progeny February 19, 2021 4:18 pm

Must protect Imae at all cost

progeny February 17, 2021 9:44 am

I absolutely lost it when Jaeyoung refers to himself as ‘hyung’ and Sangwoo ran away shouting “please don’t keep adding yourself to my family”

I read the first chapter today and then powered through the whole novel. This Sangwoo must be protected at all cost.

progeny February 14, 2021 6:58 pm

[chapter 60 spoilers]



It’s cute that Chugin thinks he deserves to know what’s going on when it took 704 roughly 20 years to figure shit out. I mean, honestly Chugin, when you’re tasked with kidnapping and locking up Yama’s lead reaper one would assume Yama is not real big on transparency. How good does he have it in the North?

My baby 704 is so smart ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Confronting Yama to tie in the title reference. That’s my boy!!! You are perfect and can do no wrong, 704, because Fate Makes No Mistakes, baby!

Side note- Super curious if anyone could help translate the Korean title better and provide more insight? Something is definitely lost in translation for “Even Goblins Gather When There is a Bush”.

Chugin is very obviously going to help 704 escape or lose him somehow, right? We wouldn’t hear Yama give clear instructions of where to transport and how to imprison 704 otherwise. I mean, this is basically Chekhov’s escape plan, right?

If nothing in this world is a mistake and there is no coincidence, would this be another careful plan by Yama? Is he setting up Chugin now?! Am I just paranoid? Dammit, Yama, why do you have to be as sexy as you are untrustworthy? (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Yama: (RE: San) I don’t intend to kill him but that doesn’t mean he won’t die.

What the hell kind of cryptic answer is that?!

Ugh, remembering both San and Eunjae are orphaned victims of Hwan holding each other and finding comfort in one another at the end there broke my heart.

The callback to strong spiritual minds being deliberately broken by Hwan so the door to their spirit would open or widen for Hwan to enter reminded me of 704 explaining something similar to San on the phone when Eunjae was attacked and how, as a Goblin, San is the gatekeeper to Eunjae’s door. As long as San is standing guard Eunjae is mostly safe because Hwan would need to avoid or kill San to enter.

I wonder if Geumseon was also the Goblin gatekeeper responsible for guarding the door to a spiritually-strong-sighted-human 704 and whether or not being lovers came before or after. Both Geumseon and 704 have separately warned San not to get too close to Eunjae and when pressed why 704 says, “you can ask Geumseon.”

Geumseon explains that he’s an unregistered Goblin in the Underwood for being deemed uncooperative. Would make sense if he broke some rules for loving someone he wasn’t supposed to and failing to protect them or why he would have such history with Hwan.

This story is so intricately woven. There is so much foreshadowing planted in the dialogue and all these tiny details.

It’s so much fun to reread and pull apart these threads of repeated patterns or set ups that don’t get re-referenced until some 50+ chapters later.

There are so many formulaic BL out there that it’s super refreshing to have something we can dissect and share theories about and collectively feel excited about when we’re right. Anyway, thanks for powering through another Ted Talk lmao. Love to hear more of all your thoughts and theories! ヾ(☆▽☆)

    progeny February 14, 2021 7:10 pm

    Not 100% confirmed verbally by any character yet but all signs point to yes. Them not being lovers would be the bigger plot twist at this point.

    progeny February 14, 2021 7:48 pm

    Never mind, answered my own question. Original title is a proverb

    Even a goblin can do tricks with bushes.

    A metaphorical saying that no matter how talented people are, they must be provided with certain conditions to show that talent.

    Super interesting because “Fate Makes No Mistakes” is something Yama directly mentions in chapter 60 and such a fitting title.

