Okay okay okay so Geumsun continues telling 704 about his plan and 704 says now he gets to judge for himself and wants to help. He says if they can put themselves in danger why can’t he? It’s a reapers job in the first place. To catch Hwan Geumsun must have a reaper or a lot of reaper blood. Geumsun tells him this isn’t the first time he’s tried catching 704 and he’s used a person with strong spiritual powers in the past but if a reaper dies they don’t get to go to the underworld their soul just dies and he’s not going to let 704 give his life for this. 704 asks how he knows 704 will die. Is he God? Geumsun tells him to listen carefully, Geumsun made a deal with Yama to get something once he’s done (FUCKING KNEW IT) and he needs 704 to see it. He has to be alive to see it. Then San calls and Geumsun instructs him how to deal with Hwan. When the call ends 704 asks if San can handle his memories. Geumsun assures 704 San said he can. Then 704 asks what about Geumsun - he’s lived a long time - how will he handle reliving his most painful memory? Is he sure he will be able to survive being confronted with the memory that’s killed him in the past?

FINALLY!!!!!!!! It’s a cliffhanger but FINALLY!!!!

Only one more episode to part 2 as it ends next release at 73 instead of 75 as we were told several weeks ago.

I’ve been more worried about Geumsun this whole time than anyone as I had an inkling he was never going to put anyone in danger but himself and I think somehow 704 figured it out and confronted him - blindsiding him and us all. Or maybe he wasn’t planning to use himself but 704 is still too worried about his safety to let him go without addressing how painful Geumsun’s most painful memories must be to put him in danger of not surviving Hwan. Anyway, protective boyfriends 704 and Geumsun came out to fight today and we’re all winners.

Literally popped a bottle of champagne as soon as I finished processing. More angst ahead I am SURE but gotta celebrate while we can. Let me know your thoughts!!!

- Geumsun made a deal with Yama involving 704

- Seriously, where the hell is San?
- Yama, water u wearing?
2021-07-05 10:10 marked
I translated the whole chapter for easier analyzing, if you want the link just DM me!

Okay, chapter 70!

704 looking shocked, quickly assessing his feelings, and remembering that he’s angry is the funniest 3 panels I’ve ever seen. Adorable to grumpy cat real quick. I love him so much.

He tells Geumsun that reapers are humans too. It’s not like he can’t feel anything, he can tell how Geumsun has been treating him.

He reminds Geumsun that he said to turn off the water so they can have sex in bed. So bossy.

Geumsun says fuck the environment and insists that they should have sex in the running hot shower instead since it’s cold out, 704’s body is already cold and he’ll catch a cold. NOT HOW COLDS WORK, but ok, obligatory yaoi shower sex is a fate even this webtoon can’t escape I guess.

I s2g it feels like every yaoi webtoon has the obligatory shower sex, public bathroom sex, and car sex scene that’s always convoluted and never much logical so I guess we should be thankful this isn’t the worst set up.

Geumsun says 704 asked for this first so don’t complain and then enters him with some trouble. He says it doesn’t fit and asks if 704 prepped himself well. 704 says he’s already in, what doesn’t fit? Geumsun says he’s not even halfway in yet lolll and 704 has been blowing him, how could he still not know Geumsun’s size.

Side note, I've reread ch 69 a million times since and what's even better than 704's jumping Geumsun and making him feel shitty about it is that 704 does all this while also giving one of the world's worst blowjobs with so much confidence. 20 years of banging for yang and looks like his skills have not improved in the slightest. Amazing.

By the way, I was really curious there when Geumsun took off his jeogori-like cardigan and pants in the shower whether this was the chapter we’d finally see him fully naked but guess his nipples will remain as mysterious as his past for now.

A bunch of sex noises later 704 grabs Geumsun’s hand on his chest (awwww) and tries to get out a question about positions. He asks if they can face each other and then quickly questions the idea when, oops, it’s too deep.

Would have appreciated seeing more affection between these two but compared to last chapter when Geumsun kept his hands to himself and looked too afraid and nervous to touch I guess this is a ton of progress.

Cue more sex noises while 704 takes in Geumsun’s face, smiles, and asks if it’s that good for him. The confidence of this reaper I s2g.

Then, my favorite exchange of the whole chapter:

704: Look at me.
704: Who are you having sex with right now?
704: Take a good look at who you’re inside.

What a king.

Geumsun sets 704 down on the shower floor afterwards and asks why he’s upset that Geumsun saw another human in him. 704 says he wants to know too and came there to find out.

