thankyou for informing us have a good rest
woah thanks to the last page now i know what’s going to happen to me because im such a heavy drinker dang it
Same bestie ( ̄∇ ̄") oh well *grabs the tequila*
just give me some vodka HAHAHHAHAHAHAA
woah this is it!! what a nice story and a happy ending i guess? HAHAHHAHAHA for me its a happy ending
arrghh!! i hate him now he’s like a cheating jerk like he thinks for the uke is just a toy!! and the uke’s brother? dang i dunoo what to say i just hate his existence in this story
why is it too short i want more though
gago sana magka tumor si louan at yansheng
thankyou uploader please continue uploading
please continue uploading dear door huhu
i almost cry
go yohan ripped victor off
thankyou for informing us have a good rest