    Jessie February 14, 2021 9:07 pm

    Hello! First of all, I don't mind ur Ted Talks at all. They are wonderful, insightful and informative since it is downright unbearable to pore over the raws without having the slightest clue what is going on. Very much appreciated! I have been wondering about the name just as well. Our Russian guys translated it as "A goblin needs a forest, too", explaining that it is a Korean proverb, which means that everyone needs something to rely/hold on to, and if this happens, it empowers u in many ways, making ur vertually invinsible. It immediately makes GM' words pop up in my mind: "We all need something to hold on to whether it is an object, animal or a person. Without having it, we just fall". So probably it is really clever word play. I just can't categorise this gem of a story as simple yaoi. It is so epic, beautifully tragic, touching and very human. Rarely does a film/book invoke such an emotional storm in me, making me experience a wide range of different feelings. And what I particularly appreciate is the fact that the author doesn't create drama and conflict out of nothing by deliberately making the characters dumb, illogical or inconsistent. All the characters seem like real full-fledged people! And GM character is precious as many authors' common mistake is when they attempt to create complex, complicated, non-conformistic characters, they frequently make them act as jerks, trying to justify their actions by some kind of trauma. And then by some magic trick they become good, humble and affectionate. It doesn't work this way. Here the author managed to create the atmosphere of utter hopelessness and desperation. When the character acts the way he acts because he has no other choice, when he has to choose between bad and worse like always lose-lose situation. And despite all this, he tries to smooth out the edges and tie up loose ends as much as he can. 704' reaction is quite adequate and understandable. ( like OMG he doesn't fall in love with someone who mistreats him for no good reason. That is sooo refreshing). Yet, judging by his latest angry outburst he has developed some kind of connection?  Because he is clearly no longer satisfied with merely physical relationships. Otherwise he wouldn't have flown off the handle when Chugin taunted him about GM just sucking yang energy out of him. He obviously got offended by this "revelation" like that is the only reason why they have sex, which is unusual reaction since "bang for yang" was the initial deal. I guess he is really conflicted about how he feels about their "relationships". Maybe through all the years of physical relationships he has formed some kind of attachment and subconsciously started to want more ( a piece of affection) as it often happens with only sex relationships. He is genuinely concerned about San despite knowing that what happened isn't his fault, which another indication that he isn't as emotionally distorted as we thought in the beginning. What led to that is another question. Also, I like ur speculation about GM, being his gatekeeper. It makes a lot of sense. However, I pictured the beginning of their relationships differently. Remember this scene where Yama says to GM if he doesn't have sex, he isn't going to last long. And GM replies that he hates humans since they are rude and vulgar. Maybe 704 was the one who managed to see GM while he was wearing a shadow mask, which made him stand out, distinguishing him from other humans in a favourable way. Sometimes my imagination runs wild. Hehe...There are so many things about this work I would like to address, but that is going to be a real Ted Talk. Again, thank u for spoilers and interesting ideas! U are an angel.

    Stan Straykids February 15, 2021 12:10 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Syxx01

    No it’s not like that I can spoil if u want

    Stan Straykids February 15, 2021 12:11 am
    Not 100% confirmed verbally by any character yet but all signs point to yes. Them not being lovers would be the bigger plot twist at this point. progeny

    Their not I can spoil tho

    Pidapipo February 15, 2021 10:31 am


    Potatofujo February 16, 2021 6:22 am
    Their not I can spoil tho Stan Straykids

    Yes spoil pls

    Stan Straykids February 16, 2021 5:10 pm
    Yes spoil pls Potatofujo

    Basically he loves 704 but because 704 is a reaper he can’t feel emotions because if he does how can he oversee tragic deaths and send people to the afterlife so basically he tries to hint that he loves 704 but if he does get his emotions back Yama will send him to hell because then he’ll be ineffective as a reaper.

progeny February 12, 2021 11:30 am

I get why people are uncomfortable about Geumsun and 704's toxic relationship but when you consider all the clues about their hidden history it really puts Geumsun's behavior in a different perspective. Yama is straight up using 704 to control Geumsun and it's making me hella nervous. Remember this exchange from chapter 51?:

YAMA: I could search the world and I wouldn't find anyone who knows Hwan as much as you do. Why else do you think I went through such lengths to keep you alive?
GEUMSUN: Who said I wanted that?
YAMA: Well, child, you need to stay alive to catch Hwan. At all cost. Whatever it takes, you must get him. You have a very good reason to, don't you?
704: *enters*

Geumsun remembers this exchange precisely when he's spying outside San's house. He implied he didn't want to be kept alive but still follows Yama's order to kill Hwan by killing San. It's clear 704 is what motivates him - going so far as attempting to do something he ultimately is unable to do - and Yama knows it.

I have a feeling Hwan is directly involved with Geumsun losing 704 the first time. While they face off in chapter 53 Geumsun tells San/Hwan that he's the 2nd person he's met with strong spiritual powers. The first died a long time ago.

Then this exchange:

SAN/HWAN: ...I'm not really interested in that.
GEUMSUN: Why not? You should be. Because they also happened to tell me, "...when the host dies so does the monster."

