girls * boys
I'm a girl, but for some reason, I want to be a guy. Now, don't co-found yourself, I don't want to do surgeries and have a guy's area. I accept that I'm a girl and I don't want to change that, but I would have liked to be a guy, you knew physically the guys are stronger it's scientifically proven. Of course women are strong, but most guys will always be stronger
than women. I'm a little disappointed to be honest. Because my parents give me every time things that consider what should be done by women, as a cook or do the housework. I wish my parents would consider me strong as my brother. I'd like my parents to think like me, like guys and women are both capable of many things. Of course, there are cases where guys can do better in some business and also women will be better than the guys in some business. In any case, I hope that if reincarnation really exists I would like to be a guy.

thank you very much to update