The story follows Bum, a young mentally ill man with a difficult past. After becoming infatuated wit...
- Author: koogi
- Genres: Mature / Psychological / Horror / Drama / Webtoons / yaoi
Both yaoi and shounen ai (and a few non- BL) but all are so damn adorable and they healed my heart :’)
Ofc this list doesn’t have any rape or non- consensual activites, just cuteness and fluff~
(Feel free to recommend if you could feel a bit more happier~)
P.s I used “seme” and “uke” while specifying who fell in love first even in the shounen ai ones from their general vibes
Hearts don’t mean anything it just looked colorless
(~ ̄▽ ̄)~
Literally my favourite trope... the angst, the PASSION, THE TENSION.
List is open to suggestions!
Also, you'd make me rlly happy by recommending this list :))