Kou June 21, 2024 11:50 am

Still glad the main ML is the bodyguard. The only sane and normal person in this series. He stayed true to his character and never faked it by taking advantage of MC

I don’t care if their romance will be rushed or not, it’s better than MC ending up with those fake people here (excluding the actress and some npc extras lol)

    x diablo x June 21, 2024 12:04 pm

    Does the bodyguard appear alr? I didn saw the ML? Is it daejun or 1 of the member?

    Joew June 21, 2024 12:09 pm
    Does the bodyguard appear alr? I didn saw the ML? Is it daejun or 1 of the member? x diablo x

    It is Daejun

    x diablo x June 21, 2024 12:12 pm
    It is Daejun Joew

    Oh wow. Thank you

    icry June 21, 2024 12:36 pm


    x diablo x June 21, 2024 4:00 pm

    Hahah. I prefer daejun to be the ML cuz only he knw the MC real self. And the member thot the MC is the real SH.

    Kou June 21, 2024 6:07 pm

    I’m sorry idk what to call them because im afraid someone will think when i say “others” they’ll include the members but i meant npc in a positive way its better than labeling them as fakes. (i dont think the reasoning is enough but i promise u i dont mean it in a malicious way )

Kou June 21, 2024 6:50 am

I saw someone saying the pink hair guy (sorry forgot his name) sudden change from his past and current self is unrealistic, honestly, i think its because we never got the pov of the pink hair guy and what thoughts went through his head after he recovered his memories or at least get to know his ENTIRE pov from first chapter to last

It’s been so long since i read this so i dont remember a lot of details but yeah i hope the artist did at least 2-3 side stories of the pink hair guy’s pov or what happened to their relationship afterwards

Kou June 18, 2024 6:28 pm

Hmm yep this story aint for me. Was willing to stay for the little brother but the plot is not grabbing my attention. I love when women become mc’s but if this female mc is just basically the strongest but also the laziest then she complains her unemployed life is gonna be stolen from her is not it for me.

Where’s the struggle? Where’s the overcoming your weakness to be stronger? Where’s the protecting your loved ones?

In the end, this mc cares about is her boring life like sis didnt even struggle or suffered in life. She’s just a rich brat who is so spoiled by her own power. Would have been good if that baek dohyun is the mc. Even some regress female mc who wanna live a peaceful life is better than this and made better decisions.

I don’t know but spoiled and rich brats who never struggled in life and being ignorant of others’ suffering is kinda meh. She really only accepted dohyun’s request because she doesn’t wanna get punished or face reality by her mom. Already dropped after 3-4 chapters.

(It would be interesting if this was her past and we actually see her real struggling as the first chapter but sorry no, i’m not interested to read the journey of a whining rich and privileged adult who acts like a kid because her life will no longer be boring)

Art is good though, nice

    KillerQueen June 21, 2024 3:51 am

    Had you continued reading this manhwa you wouldn't have commented this. You only read 3-4 chapters and you're judging her this bad. Try to atleast read 20 before forming an opinion. Nothing important get revealed in first few chapters.

Kou June 18, 2024 9:38 am

I know everyone here are being sad but i haven’t reached the ending so can i just share how much i hate the mom so much??? If i had a family like this, makes me wanna punch them and call them old-traditional fools. Old people and their old mindset, its 2024 why are we still living in the 1600s???

Kou June 16, 2024 11:32 pm

MC next chapter be like: “But i did no legendary sht?! ” aint no way this ML is a tsundere and never once expressed his feelings properly MC but will fangirl and praise him when he’s not in front of him. But wait i’m confused now

Why did ML look terrified when he’s going inside that training room by himself????

    yeeeps June 18, 2024 6:28 pm

    i think hes scared that he will get caught because of his coworker like yk...iykwim

Kou June 15, 2024 12:00 pm

I don’t understand what happened to the genre of today’s fictional stories. Since when did it became a norm where abuse = love is repeated so many times. I remember back then it wasn’t this. It was a norm of highschool love stories and good fantasy plots that is 0% harem

It’s disappointing how authors nowadays write abusive plots and make it a normal love story and say it as a moral lesson not to do this real life. FUCKING BITCH IF THATS YOUR LESSON THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE WRITTEN A NORMAL STORY INSTEAD OF THIS MONSTROSITY

Worst of all, not a single redeemable things happened. I really do think Korean authors have this abusive fetish and even if its only apply to fictional, its still disgusting for you to have an abuse fetish while Japan authors still stuck with the isekai fetish, honestly, tiring cliche but better than abuse fetish. Then Chinese authors going for danmei route but have deep plot and ACTUAL redeemable abusive male leads where half of the story the ML redeems himself while enduring MCs rejection time to time but Korean authors?