704 is bundled up in Geumsun’s bed in what can’t possibly be Geumsun’s white and pink hoodie and starts talking about his feelings. He reveals how long he’s been curious about Geumsun’s behavior, how he realized the things Geumsun did wasn’t directed at him, but he thought whatever Geumsun’s reasons were it was somehow directed at him anyway but how funny that it’s not really like that. (There’s nothing funny about it though ) The feeling was unfamiliar and 704 questioned why he’d be angry and why now and why would it matter what Geumsun saw him as.

So he came bc he wanted to check whether or not he’d really be upset.

And the last two lines is why it took me a whole day to process this. The subject is often not specified in Korean so even with consulting with several Korean native friends and awkwardly providing context, it’s unclear if it’s “But you’re angry, which is funny.” or “But I’m angry, which is funny.”

Still not funny, 704!!! Whatever human emotions you’re working on pls make humor one of them!

I think he’s referring to Geumsun here bc of his last look and the panic that struck Geumsun at the end of last chapter.

Honestly, if you know what it is definitively, please let me know!!

Didn’t expect much from this chapter. I figured we wouldn’t get any real answers until season 2’s finale anyway. I have no doubt these answers will come as cliffhangers and I’m already mad about it.

I think it’s unlikely Geumsun will be forthcoming with any info when he’s not sure why 704 is changing to begin with. The panic could be fear that 704 caught feelings and is now condemned to hell or hopeful suspicion that human 704 is returning. Either way I don’t think he’ll reveal anything. There’s a lot going on rn that probably takes priority. He’s suffered a lot to protect 704 so revealing the big secret right before he has to battle the big bad seems unlikely.

Strangely enough I think Hwan will be the one to inform both 704 and the reader just who tf 704 is, since taunting Geumsun seems to be his thing and they’ve all got to be meeting soon.

Side note: 704 bundled up in Geumsun’s bed again reminded me of the last time he was there. Better circumstances this time around but he also woke up in pink that time when Geumsun cleaned and dressed him. Are they his clothes he left? San’s clothes? Clothes Geumsun picked out specifically for 704 outside of Geumsun’s very specific & moody color scheme just to fuck with him? I love all options, honestly.

Also took me only a recent reread to notice but when Geumsun told San and Eunjae he was going to his room to rest and don’t bother him at the end of ch 56 he just went to go hide under the blanket 704 was wrapped in last time he was there from ch 46. Goblins technically don’t need sleep so he just wanted to go do that.

Looks like season 2 will end at ch 75. This is the second update in a row now that we’ve gotten an “incomplete” manuscript (in artwork only). The finished details, backgrounds, and coloring are incredible but the story alone is already a masterpiece. I really hope the author can better balance this perfection and take care of their health with the final 4 episodes because I’m super nervous how long the hiatus will be between seasons 2 and 3.

What We Learn:
- 704 is a total dom
- Absolutely nothing else

Questions Remaining:
- where the hell is San?
- will we ever see a shirtless Geumsun?
- speaking of clothing, what is Yama wearing? are we safe yet?
- did anyone else realize the Northerners are NOT Chinese and i’m just an idiot? some words in the webtoon have Chinese characters or translation listed (i.e.: San’s full name, title of Eunjae’s manhwa, Underworld names) and it has more to do direct pull from Daoist and Buddhist terminology instead. for example the Chinese character marking on 704’s neck has the character 卯 that means East which is Yama’s Court of Hell, omg ANYWAY, more on that later

hmu for the translated chapter if you want, i wanna know all your thoughts!

Past spoiler summaries, theory posts, and chronological timeline of events up to 58 favorited on my page and listed here: https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/1211715/
2021-07-05 08:12 marked
I get why people are uncomfortable about Geumsun and 704's toxic relationship but when you consider all the clues about their hidden history it really puts Geumsun's behavior in a different perspective. Yama is straight up using 704 to control Geumsun and it's making me hella nervous. Remember this exchange from chapter 51?:

YAMA: I could search the world and I wouldn't find anyone who knows Hwan as much as you do. Why else do you think I went through such lengths to keep you alive?
GEUMSUN: Who said I wanted that?
YAMA: Well, child, you need to stay alive to catch Hwan. At all cost. Whatever it takes, you must get him. You have a very good reason to, don't you?
704: *enters*

Geumsun remembers this exchange precisely when he's spying outside San's house. He implied he didn't want to be kept alive but still follows Yama's order to kill Hwan by killing San. It's clear 704 is what motivates him - going so far as attempting to do something he ultimately is unable to do - and Yama knows it.

I have a feeling Hwan is directly involved with Geumsun losing 704 the first time. While they face off in chapter 53 Geumsun tells San/Hwan that he's the 2nd person he's met with strong spiritual powers. The first died a long time ago.

Then this exchange:

SAN/HWAN: ...I'm not really interested in that.
GEUMSUN: Why not? You should be. Because they also happened to tell me, "...when the host dies so does the monster."

