The main character has worms for brains. Of course the King does not have emotions for his children, he met them for the first time a 5 fucking years old. Also what was the point of making the children afraid of their father for no reason ? Lol this is so trifling. She really left five year olds alone for two days... those knights were social services at this point!

I mean back in the day that's what commoners had to do ya know? And in her eyes, he's an obsessive son of a bitch so it's not all that uncalled for to make them afraid of him. Also at their age, it's easier to say he's a monster or a demon king instead of actually explaining what happened. Honestly, everyone is so quick to judge and hate on the FL

May be a *spoiler*...
I know right! My issue is, “How did the shadow knights lose her and it took 5 whole years to find her?” It doesn’t make sense!( ̄~ ̄)And what gives... she taught the kids to be afraid of their father? He was never even unkind or cruel to her! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Good or bad, his blood does run thru their veins, too!
Plus, she could have at least been truthful about her pregnancy in her dreams... before she discovered the emperor was infiltrating them, of course... but she chose to bear the burden alone. But then she blamed him b/c he was supporting her from the shadows! WTH Is that really something to be upset about when it was her decision to hide the pregnancy in the first place? ( ̄n ̄) And now she’s acting like the typical woman who thinks the children belong to her only! Is she asexual? NOPE... (︶︿︶)

So all commoners got pregnant by royal families and went on the run when the father was looking for them? That's the standard you're referring to? Mostly likely it wasn't. Most commoners had a stable life In a commoners village with some kind of support system from other residents. What you failed to connect was the fact that most people were addressing and judging based off of her own behavior and actions. He did not seek her out for sex, she chose him out of a crowd. As someone working in the littleral castle of the king, you want me to believe she did know who the king was at all? Even if she was drunk? In the story, when has he ever harmed or treated her badly in any way? I can not recall anything significant. He treated women who were trying to marry him for his status badly because they were textbook gold diggers. It is completely wrong for her to make the children scared of their father with no basis! He was "obsessed" because she was carrying his fucking children, and she was still trying to be a damn knight (WHILE CARRYING TWINS AND BEING PUSHED DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS). She was literally not taking care of her self during the pregnancy. Also in what world is it better to be on the run with children under 6, giving them no kind of stability or a life to build on? She has not put her kids first since the were in her belly.
If you want to empathize with the main character for no reason, you can do that. Just do not do it under my comment! Like I said before, she has worms for fucking brains.

I'm saying most commoners had to leave their kids at home while they were young. Hell I know people who were home alone when they were 6 from 11am till 5pm. And she doesn't have to be physically harmed. The king said that he would kill any woman that came forward saying they were pregnant with his child after he found out she was pregnant(from her dreams). While that was a misunderstanding since she didn't know she was not included that still scared her, rightfully so imo too. Also what kind of virgin ass bastard threatens a pregnant woman that if she doesn't go back she'll be charged with treason and then proceed to fucking chase her around. Istg if he wasn't the ml everyone would feel bad for fl

I am not saying Chowon is right (at all... because he was dead wrong), but to be in a marriage with someone who has never even tried to love/care for you is rough and devastating. He handled it poorly, but people are skipping over how the alpha handled their entire marriage. A little kindness, or hell some backbone to not get married to someone you don’t care for, could’ve went a long way. Adding mental health issues on top of that is just crazy. I feel so bad that Chowon became so warped, but a simple apology from the Alpha could’ve also prevented a lot of his demise. Like... they took vows to LOVE, and be together in sickness and health.... and the Alpha just did not do his part... nor did her care to. He needs to apologize as well and admit his part that he played.
The writing makes the FL a bystander in her own life. A lot of her issue could be alleviated if she just open her mouth. Everyone cursing out the ML like the FL is a straight victim, she is not. The ML is acting an ass, but girl you are rolling over just taking anything. If you stand for nothing, you fall for anything. I feel bad for the daughter, a passive mom and a dad with amnesia
I like totally agree with you. But I think the background I sort of like, the FL knows the ML mother is a self-B. She suspects that her child could be in danger but I would rather her connect with the ML secretary and figure out the problem. But that’s just my opinion.
But you right the FL needs to open her mouth.
While I can agree we also need to understand , 1 Korea has different standards of respect so it’s harder to speak up. And 2. woman who are single with children are practically shunned from society to the point of demotion and being black listed from jobs 2
Agree with you, even tho I also agree with the above comments about the workplace culture + misogyny + general classist nature of the situation. What really gets me is she seriously doesn't have to sit through this. She can start applying for jobs NOW and try to go somewhere else where her boss isn't her amnesiac ex / baby daddy with a freak mother + her no.1 hater isn't her direct superior. Imo if she still feels bad, she can present him with the info and offer a paternity test / her proof & then go. & if she really dgaf about him knowing (which she doesn't LMFAO) then just quit bc ur workplace environment is shit. Why suffer?