Just disappointing. I think KR publishing companies should start rejecting authors who wrote abusive fetish and plots because what kind of moral lesson will anyone take from this???

I sounded like racist but tell me why it’s always such a norm in Korean fictional media to have abusive assholes and still get a happy ending when they didn’t have a single redemption arc

    UnrealEngine June 15, 2024 1:12 pm

    That’s why I get really happy when I see a webtoon with a genuinely cute and wholesome main relationship (emphasizing main because I know certain manhwas that have healthier side couples). Sometimes I think they add all this abuse for the drama/plot as an excuse but you can have a perfectly good story without it. Also, the male leads are always like abusive a-holes while the MC’s just accept it or don’t fight back because they’re “uwu just a baby”

    Bbbbbbb June 15, 2024 9:09 pm
    That’s why I get really happy when I see a webtoon with a genuinely cute and wholesome main relationship (emphasizing main because I know certain manhwas that have healthier side couples). Sometimes I think t... UnrealEngine

    So why are u here then missy?

    UnrealEngine June 15, 2024 9:41 pm
    So why are u here then missy? Bbbbbbb

    That missy is crazy bro …Because I thought the premise was interesting and then was flashbanged by r@pe. I already saw the spoilers but wanted to see how it ends, that’s all.

    Kou June 15, 2024 10:57 pm
    That missy is crazy bro …Because I thought the premise was interesting and then was flashbanged by r@pe. I already saw the spoilers but wanted to see how it ends, that’s all. UnrealEngine

    Oh don’t bother with the ending I saw someone already spoiled and its the most horrible ending I’ve ever seen than other abusive love tropes I saw.

    (Not gonna say their names because I forgot and not worth remembering)

    Tldr: Modern ML hid from MC he is the Past ML that abused him and MC believed he is not the Past ML because their actions are different but ML really just hid them so that he can keep MC all to himself again. At the end, MC looks up at the sky and smiled to ML. This assumes they still end of together while ML forever hides the fact he has his past memories and continues to manipulates MC

    Honestly sharing this to you, back then I followed and read this webtoon where ML is also abusive of MC but still end up together at the end IN NOVEL

    So webtoon artist saw the dissatisfaction of readers of this and decided to give a different ending IN WEBTOON so MC ends up with 2nd ML—banger and better ending. Just thought of sharing this because after all the shit we read maybe there are webtoons out there can do the same as this story

Kou June 14, 2024 5:06 pm

Can I just let this out that I HATE IT so much whenever MC Villainess (who didn’t even do the evil deed, whether they’re the original or not) have to be submissive to their family who neglected and abused them?

Also why is it always the “you have to get along with your family even if they abuse you to secure your future?” Can’t WOMEN PROTAGONISTS survive on their own??? It’s as if these cliche villainess plots kept vocalizing FLs can survive on their own but in the end, they have to be submissive to their abusive family

When will there be another Villainess like Roxana? Is Roxana the only god-written villainess? This MC have a huge chance but author still used the “submit your abusive family to gain fame”

I like the Villainess but the author just sucks at writing independent main characters. Still reading this because of the MC but will be dropping this the more the author makes the MC submit to abusive stuffs even if she looks so confident in not getting affected by it—I’m the one getting affected

Also fuck her two brothers, ya’ll no different from Penelope’s brothers. Fuck yourselves.

    cherry lover June 15, 2024 4:04 am

    i think the whole point is that she’s trying to be like roxana (independent on her own and slays) BUT the literal story is cursed from the beginning to prevent her from doing that. the entire point is to make her dependent on others and build this nonsense romance storyline….

Kou June 13, 2024 11:39 am

Yeah you fuckers gen z are so damn embarassing. Why the fuck are ya’ll complaining so much. This is fucking fiction and you can’t separate reality and fiction, IS THAT SO HARD??