If 704 is the human with strong spiritual powers who could act as host and the one to realize this was the only way to kill Hwan, he might have tried to sacrifice himself to try to do so. Possible reason why Geumsun would want to cut Hwan's head off.

More evidence when Hwan taunts Geumsun the next chapter:

HWAN: Those who hold weapons get to choose who is sacrificed. Those without weapons become the victims. You haven't changed a bit, I see...despite losing everything because of that arrogance.

Everything = 704 ???

In chapter 4, right before they Bang for Yang Geumsun says to 704, "Who do you think is holding the handle of the knife right now? The people who are "right" don't matter. It's the people who hold the knife that matter."

Weird foreplay, bro. But also too eerily similar to what Hwan said.

If Geumsun thinks of himself as the one holding the weapon, he is choosing to sacrifice a great amount to protect 704. His very will to live has been wiped of all emotions, memories, and now resents him. Like, damn, that sucks??? Yet, he continues to keep 704 in the dark to protect him. We've seen him get angry at both Yama and San in the present timeline for involving 704. He tells Yama to "Keep him safe. Until I go get him again." like those are his end goals. Fuckkkk I wanna cry.

What worries me is that 704 is super intuitive and has figured some stuff out on own already. He already suspected from the beginning that San was not his mistake. I'm guessing he's picked up on how strangely Geumsun treated him too. Yama probably knows 704 isn't that easy to fool. If Yama is using everyone to kill Hwan at all costs and getting increasingly impatient, who's the better pawn? Geumsun - who Hwan refers to as an immortal sacred being and can't live with the memory of killing a human for all of eternity? Or 704 - who is a 'sinner' by definition of being a reaper and not bound by the same ethical and (I'm assuming) mortal restrictions?

Yama has been controlling Geumsun by manipulating 704 from the very start. He knows 704 is someone who wants to bare the burden of responsibility. Now that 704 is in his custody and asking questions, he could easily tell 704 everything. Geumsun would be forced to do everything to keep 704 out of it and 704 would probably do everything to get involved. That's a win/win for Yama.

On top of everything, the amount of times it's been mentioned that reapers and ghostly creatures are "natural enemies" is also worrisome.

In this essay, I will
2021-06-04 23:59 marked
Okay, sorry this wasn't as posted as quickly as all the previous chapters. I've been reading it over and over and over again and the summary could be deduced to a single sad line: "704 confronts Geumsun's hot and cold behavior by way of blowjob that doubles as revengeful lesson on consent".

If it wasn't so incredibly heartbreakingly sad it would be amusing to see 704 jealous of himself.

What We Learn:
- What a relief it is to see 704 address the dubcon/noncon in an empowering way and not have it swept under the rug
- Absolutely nothing else

Questions Remaining:
- where the hell is San?
- Geumsun makes such a face at 704's bow so clearly something happened with this weapon in the past?
- will 704/GS relationship ever be explained or will we all just continue collectively believing it happened with no concrete proof ever presented until the end of time like some shitty Mandela effect
- has Yama changed? are we safe?
- did everyone else know the Northerners were Chinese? or am I the only idiot? it took reading 944's name in Mandarin last chapter for me to realize.
2021-06-04 23:58 marked
Chronological Timeline of Events:

Many (Unknown) Years Ago (Not Shown) ~

• GEUMSUM (blue haired Goblin daddy) cut off HWAN’s head (black eyed ghostly monster giant)

• Afterwards, to recover, HWAN went into hiding and GEUMSUN slept for a long time

• During this time YAMA (red haired king of hell) recruits 704 (sleep deprived dark hair hottie with the eyebrow scar) as a reaper

20 Years Ago (Flashback starts mid chapter 50) ~

• GEUMSUM wakes up to news from YAMA that the death records are messed up due to a lot of “unknown deaths” because HWAN is eating up a lot of humans to recover quickly and get revenge on GEUMSUN

• The more spiritual sight a person has the better meal for HWAN so YAMA and GEUMSUN figure out SUH SAN (red-eyed, white haired human puppy with lots of spiritual sight) would make the perfect bait

• Sure enough, HWAN preys on SAN and even kills SAN’S aunt to weaken his support system to make him depressed and easier to possess and consume

• GEUMSUN can’t bring himself to kill SAN while HWAN is possessing SAN’s body and HWAN gets away

• GEUMSUN convinces SAN to help him bait out HWAN again by entering the underworld with his body and soul entact thus erasing his existence in the mortal world and all memories of him will be forgotten by HWAN

• YAMA makes 704 take responsibility for the “mistake” as GEUMSUN is not a registered Goblin and YAMA’s authority will be compromised as King if either of them make mistakes

