well that was something.
First of all, Youngwoo was too impatient, leading to an unstable relationship, making him somewhat of a child.
Taejoo, Kwon, and Yoon have a total EQ of an emotional teenager.
Yoon and Taejoo are over, and Kown and Yoon just has a physical relationship. Yet both semes somehow get hurt by their own words.
Taejoo, baby, do what you gotta do to move on. Be stern as much as it hurts cause whats done is done.
Kwon made the rules but showed contradicting actions, wtf? Dont be like that. The communication between you two were less that Taejoo and Yoon's when Yoon was in a coma.
Cant blame anyone here, but goddamit does it hurt when yall are hurt unnecessarily.
srsly got goosebumps at every fking wholesome scene. so fking good.