If 704 is the human with strong spiritual powers who could act as host and the one to realize this was the only way to kill Hwan, he might have tried to sacrifice himself to try to do so. Possible reason why Geumsun would want to cut Hwan's head off.

More evidence when Hwan taunts Geumsun the next chapter:

HWAN: Those who hold weapons get to choose who is sacrificed. Those without weapons become the victims. You haven't changed a bit, I see...despite losing everything because of that arrogance.

Everything = 704 ???

In chapter 4, right before they Bang for Yang Geumsun says to 704, "Who do you think is holding the handle of the knife right now? The people who are "right" don't matter. It's the people who hold the knife that matter."

Weird foreplay, bro. But also too eerily similar to what Hwan said.

If Geumsun thinks of himself as the one holding the weapon, he is choosing to sacrifice a great amount to protect 704. His very will to live has been wiped of all emotions, memories, and now resents him. Like, damn, that sucks??? Yet, he continues to keep 704 in the dark to protect him. We've seen him get angry at both Yama and San in the present timeline for involving 704. He tells Yama to "Keep him safe. Until I go get him again." like those are his end goals. Fuckkkk I wanna cry.

What worries me is that 704 is super intuitive and has figured some stuff out on own already. He already suspected from the beginning that San was not his mistake. I'm guessing he's picked up on how strangely Geumsun treated him too. Yama probably knows 704 isn't that easy to fool. If Yama is using everyone to kill Hwan at all costs and getting increasingly impatient, who's the better pawn? Geumsun - who Hwan refers to as an immortal sacred being and can't live with the memory of killing a human for all of eternity? Or 704 - who is a 'sinner' by definition of being a reaper and not bound by the same ethical and (I'm assuming) mortal restrictions?

Yama has been controlling Geumsun by manipulating 704 from the very start. He knows 704 is someone who wants to bare the burden of responsibility. Now that 704 is in his custody and asking questions, he could easily tell 704 everything. Geumsun would be forced to do everything to keep 704 out of it and 704 would probably do everything to get involved. That's a win/win for Yama.

On top of everything, the amount of times it's been mentioned that reapers and ghostly creatures are "natural enemies" is also worrisome.

In this essay, I will

    bloomie February 12, 2021 12:22 pm

    Lovely post! Much appreciated!

    The next few chapters will really clear the clouds from how their relationship works, too, from what I've managed to gather from the raws. And it's really, really sad. Like, achingly, desperately sad. And Yama just... cruelly holds the whip hand aloft and really seems to be enjoying it! God, he's such a jerk. A sexy, sexy, bath-having jerk who happens to be a fantastic decorator. The atmosphere that fellow creates with lanterns... ahem.

    Anyway! Yes! Yama is ultra-manipulative and has basically engineered things to be the way they are between Geumseun and 704, and Geumseun is totally desperate and suffering intensely (while, because of reaper circumstances, 704 is just, like, "???"). How intensely is about to be shown, though I get that he comes across as a cold asshole early on. The hints are definitely there, however, and thank you so much for detailing all of them for us! (heh, the author even tells us that Geumseun has probably the warmest heart of the whole cast, I mean... it's right there. We're supposed to know this by now (≧∀≦) )

    Chubbub ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ February 12, 2021 1:19 pm

    Yasssss!!!! Great essay. I’ve felt off about his attitude but you’ve deduced quite a reasonable explanation and even addressed the ancient past that is yet to be properly explained in the story. I was taken back by Guemsun’s sudden aggressive treatment towards 704, thinking the author decided to change their past connection and back story for something more simpler. But you’ve managed to piece together that the author was using this as a misdirect and 704’s real past is yet to be revealed. Thanks for your in depth post (●'◡'●)ノ

    ... February 12, 2021 10:37 pm

    i literally just commented the San's ancestor thing as a reply to another comment.

    i also agree with the Yama using 704 to manipulate Geumsun theory.

    let me add another thing. i think Yama literally set up 704 to take the fall for San's situation. it didn't just happen. the fact that yama was overworking reapers to maintain the death records that Hwan was messing up; Yama used that to to set up 704 - by giving the death record of a natural death (which should be the easiest to collect) hours after it occurred while adding the words "send anyone" then evading 704's question why it took so long to process this death. Yama ensured that 704 will become part of situation not just as a hostage but an active participant.