• GEUMSUN gives SAN his energy and disguises him as a Goblin in the mortal world to hide/protect him from HWAN

• To rid 704 of his guilt, and thus developing more human emotions, YAMA asks GEUMSUN to have sex with 704 to give GEUMSUN more Yang energy he can transfer to SAN (non-sexually)

Couple Years Before Present Timeline ~

• HWAN preys on EUNJAE (grey haired emo cutie with strong spiritual sight) and kills his parents and dog to weaken him as he did with SAN’s aunt to more easily possess and consume EUNJAE

• EUNJAE becomes depressed AF ☹

Present Timeline (Starts at Chapter 1) ~

• GEUMSUN tells SAN to look out for a ghostly monster fitting HWAN’s description to test if HWAN still remembers SAN

• HWAN recognizes GEUMSUN’s sent on SAN and that scares him away from EUNJAE

• An unnamed GHOSTLY CREATURE with a vendetta against HWAN (seen under EUNJAE’s desk) possesses EUNJAE while HWAN is away to kill EUNJAE and destroy HWAN’s prey

• SAN goes after EUNJAE thinking he’s possessed by HWAN (without any direct orders or knowledge of who HWAN really is or anything about ghostly monsters in general bc he’s basically a golden retriever who doesn’t care to retain any useful information) and accidentally saves EUNJAE (who’s marked dead in the death records) and that’s where our story begins as 704 shows up to collect EUNJAE’s soul and begin to unravel the lies and secrets behind YAMA and GEUMSUN’s plans bc he knows SAN is too dumb to do anything on his own

• SAN has to babysit EUNJAE and protect him from HWAN while 704 tries to figure shit out

• SAN and EUNJAE develop a hesitantly caring and affectionate relationship over this time

• 704 and GEUMSUM’s “purely physically” relationship begin to deteriorate

• HWAN kills the Ghostly Creature who tried to kill EUNJAE. GEUMSUN sorta confirms by interrogating a ghost witness of the incident that HWAN has forgotten about SAN.

• YAMA is annoyed 704 won’t eat with him, pissed at GEUMSUN for drinking 704’s blood, and sick of all the other Underworld Kings nagging him about HWAN and GEUMSUN not doing anything so he lures SAN away and sends a Northern reaper and Northern Goblin after EUNJAE

• HWAN shows up as soon as SAN leaves and taps into EUNJAE’s memories learning bits about SAN and GEUMSAN’s plans. This sends EUNJAE into a bad nightmare memory trip.

• CHUGIN (blue haired Northern knock-off GEUMSUN) and SAN show up and both injure HWAN who runs away

• 704 brings SAN and an unconscious EUNJAE to GEUMSUN’s place and GEUMSUN heals EUNJAE physically with all his Yang energy

• SAN heals EUNJAE emotionally with his dick

• GEUMSUN confronts YAMA about putting everyone in danger, learns HWAN is hurt but still after him, and the most dangerous place 704 could be is next to GEUMSUN.

• Needing Yang energy and knowing he has to let 704 go, GEUMSUN forces himself on 704 and says some sadistic degrading things about 704 while doing so

• To keep 704 safe, GEUMSUN and YAMA decide 704 needs to stay with YAMA but he’d never go willingly so CHUGIN (who I guess is sticking around) kidnaps him

• GEUMSUN tells SAN the truth about his past and that he’s not actually a Goblin and none of it is 704’s fault

Ch 57-58 [SPOILERS] ~

• GEUMSUN spends a couple episodes in his burrito blanket missing 704 and remembers flashbacks of their first time


• Still unclear what YAMA and GEUMSUN’s plans are originally with SAN as re-hidden bait and how much HWAN knows now having seen EUNJAE’s memories

• Is there more history between 704 and GEUMSUN? How does YAMA know 704 is GEUMSUN’s type? What’s the history between HWAN and GEUMSUN? Why did YAMA say he could search the earth and no one knows HWAN as well as GEUMSUN does?



Sorry if it feels like I’m shouting character names at you - it’s easier for me to remember spelling and names in all caps.


Saw a lot of comments about confusion so I hope this helps.

As for complaints about there being too much talking, I just have to say - please keep in mind this story is more supernatural mystery than supernatural action.

It’s seemingly a psychological game of chess between Yama and Hwan so far and the 4 main characters are merely pawns trying to figure out what’s happening.

58 chapters released of the raws and some of those early mysteries are *finally* being answered so there’s not really a way to summarize and explain the first few chapters without spoilers.

The author has a knack for story structure and building plot suspense. It’s intentionally confusing to start but the reveal of all the unknowns is overall really incredible world building and clever storytelling. There’s great character development and a lot of investment in building the relationships and dynamics beyond just gratuitous sex scenes.

