Omg asked a question

Looking for a yaoi where the uke is in a gang or yakzua

Omg created a topic of Nomi×Shiba
Omg created a topic of Waterside Night

Bro the new cover photo had me thinking this was a new thing. I was like I dont remember this?? And the blonde guys hair looked like feathers I was like bird person what??

Omg asked a question

How can the creator of bj alex create something above average (bj alex) then go on to create jinx?? So gross tbh

Omg asked a question

Yoai where seme is mean/cold but not like abusive or sexually abusive!! Then they make up or the uke gets into a better relationship idk. Angst.

Omg asked a question

Yaois where the seme gets flustered a lot by the uke? Where the uke is very flirty

Omg asked a question

Yaois where they first have that mean flirty talking stage? Like not mean mean just jokey mean, do you know what I mean?

Ok is the blonde guy in the first chapter (the guy that RAISED the uke) the seme? Idk maybe the seme is a dif blonde guy I can't tell sp far. i don't wanna read on if the seme is the guy who raised him. That's just weird and grooming behavior..

Omg asked a question

Yaoi where the bottom is a vampire?

Omg created a topic of Waterside Night

How is he already obsessed? He's already saying he can't live without him.. what's the timeline here? I thought they've only known each other for 3 months max. He's moving to fast and his smile is scaring me. He better not be up to no good!

Omg asked a question
Omg created a topic of My Blissful Marriage

Ohhhhhhhhh updateèee

Omg followed a list
25 09,2023
Omg asked a question

Looking for like praise kink yoai like Ii Ko ni Dekitara Hometekure yk like not so much hard-core bsdm

Omg followed a list
15 09,2023