I can't believe that guy had the audacity to be mad at her for posting this. It's not even revenge, she's just exposed what had happened to her.
So what? The girls who did that to her don't deserve that? Should they just apologize quietly and live a good life? Fuck him. It sounds like he isn't even on her side when talking like that tsstsstss
I'm seriously glad that manga came back, can't wait to see the father reaction and what punishment thé girls will have

It's my first time reading a Yuri omegaverse... I thought that Alpha Girls were supposed to have a dick, like hermaphrodites, to be able to impregnate their partners them being omega males or females...
Did I just had a bas idea or is it just the author style?

Well it's said that alpha's clitoris will enlarged to the size that can be inserted into the omega's vagina or so like that ( i literally search up this) more information here https://www.google.com/search?q=clitoris&oq=clitoris&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l2j0i390.4742j0j7&client=ms-android-hmd-rvo3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#
Can't she just fuck off already?