Title Update Recommend
Comedy(18) 2022-01-13 0
Faves(12) 2020-11-06 0
Hmmm(32) 2021-09-05 0
Playboys tame by love(12) 2020-12-19 0
Promising according to others.hmm(53) 2020-11-13 0
Reread(3) 2020-11-09 0
SCANS MANHWA(4) 2021-06-03 0
Seems good. To lazy to add to want to read(72) 2020-11-13 0
To read.(19) 2020-11-09 0
Wil read if done(25) 2020-12-10 0
Y(11) 2021-01-26 0
bwaha(1) 2021-05-06 0
delete soon(3) 2020-11-09 0
lists(10) 2021-11-11 0
oh(14) 2022-02-06 0
proj ideas(3) 2021-05-09 0

Takumi's List Tags