Even though it’s a fantasy, every character feels very 3 dimensional and relatable. Hwan included, somehow. There’s like a whole fan club thirsty for the ghostly monster. (Y’all need some holy water tho, lmao)


feel free to add anything important i’m missing below.

let’s get through this confusion together.
2021-06-04 23:57 marked

You know, when I started reading this new raw chapters were released at 5am for me but daylights savings happened so although I jumped forward in time 1 hour I now have to wait an extra hour until 6am to read the new release. It took me 2 months to understand this wonky time fuckery but tbh I’m not sure I really do so I’m sorry this isn’t going to be most eloquent summary bc = emotional + sleep deprived

I can’t stop crying over Eunjae crying. Eunjae wakes up and asks about San. Geumsun (who’s sitting and emoting alone in the dark) tells him San never existed, Geumsun tells him it’s all a dream he’ll soon forget and Geumsun will take his memories. Soon the world will be wiped of SAN’s existence and Eunjae’s memories of him will go first.

But Eunjae says San has to exist bc Eunjae wouldn’t have survived or still exist without San so the fact that Eunjae exists means San has existed and will continue to exist.

Eunjae doesn’t want it and starts breaking down saying San told him to wait a minute so he has to wait bc he still has so much to say to San. I’m BAWLING bc Geumsun’s tells Eunjae he will regret being the only one to remember bc he’ll be the only one to suffer it’s not worth it. Geumsun will make it so he doesn’t even remember what longing feels like and Eunjae says, “but that’s so sad”

Northern reaper comes to collect Eunjae who will be sleeping for a day. Geumsun tells them to be safe in which they respond they’re always the safest (yeah, NOT ominous at ALL) and says Geumsun should be safe too.

Then Geumsun is left alone thinking Yama is wrong with his parting words last chapter bc fate has never been on his side but then my baby 704 shows up casually complaining about the cold and ahhhhhhh.

I fucking called 704’s escape being part of Yama’s plan though???

Ch 60 react:

“ Chugin is very obviously going to help 704 escape or lose him somehow, right? We wouldn’t hear Yama give clear instructions of where to transport and how to imprison 704 otherwise. I mean, this is basically Chekhov’s escape plan, right?

If nothing in this world is a mistake and there is no coincidence, would this be another careful plan by Yama? Is he setting up Chugin now?! Am I just paranoid? Dammit, Yama, why do you have to be as sexy as you are untrustworthy? (╯°Д °)╯╧╧”

CALLEDDDD IT ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Is he actually really soft with Chugin though? Whatttt???? Weird seeing Yama being this chill sage like character now just giving up control and going with the flow of fate???? If you can’t fight fate then why be such a dick to begin with???

pretty sure the key word that connects all 4 characters mentioned in the author’s note after the season 1 wrap up is “fate”, right? Extra obvious for the English title but pretty interesting since the Korean and Russian titles/meaning are different. Anyone know and could pls explain the Japanese title? it’s all super interesting!

ANYWAY...maybe I’m totally wrong and way off but I think we may get a 704/Geunsum spin off????

The last chapter landed on Eunjae’s birthday and the author tweeted about drawing something for Eunjae’s birthday last year but missed drawing 704 and Geumsun’s birthday last year but will do it after season 2 concludes. In addition to the “main” story, they’re also working on other projects and will share the good news after season 2. so I’m hoping the good news is one of those other projects being a GM and 704 spin off??? And maybe that’s where their birthday drawings would be most appropriate. Because I honestly don’t know how they’ll fit telling both this story’s climax and Geumsun and 704’s back story in a satisfying way with only one season and some episodes left. The build up!

Also some clues (items surrounding Geumsun’s golden fan namesake in ch 20, official merch art) point to their time being set in an entirely different era so it would make sense to be a separate story? Honestly please no more flashbacks to the main story bc my timeline ( https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/10142407/ ) are starting to make me look like I need to be committed. https://imgur.com/UaLpJOK

Ughhh now we wait 20 days for chapter 69

Am I missing anything for chapter 68? Are you still crying too?
2021-06-04 23:57 marked

I cannot stand how hot Yama is. This is so annoying. I cannot deal with him this chapter. I had to set my phone down bc I wanted to throw it. God dammit this outfit. Lmao. When you have to dress to rule hell but also go viral on TikTok

EDITED to add summary post Yama meltdown -

- Geumsun lays out the plan:

[The Plan]
- Open ear door to San's soul enough for Hwan to go in and out
- Hwan will immediately enter
- Trap Hwan before he can leave

- In order to open the ear door the tone needs to be made stronger
- When humans become stronger in tone, all the painful memories in you can be heard
- Geumsun will inject painful memories back into San

- San mocks Geumsun for now showing concern.