    AND there was also the conversation where Geumsun asked if Yama asked 704 to proved the yand energy - this also backs your theory on how Yama is using 704 to manipulate Guemsun. the words "he is just your type" also hints at their history. as the conversation their last "session" wasn't enough.

    all in all this webtoon is a plot heavy, reading between the lines gem!

    Zari Benji February 13, 2021 5:17 am

    omg I actally read all that

    see, I told my teachers if it was interesting I would go through it (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
    thanks for the explanation

    Mynx June 10, 2021 10:38 pm

    Bang for yang... great post btw

progeny February 10, 2021 6:19 pm

Took me a second to realize that Law meant what he said about only wanting Jesse in his sights as he died. He had to “kill” Jesse to reset the simulation over and over again hoping Jesse would choose him and endured being proven again and again that Jesse would never choose him even if he made their circumstances more equal and made himself the only one Jesse could rely on. Jesse couldn’t trust Law’s personality because he was all over the place. To Jesse his memory is wiped each reset but Law’s been going through what feels like 20 years in a single day hence what seems like split personality is probably varied reactions to all the different repeated scenarios overlapping. If Law, the “admin”, loses sight of reality and dies in the simulation he dies for real. I think he reached his breaking point, chose not to test reality by burning himself that last day, and was giving up but Jesse finally caught on, wanted to die with him, and finally chose him. He implied Jesse would be stuck in the simulation if he died (maybe true, maybe not), so having gotten the love that he wanted he quit the simulation, was able to let Jesse go, and lied about being sick of Jesse and no longer having feelings. But in the end seems like he was ready to die all alone with the false images of Jesse on loop in his mind in that room.

    pssywillows February 14, 2021 10:36 am

    no way that makes so much sense

    omanga February 23, 2021 7:21 am

    yo thank you really, appreciate that explanation

progeny February 5, 2021 10:46 pm

Finally. A psychopath I can root for.

progeny July 6, 2021 1:10 am



We finally get an inkling of GEUMSUN maybe knowing human pre-reaper 704 hinted at!!! He says "I'm going to put it in. It won't hurt as much as before." in the first and second panel and 704 looks super confused.

He also touches 704’s neck, gets scolded at by 704 for doing useless things, 704 tells him they’re not dating (savage!!!), and GEUMSUN says “sorry, I was mistaken. Because you look a lot like the humans I know... So I keep looking like this"

Oh poor GEUMSUN. The first thing 704 talks about after GEUMSUN fucks him is to ask about SAN. Am I wrong for picking up hurt and jealousy from GEUMSUN throughout the whole story re: 704’s concern for SAN? Or is it simply frustration and guilt bc he knows 704 is really blameless?

And because of this attitude, 704 suspected it was not his mistake from the very beginning!!! Yet he went along with this BS Bang for Yang agreement for 20+ years anyways!!! 704, you dirty boy.

Can someone PLS tell me why smug Yama is so hot???

It’s 5am here I can’t believe I set an alarm for this story every 10 days. Fuck it’s so good.

progeny January 31, 2021 4:43 pm

Chronological Timeline of Events:

Many (Unknown) Years Ago (Not Shown) ~

• GEUMSUM (blue haired Goblin daddy) cut off HWAN’s head (black eyed ghostly monster giant)

• Afterwards, to recover, HWAN went into hiding and GEUMSUN slept for a long time

• During this time YAMA (red haired king of hell) recruits 704 (sleep deprived dark hair hottie with the eyebrow scar) as a reaper

20 Years Ago (Flashback starts mid chapter 50) ~

• GEUMSUM wakes up to news from YAMA that the death records are messed up due to a lot of “unknown deaths” because HWAN is eating up a lot of humans to recover quickly and get revenge on GEUMSUN

• The more spiritual sight a person has the better meal for HWAN so YAMA and GEUMSUN figure out SUH SAN (red-eyed, white haired human puppy with lots of spiritual sight) would make the perfect bait

• Sure enough, HWAN preys on SAN and even kills SAN’S aunt to weaken his support system to make him depressed and easier to possess and consume

• GEUMSUN can’t bring himself to kill SAN while HWAN is possessing SAN’s body and HWAN gets away

• GEUMSUN convinces SAN to help him bait out HWAN again by entering the underworld with his body and soul entact thus erasing his existence in the mortal world and all memories of him will be forgotten by HWAN

• YAMA makes 704 take responsibility for the “mistake” as GEUMSUN is not a registered Goblin and YAMA’s authority will be compromised as King if either of them make mistakes

