTLE. CULT. It is now that we must rise up and conquer humanity. The question is, are you willing to become one with the turtle? Oh also we have a server, and I know promotions like this are annoying but we have turtle pics . You can join if you want . https://discord.gg/fjVFvj3D
10 04,2021
Put a picture of cute animals down below. Right now, that’s an order.
23 01,2021
What are the best mobile games
17 01,2021