- Geumsun gives another of his trademark "(...)" look which I'm pretty certain translates to "I still can't believe everyone thinks I'm the bad guy here, not surprised but this shit is exhausting".

- Geumsun says Eunjae shouldn't listen to the rest and he's asked to wait outside.

- San reassures Eunjae that they're doing this out of concern for him and he will be back quickly.

- Eunjae can't get a word in and is left outside thinking he's concerned for San too.

- San agrees to the plan but sets out his own conditions:

[San's Conditions]
- Don't touch Eunjae and 704
- Regardless of whatever they do
- Regardless of whatever they want
- Promise to keep them safe
- If Eunjae wants to reincarnate, reincarnate him
- If he doesn't want it, leave him alone

- Cue Geumsun's "Did someone mention 704?" reaction shot.

- Yama laughs and says if San can trap Hwan he'll think about it.

- San says he doesn't need an idea, he needs a promise. If San can agree to the crazy plan, Yama can at least do this. No deal if Yama doesn't use the throne he sits on to promise him.

- Yama asks if San's sass came back with his memories

- San says Yama got innocent people involved so he should be responsible.

- Yama honors responsibility as well as he does respecting other people's personal space as gets up in San's face to tell him it doesn't matter...

- ...But OK he'll promise on his throne to keep them safe.

- As he walks away, in the biggest dick move, Yama informs San that Eunjae is still of this world and can remain in it as long as they fix the death records while San is not.

- San will cease to exist and all memories Eunjae has of him will disappear along with San.

- Yama ask Geumsun why didn't he tell humans of this world to not be like him.

- Geumsun walks Yama out and Yama bitches that San used to never speak like that, did he learn that from Geumsun or 704? (Which really feeds into my Geumsun and 704 as San's adoptive parents headcanon and I would pay a ridiculous amount of money to read them imparting Dealing With Yama advice as part of their Goblin 101 lesson plans)

- Geumsun asks if Yama will send a reaper to assist and Yama says he'll contact him when they're ready and the reaper will be sent to the site in advance

- Geumsun just says OK. The lack of insults or snark makes Yama finally notices Geumsun's been quiet all chapter. (low on Yang/life source? low on 704? are they one in the same? ).

- Yama tries to cheer him up by imparting the least inspiring speech ever. Basically: If he's done all he can, leave it up to fate, just don't be sad if it's not on his side (lol, brutal), but Yama thinks it could be on his side (yay?).

- San tells Eunjae he will protect Eunjae, don't worry about it.

- Eunjae says he's not worried about that, he's just so worried about San.

- San gives the saddest forehead (goodbye?) kiss and tells Eunjae everything will be ok, just wait a little bit.

- Eunjae still can't get the last word in and wakes up alone in Webtoon's universally shared living room ( http://www.mangago.zone/home/album/177952/)
2021-06-04 23:56 marked
Will try to summarize but my brain short circuited at Yama in that hoodie.

I saw this story trending under comedy on the homepage and was super confused on how the f this is tagged as comedy bc I’m constantly anguished but god this chapter was so funny.

704 wonders how to get out of there and then figures he’ll knock Chugin out with a wine bottle. Chugin catches him doing so and tells 704 don’t even think about it, there’s no way to get out, not even with the powers of a goblin. 704 baits him and asks if Yama trapped him too which Chugin argues that he’s there out of his own free will, as a favor to the underworld (ahem, Yama) and can leave whenever. Then he promptly passes out. 704 surveys the door and sees that it’s clearly a key card lock. He wonders if Chugin hid it in the goblin blue fire realm. He sees his bow and thinks Chugin would keep it somewhere he can brag about. Then imagines a montage of Chugin bragging about Yama (“Yama gave me” / “Yama told me” / “Yama asked me”)

704 thinks “the blue guy” (LOL) sure likes bragging about all things Yama related to him and he really doesn’t know why. He finds the key card and thinks Chugin is an absolute fool.

Chugin wakes up alone and wonders why he passed out. I’m so scared for him facing the wrath of Yama.

Eunjae keeps trying to get San’s attention but he keeps zoning out. Eunjae thinks something is wrong and wants San to tell him but San keeps saying he’s fine. The door rings and Eunjae goes to get it. San remembers belatedly that it might be dangerous.

704? Nope. Surprise! It’s Yama (in an outfit I’m absolutely feral over).

Yama tells him it must be his first time seeing him. It’s not easy to see Yama in this world. San gets protective and tells Eunjae he doesn’t need to know who Yama is.

Yama says he should think of it as an honor.

Geumsun pops in and says what an honor. Too late to sing a song? God I love these two.

Yama waltzes past and tells Geumsun he can’t wait to hear the plan. Yama complains again about not having time.