• GEUMSUN gives SAN his energy and disguises him as a Goblin in the mortal world to hide/protect him from HWAN

• To rid 704 of his guilt, and thus developing more human emotions, YAMA asks GEUMSUN to have sex with 704 to give GEUMSUN more Yang energy he can transfer to SAN (non-sexually)

Couple Years Before Present Timeline ~

• HWAN preys on EUNJAE (grey haired emo cutie with strong spiritual sight) and kills his parents and dog to weaken him as he did with SAN’s aunt to more easily possess and consume EUNJAE

• EUNJAE becomes depressed AF ☹

Present Timeline (Starts at Chapter 1) ~

• GEUMSUN tells SAN to look out for a ghostly monster fitting HWAN’s description to test if HWAN still remembers SAN

• HWAN recognizes GEUMSUN’s sent on SAN and that scares him away from EUNJAE

• An unnamed GHOSTLY CREATURE with a vendetta against HWAN (seen under EUNJAE’s desk) possesses EUNJAE while HWAN is away to kill EUNJAE and destroy HWAN’s prey

• SAN goes after EUNJAE thinking he’s possessed by HWAN (without any direct orders or knowledge of who HWAN really is or anything about ghostly monsters in general bc he’s basically a golden retriever who doesn’t care to retain any useful information) and accidentally saves EUNJAE (who’s marked dead in the death records) and that’s where our story begins as 704 shows up to collect EUNJAE’s soul and begin to unravel the lies and secrets behind YAMA and GEUMSUN’s plans bc he knows SAN is too dumb to do anything on his own

• SAN has to babysit EUNJAE and protect him from HWAN while 704 tries to figure shit out

• SAN and EUNJAE develop a hesitantly caring and affectionate relationship over this time

• 704 and GEUMSUM’s “purely physically” relationship begin to deteriorate

• HWAN kills the Ghostly Creature who tried to kill EUNJAE. GEUMSUN sorta confirms by interrogating a ghost witness of the incident that HWAN has forgotten about SAN.

• YAMA is annoyed 704 won’t eat with him, pissed at GEUMSUN for drinking 704’s blood, and sick of all the other Underworld Kings nagging him about HWAN and GEUMSUN not doing anything so he lures SAN away and sends a Northern reaper and Northern Goblin after EUNJAE

• HWAN shows up as soon as SAN leaves and taps into EUNJAE’s memories learning bits about SAN and GEUMSAN’s plans. This sends EUNJAE into a bad nightmare memory trip.

• CHUGIN (blue haired Northern knock-off GEUMSUN) and SAN show up and both injure HWAN who runs away

• 704 brings SAN and an unconscious EUNJAE to GEUMSUN’s place and GEUMSUN heals EUNJAE physically with all his Yang energy

• SAN heals EUNJAE emotionally with his dick

• GEUMSUN confronts YAMA about putting everyone in danger, learns HWAN is hurt but still after him, and the most dangerous place 704 could be is next to GEUMSUN.

• Needing Yang energy and knowing he has to let 704 go, GEUMSUN forces himself on 704 and says some sadistic degrading things about 704 while doing so

• To keep 704 safe, GEUMSUN and YAMA decide 704 needs to stay with YAMA but he’d never go willingly so CHUGIN (who I guess is sticking around) kidnaps him

• GEUMSUN tells SAN the truth about his past and that he’s not actually a Goblin and none of it is 704’s fault

Ch 57-58 [SPOILERS] ~

• GEUMSUN spends a couple episodes in his burrito blanket missing 704 and remembers flashbacks of their first time


• Still unclear what YAMA and GEUMSUN’s plans are originally with SAN as re-hidden bait and how much HWAN knows now having seen EUNJAE’s memories

• Is there more history between 704 and GEUMSUN? How does YAMA know 704 is GEUMSUN’s type? What’s the history between HWAN and GEUMSUN? Why did YAMA say he could search the earth and no one knows HWAN as well as GEUMSUN does?



Sorry if it feels like I’m shouting character names at you - it’s easier for me to remember spelling and names in all caps.


Saw a lot of comments about confusion so I hope this helps.

As for complaints about there being too much talking, I just have to say - please keep in mind this story is more supernatural mystery than supernatural action.

It’s seemingly a psychological game of chess between Yama and Hwan so far and the 4 main characters are merely pawns trying to figure out what’s happening.