What’s disgusting about this are you gen z motherfuckers who can’t separate fiction and reality. Vocalize your hate to actual real people who rape others instead of drawings and pixels who won’t give you a flower when you protect them

NO WAY you guys are actually expecting a reward and certificate when you protect fictional characters?? GASP

    jalapeno on a stick June 13, 2024 11:43 am

    ngl it's kinda embarrassing to see some of them apply human morals on a drawing like sure? it's not gonna thank you for defending their fictional rights tho

    wherethedepravedgather June 13, 2024 12:20 pm

    ugh thank you!
    There so much snowflakes on this website it's like perennial winter.

    psps June 13, 2024 1:45 pm

    You sound like a porn addict hag ngl

Kou June 13, 2024 9:49 am

Okay guys we’re at the final arc, someone help me theorize and speculate

Will there be anymore deaths in this? Most likely it might be Kamiki but question is who will kill him?

Is Ai’s message to Kamiki an acceptance of apology or not? What will happen to Kamiki at the end of the story, be jailed or die?

How do you think of Aqua and Ruby’s story will end? Will Aqua court Kana at the end or live his life in isolation but continue living in Ai’s legacy? Will Ruby fucking give up on her love for the doctor god pls girl just fucking give up that is not Gorou anymore (or get therapy)

Manga endings must always leave an impression on the readers so what do you think the end panel for the end of this manga? Aqua? Ruby? Or Ai?

    __Kimchi June 13, 2024 11:24 am

    The Best thing that can happen is death of kamiki and ruby. But seriously I think that it would be intresting if kamiki dies with Aqua. In the chapter before Aqua confronted himself with his past and gorou said he either does get revange or he moves on and lives his life, and right now aqua says he choses revange, at least this is how I understand it. I think open ending is also possible but personally I would be pissed so it's better not be. About the final panel I think if Kamiki would die with Aqua they could just show their bodies or funreal.

    I dont know I just hope there won't be any incests

    scandalmomo June 25, 2024 9:17 pm
    The Best thing that can happen is death of kamiki and ruby. But seriously I think that it would be intresting if kamiki dies with Aqua. In the chapter before Aqua confronted himself with his past and gorou said... __Kimchi

    Wait, why would Ruby die?
    I just hope something happens to Ruby, she loses her memories and starts treating Aqua as his brother lol

    __Kimchi June 25, 2024 9:51 pm
    Wait, why would Ruby die? I just hope something happens to Ruby, she loses her memories and starts treating Aqua as his brother lol scandalmomo

    I just hate her, so I would be happy if she was just 2 meterś under the ground lol

Kou June 13, 2024 9:37 am

I tried searching any Necromancer Survival updates on twitter but no luck and I don’t think the author or artist have a social media so I don’t know if we’ll even get a season 3… or worst it’s abandoned. The only ones who kept this story alive until now is us readers and fans

Such a shame. This is a really good story, I don’t understand the reason for abandoning it. If this is abandoned, it should have been created by a writer who values stories instead

So does anyone know what chapter of the novel the last chapter of this webtoon left of?

    Rui25 June 15, 2024 2:10 am

    i just check their studio twitter, the last time they tweet is from january 2024 about job recruitment at their studio, and the rest of tweets this year are only retweets
    their twitter is @ANTSTUDIO3

    Rui25 June 15, 2024 2:12 am

    oh btw, they still making new works, i guess this manhwa is really abandoned

    Kou June 15, 2024 10:04 am
    oh btw, they still making new works, i guess this manhwa is really abandoned Rui25

    Rip. They wasted such a good masterpiece. If only they followed the original novel, it could have been a success but I don’t even know what excuse they have anymore

    Mallloryyyyyooo June 26, 2024 2:15 am
    Rip. They wasted such a good masterpiece. If only they followed the original novel, it could have been a success but I don’t even know what excuse they have anymore Kou

    They made a new post on June 18th, I think they will continue it just when they get recruitments.

    Rui25 June 26, 2024 10:41 am
    They made a new post on June 18th, I think they will continue it just when they get recruitments. Mallloryyyyyooo

    tbh i would gladly join their studio (i'm working as webtoon assistant rn) but i can't understand korean at all

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