Like they are apart of the same family and an important family at that. How are they going to legally get together without the other nobles discriminating against them? Is Hari going to be adopted by another great family, is she going to be a commoner (recall that in the original story the other sister came back and took her place), or are they just going to be unofficially together?

I don't really know what to say about John all i know is that he's angry and jealous about the fact that the same high tiers have made low tiers (cripples) feel safe after he obtained power when that's all he ever wanted when he was a cripple. They are all hypocrites all of them, they have only realized the problem when it comes their way when it was sooooo prevalent like u couldn't miss it
Now they are angry about the product of their hypocrisy and pin all the hate on him.
What i can say is that a person who has been powerless all their lives should speak to John and tell him get some therapy (if they have one in that world where they don't subject people to relive their past time and time again) I don't really know how this problem can be fixed without John losing his powers once again (or becoming a Superhero which would be weird) but will the cycle of hate end or will it continue with John just being abused over and over again.
How is this school and hierarchy going to change without changing the way the world is or is the world going to change??

Both of them would have made Kioka amazing because first of all their individual strength(fighting and tactics) but also the fact that they completely understand each other. Forgetting Yona if Hak and Sowoon were still friends, they both could have defeated anything.Sowoon just messed it up but I always wondered why Hak never tried to understand why he did it or like see from his point of view but alas seeing that Sowoon is dying i wonder how they both are going to treat their broken friendship

What I took away from this whole story is that Sowoon never trusted Yona and Hak fully. He didn't believe in their bond enough to try and work things with them. This devastated Yona, so I can't even imagine the pain Hak felt and still feels. Hurt can make things so much more complicated. Maybe Hak doesn't want to try and understand because from his perspective Sowoon didn't try to make him understand. Why try for someone who has already given up on trying, you know?

I feel like that's not the case at all, sowoon did trust Yona and Hal, they are probably the ones he used to trust the most, but the reason why he still killed the king and betrayed them was because of his revenge, at the end of the day he wouldn't let anyone interfer in his plan of doing what once his father was supposed to do, even if that meant hurting the only people he loved, you can see that he would've loved to be next to both of them, when Hak came back as a soldier and Yona as the princess he felt happy, because it was a dream of his to be together, the three of them, sadly he ended up choosing the revenge path

I'm sure he would've loved to have them by his side but his actions still led to the complete opposite. If he trusted them the most, why were they not informed of his plan? It's petty to say, but Sowoon did not act alone. He had accomplices; so he planned a rebellion but not with his most trusted people? At the time, Yona was so crazy about Sowoon she would've definitely stood by him if he told her the truth. Hak respected and liked king Il but he still would've chosen his most beloved friends! Their love and bond was so strong yet he didn't try to make them a part of his future.
My last point here, one my sister and I constantly argue about this lol, is that Sowoon was going to kill Yona after Il. I have no doubt about that! My sister likes to believe he was going to let her go, but if it wasn't for Hak she would've died for sure that day.

Jajajaj what? Yona was in love but she wasn't crazy! Obviously she wouldn't be calm if she was told that her crush was going to murder her father and take the throne! There's no way if hell she would have accepted that, and remember she was a spoiled brad, she didn't know how bad things were when his father was the king, im sure she thought of her father as the most perfect and beloved king of all, if that was the case, she would probably have told the king everything just to try to talk it out and fix things but soo won would be consider a traidor for ploting against the king and would be hang or burn, this Manga tries to be realistic, with this like drugs, bad rulers, the real family killing each other, etc, the power of friendship doesn't solve everything

The thing about Soowon trying to kill yona is still confusing, he absolutely loves her (It's not clear if he does in a romantic way or just like a family), so I tend to believe he was sure Hak would save her, it would explain better why he decided to not look for them after they ran away, at least not look for them exhaustively, about the plan thing... Yona may have been naive back then and in love with soowonn, but she wasn't crazy, she was just ignorant, there is no way in hell she would've just accepted to take part in her father's murder, and Hak was extremely loyal to the king, also he was totally aware of the king's flaws, but even so he still stood up next to him, since he was grateful to him for giving him a home and trusting yona to him, he would've also never agreed to Soowon's plan, and that's something Soowon knew, the biggest mistake that soowon ever did was letting the revenge feeling taking over him, at the end of the day the king not only "Stole" (In his eyes at least) his father's position as the new king, but also killed him, Soowon loved Hak and Yona, but he respected and loved his Father more, that's why he choose to betray his friends, at the end of the day the kingdom's future and the honor of his father were more important

This is why I have a love-hate thing going on with this story! The characters are all loveable and pitiable. You want to hate some and root for others, but you still can't help want to forgive and justify the "bad guys". Sowoon breaks my heart and most of the time when I think about him I want to beat him up lol. At the same time, the clear affection he holds for Hak and Yona and his desire to protect his country and people makes me waver... I see what Yona and Hak see in him and why they love him which makes me resent his actions even more lol.
I love them all I guess ┗( T﹏T )┛

I know! I love this manga too much, and I love Hak and Yona WAY TOO MUCH AHFHDHFSJDJ reason why I can not love soowon, I understand his actions and I feel like he's an amazing character, he's so well done, but after seeing how broken yona and Hak were because of him, I can't, I honestly just want to stab him :( I hope he doesn't die for now because I feel like the kingdom currently needs him, but as soon as he does what he needs to do, I'll gladly accept his death HSJFKDF