58 chapters released of the raws and some of those early mysteries are *finally* being answered so there’s not really a way to summarize and explain the first few chapters without spoilers.

The author has a knack for story structure and building plot suspense. It’s intentionally confusing to start but the reveal of all the unknowns is overall really incredible world building and clever storytelling. There’s great character development and a lot of investment in building the relationships and dynamics beyond just gratuitous sex scenes.

Even though it’s a fantasy, every character feels very 3 dimensional and relatable. Hwan included, somehow. There’s like a whole fan club thirsty for the ghostly monster. (Y’all need some holy water tho, lmao)


feel free to add anything important i’m missing below.

let’s get through this confusion together.

    hagusa January 31, 2021 4:34 pm


    JustAGirlNamedAstrid January 31, 2021 4:39 pm

    This helps a lot thankkk youuu!!!

    Angel January 31, 2021 4:41 pm

    THANK YOU SO MUCH (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    afroluv January 31, 2021 4:54 pm

    Wasn't confused, but love your synopsis nonetheless

    Tobio's gf January 31, 2021 5:18 pm


    progeny January 31, 2021 5:27 pm
    Wasn't confused, but love your synopsis nonetheless afroluv

    Much appreciated! Thanks for reading!! :)

    Giorgiaa January 31, 2021 5:52 pm

    Thank you so much for the recap. I had forgotten about some stuff.
    "SAN heals EUNJAE emotionally with his dick" made me laugh so much ugh

    I want 704 and Geumsun to be happy together ufff

    Liz January 31, 2021 5:52 pm

    This is amazing, tysm!!!

    ELathem January 31, 2021 5:56 pm

    Omg tysm! The recap definitely helped keep the complicated storyline together!

    minnn January 31, 2021 6:06 pm

    you're a life saver!!!

    MangafanGURL January 31, 2021 6:14 pm

    Made it easier for me to understand the story as I just started reading it and was a bit confused about all the connections!!!!

    potatosalad January 31, 2021 6:25 pm

    thank u! ff this

    TrueGemini January 31, 2021 6:46 pm

    You ate this explanation up.

    progeny January 31, 2021 7:20 pm
    Thank you so much for the recap. I had forgotten about some stuff. "SAN heals EUNJAE emotionally with his dick" made me laugh so much ughI want 704 and Geumsun to be happy together ufff Giorgiaa

    Lol glad you laughed!
    Originally I had this part listed as:
    • SAN and EUNJAE have make up sex
    • 704 and GEUMSUN have break up sex
    But it made me too sad :(

    nina0628 January 31, 2021 7:54 pm

    Dude, you should put this explanation on the summary so everyone can read this after all this chapters. TYSM for all the work!

    Ashlyn January 31, 2021 8:38 pm

    I accidentally downvoted but I meant to upvote, your summary is excellent, thank you.

    Hey you!! February 1, 2021 7:14 am

    *San heals eunjae emotionally with his dick

progeny January 24, 2021 9:24 pm

Hate the idea of an open relationship because you just can’t relate? Here’s a fun idea: GET OVER YOURSELF . Polyamory and open relationships are some of the healthiest relationships I know of personally with the right partners. To say nothing of the fact that other people’s life choices has nothing to do with you or your own narrow minded preferences and still deserve respect. Even if it may seem like Miho is not poly herself, she is still accepting of Nao and is on board with keeping their relationship open. There’s commitment and understanding from both sides so why are you mad? It’s all about communication, trust, and understanding each other’s needs and above all - CONSENT, CONSENT, CONSENT. From the very first chapter this QUEEN had shown to be so comfortable with all 3 of them and their shenanigans and even waits to not interrupt Nao and a Chika out of respect later on. She even gives advice to Chika like a friend or sister and shows no jealousy or ill will towards any of them. Stop projecting your own insecurities. Respect Miho for the queen that she is. Sexuality is fluid and a spectrum. She could be ace for all you know and just romantically hetero. ANYWAY/ You’re missing the epic romantic growth and character development between Ryo, Chika, and Nao hung up on something so judgmental and it’s a damn shame.

progeny January 23, 2021 1:08 am

Any one else caught up on the official release (chapter 54)? Because H O L Y S H I T. [spoilers]
I really did not expect the way Noah died. Never been a big fan of Stockholm syndrome but Dylan breaks my heart and it’s good but also hurts to see that Noah isn’t a full psychopath. Hope this gets officially translated or picked up soon it’s so good.

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