Eunjae asks San again what’s wrong and San says he’s fine with the most unconvincing look on his face.

Geumsun says they should go to the room to talk.

2021-06-04 23:56 marked
Chapter 64 Reaction (Spoilers)
704 finally has all the time in the world to catch up on sleep!!!!! I’m so happy for him I could cry. Too bad thinking about Geumsun seems to be keeping him up though I hope he figures it out soon because I’m dying to know. Finally feel like we are so close. Last time it took 4 chapters from first voicing his suspicions about San to laying it all out and confronting Yama. Granted it was the same scene but we were interrupted by 3 episodes of sexy time flashbacks. Fingers crossed there will be no more sex for awhile. I think this is the first story I’m genuinely annoyed when sex happens and takes up multiple chapters because the plot is that good. I think we’ll get Geumsun and 704’s history answered by the end of season 1 (~chapter 70)?

When Yama said lock him up I was picturing like a dark cell but that’s some seriously luxurious Underworld imprisonment. Also looks like the story is heading towards reincarnation for all as the only possible happy ending? Makes sense. Yama has to pass a new bill to make an exception for San’s situation lmao that’s so funny to me imagining hell operating like an organized legislature.

Also, pretty funny that there are so many comments hating on Geumsun because they’re angry for 704 and all the while 704 is wondering why Geumsun is so helpful and caring towards him and how maybe it’s just because he’s a soft guy.
2021-06-04 23:55 marked
Chapter 61
As if all the flashbacks and timelines were not hard enough to keep track of, I take it chapter 61 is San recalling to Eunjae two different instances with Geumsun and 704 in the past regarding Yang and he thinks he’s a bad person because he accidentally hurt 704? When did these two conversations happen? It’s both in the living room of Geumsun’s new place but was this pre-Eunjae? Post-Eunjae? I’m trying to keep a timeline of events but l’m close to losing it. I miss 704’s death glare. It’s extra cute when he directs it at Geumsun. Idk why San is falling into a shame spiral rn with everything else going on but I guess I too would not want a united 704 and Geumsun looking at me like disappointed parents like that. Still working on so many thoughts and replies I got carried away with from the last update but will be starving for content with the long break til 62 so give me all your raw reacts pls.
2021-06-04 23:54 marked
[chapter 60 spoilers]



It’s cute that Chugin thinks he deserves to know what’s going on when it took 704 roughly 20 years to figure shit out. I mean, honestly Chugin, when you’re tasked with kidnapping and locking up Yama’s lead reaper one would assume Yama is not real big on transparency. How good does he have it in the North?

My baby 704 is so smart ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Confronting Yama to tie in the title reference. That’s my boy!!! You are perfect and can do no wrong, 704, because Fate Makes No Mistakes, baby!

Side note- Super curious if anyone could help translate the Korean title better and provide more insight? Something is definitely lost in translation for “Even Goblins Gather When There is a Bush”.

Chugin is very obviously going to help 704 escape or lose him somehow, right? We wouldn’t hear Yama give clear instructions of where to transport and how to imprison 704 otherwise. I mean, this is basically Chekhov’s escape plan, right?

If nothing in this world is a mistake and there is no coincidence, would this be another careful plan by Yama? Is he setting up Chugin now?! Am I just paranoid? Dammit, Yama, why do you have to be as sexy as you are untrustworthy? (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Yama: (RE: San) I don’t intend to kill him but that doesn’t mean he won’t die.

What the hell kind of cryptic answer is that?!

Ugh, remembering both San and Eunjae are orphaned victims of Hwan holding each other and finding comfort in one another at the end there broke my heart.

The callback to strong spiritual minds being deliberately broken by Hwan so the door to their spirit would open or widen for Hwan to enter reminded me of 704 explaining something similar to San on the phone when Eunjae was attacked and how, as a Goblin, San is the gatekeeper to Eunjae’s door. As long as San is standing guard Eunjae is mostly safe because Hwan would need to avoid or kill San to enter.

I wonder if Geumseon was also the Goblin gatekeeper responsible for guarding the door to a spiritually-strong-sighted-human 704 and whether or not being lovers came before or after. Both Geumseon and 704 have separately warned San not to get too close to Eunjae and when pressed why 704 says, “you can ask Geumseon.”

Geumseon explains that he’s an unregistered Goblin in the Underwood for being deemed uncooperative. Would make sense if he broke some rules for loving someone he wasn’t supposed to and failing to protect them or why he would have such history with Hwan.

This story is so intricately woven. There is so much foreshadowing planted in the dialogue and all these tiny details.

It’s so much fun to reread and pull apart these threads of repeated patterns or set ups that don’t get re-referenced until some 50+ chapters later.