UGHH!!! You see because Hak and Yona love Sowoon and I adore them so much, I kind of want to defend Sowoon when he's being threatened lol
Even though I'll go hating him again the second I remember what he did to them! This is all the author's fault!!! I don't know if I admire the shit out the authors, or I want to bury them alive for the rollercoaster of emotions we're put through!
I think I'll be relieved when Sowoon dies though, sad but relieved. So long as Yona, Hak and the gang are ok

Like I would have liked to see Hak and Soowon together taking over the world but sadly we didnt get that
I know Soowon isn't a psychopath because when they said that Hak was in a low rank in the army, he felt like it was his fault for such a man he idolized to be in that position So I think he doesn't have the emotional mindset to love someone romantically but he can feel familiar relationship but when he knows he has destroyed it he will rationalize his decision in some warped way
I hope one day Hak will forgive him but of course not forget because I think that Soowon is an amazing king sure he has his faults but I dont think that Yona would be a good queen if that make any sense. I just hope Soowon Hak and Yona live happily after all this and can actually talk to each other without the extreme bloodlust everywhere.

Im reading the comments and everyone wants the war to end right?
But if we say marlyerns were black people, do they have a right to enslave every single no color(white)?
What I want to know if the elidians (white) have a right to fight back? Just because the past them did something wrong, does the present them have to pay for it? Think now, does black people have the right to disrespect white people because the past white enslaved, took away their culture, and life? Does your present self need to pay for what your past self did? Does your present self need revenge because your past self was hurt?
I was just wondering

I'm literally a person of color (I'm black) but I was just wondering if the world should be in war because of revenge. and do other races have to pick side(Asians, indians etc)
Sorry for being curious about war. Because humans tend to talk when all the bullets have run out. And I was wondering if the current generation wanted to stop the current cycle of hate(a white person killed a person of color, so a person of color killed a white person...and so on) but it seems I was mistaken(i thought we were bigger people)

I was also wondering(i'm a curious person) do people weigh sins like if I killed someone or stole a lollipop from a baby is that on the same level? and can't people change their way of thinking....... like if I stole something important and i now advocate against it am I a hypocrite or can I just now realize that what I did in the past was wrong so now i chose to tell other people that it is wrong

"He is a slut", he has slept with 2 girls not 20 not 200
"He forgetting about Rui" so you want him to live his life thinking about an ex who broke up with him? Stupid
But I can't deny that the drug girl was a useless arc and I had a feeling since he broke up with Hina that he wasn't going to last with Rui without him giving up on writing...

The number of Times you have had sex or number of people you've had sex with doesn't connect to you being a slut. Being a slut is connected to your personality and how faithful you are to your partner or how much you flirt with other people. Spout all you want about how much you love someone but if your feelings waver over one thing or person that shows that love wasn't really anything special or strong and you just gotta face facts you're a fickle person with fickle feelings. That's who natsuo is a fickle person. He's constantly approached by women who shamelessly flirt with him and he continues to hang around them without taking into account to anyone else's feelings. Example serizawa knew very well that natsuo had a girlfriend yet she still planned to seduce him, that's a slut move. Natsuo also knew of serizawa's feelings for him yet continued to hang around her ignoring that maybe him being close to her would only make her feelings grow stronger and ignoring that his gf wouldn't like seeing him get close to girl that was already planning to steal him away. Natsuo is honestly a selfish prick and it's no surprise rui dumped him

While I get what you're saying. Run dumped him for entirely different reason. Everyone loves differently and is portray as such just cause events happen with the girls he encounter does put him on the spot but like everyone else trying to figure his own life out right now that's the whole purpose of this manga. He'll get better and learn from mistakes same as the girls too.

1)Yes, Natsuo is really selfish. Thats why Rui dumped him, two selfish persons don't work that well together.
2)He does not really waver at all. Yes, there were some stupid moments (like Serizawas visit in underwear), but normally he tries to keep his distance to other girls. Also is behavior towards Rui was much more intimate and friendly in comparison to all the other girls. Basically he wanted to be friends with all of them, but there was never any real doubt who his loyality lied.
In conclusion, honestly Natsuo isn't really that bad of a guy. Actually he is quite nice and loyal. Rui on the other hand...she lacks a lot in comparison to Hina or Serizawa.
Main character has the ability to partially read people's mind with visible text. He moved to the country side because its quieter there and it has less people with toxic text. He has the ability to clean someone's text like if they are thinking of murder, I believe he has the ability to alter their mind a bit. He gets sick if he cleans toxic text.
While getting his coffee beans, he get involved with some drugs, thats where he meets someone he cant read their text, a gangster. This has never happened to him. He becomes curious and the gangster guy is also interested in him. They start to develop a relationship. He later moves back to Seoul because he wants to be closer with the gangster guy and his other friend tells him he is wasting his gift. When he moves back, he meets the psychometric foreigner who has the ability to see the memories of objects he touches. Although main character is reluctant, he is forced to allow him to stay because he saw the memories of him doing stuff on his bed. Foreigner is main character's friend's step brother. It looks like main character and foreigner are involved with the police. The current case is with SAPA (the gang which the gangster is involved with). The Gangster seems to be an important individual of that gang, a right hand of some sort.
Hope that clears up the confusion
U are the definition of a hero.. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~