Ahhh, I like the side story, it’s really nice seeing bdsm represented in manwha and manga - and good, healthy dom/sub stories are so hard to come by... but MD actively pushing Chanwoos boundaries after seeing he was hurt, and manipulating Chanwoo emotions during play like this is really stressing me out. MDs character seems like an experienced and respectful master, but now I’m really nervous for upcoming chapters seeing him act like this... a good dom would never. I’m worried that there will be some mis-managed sub-drop written in the future episodes... :(
Hello! It’s been a while since I’ve read a really good new manga or manwha, I feel like the ones I’ve seen in the featured or popular sections I’ve already reads/ am reading, and I’d like to read something new!! Share your favourite story that you think doesn’t get enough love and attention! (▰˘◡˘▰)
I finally decided to re-read and finish this story after dropping it when I realized who Haesoo would end up with... I definitely was team Taekyung and it didn’t seem fair to him, Haesoo or the audience. But now, after looking over it again fully knowing what was going to happen I think this is the only ending that I’d really be satisfied with. ( long thoughts...TLDR below...)
There were hints throughout the story about how Joowon felt for Haesoo - and the confusion about how to define a relationship like this given the circumstances felt genuine and realistic in hindsight. I really do still like Takus character, and it hurt my heart when they broke up even though he knew, and the audience knew, that it would end this way. In my opinion, I think all three parties grew from Haesoos relationship with Taekyung even if the story ended with Joowon.
I think Haesoo realized that he was willing to confront his confusion and trauma, and sacrifice his mother’s marriage for joowon - and that was his own way of truly, selfishly loving someone. ( just like Taekyung had asked him to do). Haesoo had someone hold him like a precious object, and through them, was able to address his internalized self loathing and doubts to eventually overcome those issues and it helped him develop in his career and in his eventual love-life with Joowon.
Joowon had to come to terms with the extent of the damage he caused by pushing Haesoo away at his stepmothers request, even though he knew that they liked each other. It forced him to take accountability, and commit to considering Haesoos feelings at the risk of his own career- and what it felt to lose the one he loved to someone else because of his own shortcomings. I think that Joowon suffered a lot because of his undeclared relationship with Haesoo - he had just always figured they’d be together in the end without any words of endearment spoken between them. Seeing Haesoo choose Taekyung rattled that ending he wanted and pushed him to decide and verbalize exactly what he wanted.
I think Taekyung’s friend said it best when she thought Taekyung was like a different person when he was fighting so hard to keep Haesoo, when he almost abandoned his own exhibition to go get him back - and called her silently crying after they broke up. Taekyung realized what love really was, and the lengths you’re willing to go to, and what you’re willing to put yourself through for the one you love. I think maybe Haesoo was the first person he ever really loved, and he took a chance and explored a different artistic perspective because of it - and that helped him grow as an artist and as a person. I think Taekyung was an unfortunate victim in Haesoos and Joowons development, but I don’t know if Taekyung would become the happy, successful photographer we see at the end of the story without them.
TLDR: I think the story is a realistic depiction of a long, messy, strung along relationship where all parties were hurt but all three grew from it. I think all along Joowon was the only person for Haesoo and that it was intended to be that way right from the start. But I still love Taekyung and I would die for him. :)