There are so many formulaic BL out there that it’s super refreshing to have something we can dissect and share theories about and collectively feel excited about when we’re right. Anyway, thanks for powering through another Ted Talk lmao. Love to hear more of all your thoughts and theories! ヾ(☆▽☆)
2021-06-04 23:52 marked


We finally get an inkling of GEUMSUN maybe knowing human pre-reaper 704 hinted at!!! He says "I'm going to put it in. It won't hurt as much as before." in the first and second panel and 704 looks super confused.

He also touches 704’s neck, gets scolded at by 704 for doing useless things, 704 tells him they’re not dating (savage!!!), and GEUMSUN says “sorry, I was mistaken. Because you look a lot like the humans I know... So I keep looking like this"

Oh poor GEUMSUN. The first thing 704 talks about after GEUMSUN fucks him is to ask about SAN. Am I wrong for picking up hurt and jealousy from GEUMSUN throughout the whole story re: 704’s concern for SAN? Or is it simply frustration and guilt bc he knows 704 is really blameless?

And because of this attitude, 704 suspected it was not his mistake from the very beginning!!! Yet he went along with this BS Bang for Yang agreement for 20+ years anyways!!! 704, you dirty boy.

Can someone PLS tell me why smug Yama is so hot???

It’s 5am here I can’t believe I set an alarm for this story every 10 days. Fuck it’s so good.
2021-06-04 23:52 marked
Chapter 58 Spoilers
~Edited to add 57 spoilers at the end.
Yama coming in clutch with the matchmaking lol. I’m impressed that he can juggle his job as king of hell and still find time to freelance as Cupid.

I was really hoping for some deeper hidden past between 704 and Geumsun reading into:
- Hwan (while possessing San) riles Geumsun about losing everything last time they fought
- Yama tells Geumsun he has a reason to want to kill Hwan
- 704’s eyebrow scar
- the face Geumsun makes when he sees 704 for the first time
- Geumsun tells San he knew of a human a long time ago with more powers than San
- the need for blindfolds and snippets of Geumsun saying he hates sex with humans and the flashback with hands tattooed with 020 around his neck
- Geumsun tells 704 he had his memory wiped and 704 is not his real name almost like he knows 704’s real past?
- Yama tells Geumsun he knows 704 is just his type
- Geumsun doing all this work closely with Yama but he’s still not a registered goblin in the underworld? What’s with this?

But it looks like in chapter 58 Yama just asked Geumsun to have sex with 704 to get rid of 704’s guilt bc guilt will lead to more emotions like compassion and affection and reapers have their memories wiped so they can’t have emotions or they can’t last at their jobs and Yama wants to keep 704 around for a long time.

Really hope there’s more to it bc it’s real disappointing if their relationship all started due to Yama pimping out 704 to get rid of his guilt.

Also, the plan kind of backfired? In chapter 58, in the flashback when they have sex for the first time, 704 basically tells Geumsun to just put it in quick and pound away bc he doesn’t even have time to sleep (lol) and has to do this and Geumsun gets super frustrated/disgusted (remembers Yama asking him to do this and that he doesn’t even want to) but he takes his time to make it good anyway. Now in the present timeline, the last time they had sex, Geumsun treats 704 like a sex toy like he asked for their first time with no affection and it upsets 704 bc he’s not used to Geumsun treating him that way. In the end, looks like 704 developed emotions anyways??? Dumb plan, Yama.

Enemies-to-lovers is still good but really hoping there’s still more to their past. Or at the very least I want to know why Yama is so interested in 704.

Main ship is now 704xsleep. Poor guy.

CHAPTER 57: Flashback episode. Geumsun brings Yama documents for San. Yama says it’s unnecessary. Geumsun lingers. He asks Yama about 704. Yama asks him if he came to ask for sex. Yama tells him 704 is at fault but can’t take responsibility since Geumsun is taking care of San then suggests that he sleep with 704 to take responsibility. It will lesson 704’s guilt and give Geumsun a Yang food source. Then he teases that 704 is Geumsun’s type down to body and face.

Geumsun tries to kiss 704 but he blocks it and says “don’t do stupid things”. Geumsun hugs him anyways and tells him to stay still. Geumsun then asks what can 704 do for him then and 704 offers a blowjob. Geumsun tells 704 his mouth is too small (lol) and asks if he can teach him a few things.
2021-06-04 23:46 marked
Goblins take on the names of the objects they haunted, is that right? Maybe when Geumseun haunted a golden fan belonging to 704 or one of the other characters. Geumseun said he knew someone in the past with great spiritual power. Fans can also be weapons--perhaps he was a spiritual weapon, or something like that? I'm really curious.
2021-05-13 04:32 marked

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